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So how much water can you get from an inch of snow? And how much of that water will make it to your reservoir? And if the water has to travel over 300 miles through 3 dams to get to its final destination by Friday, at what time on which day do you have to release it?

If you enjoy the challenge of answering these kinds of questions, you may see a career with Reclamation's talented hydrologic staff in your future. The management of water - from the time it falls from the heavens to delivery at the faucet - is a complex activity that is influenced by hundreds of factors. Forecasting water supply and flows to ensure the uninterrupted delivery of this resource to millions of people takes a skilled person who can analyze many factors and schedule for every sort of contingency. Whether it be increasing power output from our hydroelectric plants to respond to energy needs, or minimizing the threat of floods from a melting snowfall hundreds of miles away, the finely-tuned balancing act of managing reservoirs, rivers, dams and canals is a daily challenge. If you feel you have the unique talents to take this on, join the Reclamation team that manages the vital rivers of the West.



Vertical Line

Administrative Support Specialists


Civil EngineeringTechnicians

Computer Specialists


Engineering Equipment Operators

Hydroelectric Plant Mechanics


Natural Resource Specialists

Powerplant Control Room Operators

Student Programs

. . . and more

For Questions and Comments
Last revised: March 10, 2009