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Company Level Imports

Sep 27, 2012

Imports data at the company level collected from the EIA-814 Monthly Imports Report

Monthly Biodiesel Production Report

Sep 27, 2012

The U.S. Energy Information Administration released new data today showing national and regional monthly biodiesel production for July 2012. In addition to biodiesel production, data included producer sales, producer stocks, and feedstock inputs.

Petroleum Supply Monthly

Sep 27, 2012

Supply and disposition of crude oil and petroleum products on a national and regional level. The data series describe production, imports and exports, movements and inventories.

Annual Energy Review

Sep 27, 2012

EIA's most comprehensive record of historical annual integrated energy statistics. U.S. primary energy production reached a record high of 78 quadrillion Btu in 2011. Primary energy consumption equaled 97 quadrillion Btu in 2011, down slightly from the 2010 level.

Electric Sales, Revenue, and Average Price

Sep 27, 2012

Electric Sales, Revenue, and Average Price updated with 2011 data.

Iraqi crude oil production approaching highest level in decades

Sep 27, 2012

Estimated Iraqi oil production surpassed 3 million barrels per day (bbl/d) in July 2012, the highest level since the end of the Gulf War in 1990. Increased investment in Iraq's petroleum industry and export infrastructure underpin these production gains. However, many factors still constrain the Iraqi oil industry from reaching its full production potential.

Solar Photovoltaic Cell/Module Shipments Report 2011

Sep 26, 2012

Total shipments of PV modules were up nearly 43 percent in 2011 from the 2010 level, hitting a new record high of 3,772,075 peak kilowatts.

Monthly Energy Review

Sep 26, 2012

EIA's most comprehensive report on recent integrated energy statistics. Preliminary data indicate that, in June 2012, total energy consumption in the U.S. commercial sector equaled 1.4 quadrillion Btu, a 1-percent decrease from June 2011.

Attributes of crude oil at U.S. refineries vary by region

Sep 26, 2012

Crude oil has unique qualities and commands different prices depending on these qualities. In addition to quality considerations, location and local refining capability influence a crude's value. Two key characteristics of crude oil are density and sulfur content. Density ranges from light to heavy, while sulfur content is characterized as sweet or sour

Within the past week

Industries consumed more than 30% of U.S. energy in 2011

Sep 25, 2012
The U.S. industrial sector was responsible for more than 30% of total U.S. energy consumption in 2011. While the term "industrial sector" may sound remote to the general public, its impact on daily life is highlighted by the wide range of industrial activities represented by the products and equipment found at a local supermarket.

East China Sea Regional Analysis Brief

Sep 25, 2012
Though underexplored, the East China Sea may have abundant oil and natural gas resources. Both China and Japan are interested in extracting hydrocarbon resources, especially natural gas, from the East China Sea to help meet domestic demand. However, unresolved territorial disputes regarding the China/Japan sea boundary and sovereignty over several contested islands continue to hinder exploration and development in the area.

Electricity Monthly Update

Sep 24, 2012
This issue contains a feature article that discusses the energy efficiency resource standards of each State. Also, July 2012 was the hottest July on record for the continental United States. However, population-weighted cooling degree days actually decreased by 0.7 percent from July 2011. The average cost of electricity fell in all sectors compared to July 2011, with total average revenues decreasing 2.1 percent from the previous year. Coal stocks decreased for the third month in a row, after increasing for eight straight months from August 2011 to April 2012.

EIA improves its monthly propane imports series

Sep 24, 2012
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) recently updated its Petroleum Supply Monthly data series for propane as part of a continual effort to improve the quality of its information. As a result, EIA's May 2012 Petroleum Supply Monthly data showed a sharp apparent increase (71 thousand barrels per day) in U.S. imports of propane compared to April 2012.

Electric Power Monthly

Sep 24, 2012
Data are for July 2012, during which net generation in the United States fell 0.8 percent from the July 2011 level. Consumption of coal for power generation fell 14.7 percent compared to July 2011. The average retail price of electricity for July 2012 was 10.35 cents per kilowatthour, down 2.1 percent from where it had been in July 2011.

Green Pricing and Net Metering Programs 2010

Sep 24, 2012
This report provides detailed information on the number of electric industry participants and their customers in these programs for 2010. The number of customers in green pricing programs grew by 8 percent in 2010, reaching a new high of 1,216,582 out of a nationwide customer base of 144,140,258. The number of net metering customers reached a new high of 155,841 in 2010, 61 percent more than in 2009.

Prime Supplier Report

Sep 24, 2012
The latest Prime Supplier Report presents data collected through July 2012 on Form EIA—782C, "Monthly Report of Prime Supplier Sales of Petroleum Products Sold for Local Consumption." These data measure primary petroleum product deliveries into the States where they are locally marketed and consumed.

Economic growth continues to drive China's growing need for energy

Sep 21, 2012
China is the world's largest energy consumer. China's economy, which has grown at an average real rate of about 10 percent per year over the last 10 years, is a key driver of the increase in energy consumption, both in China and internationally. Economic growth in China is still robust—China's gross domestic product grew an estimated 7.8% in the first half of 2012—but its growth is slower than in recent years, as is its growth in energy consumption. EIA's China Country Analysis Brief details its energy use, production, and industry.

Within the past 30 days

Form EIA-861 Annual Data File for 2011

Sep 20, 2012
Contains spreadsheets with retail and wholesale electricity sales and revenue data from the 2011 Form EIA-861. The files contain electricity sales, revenue and price data, as well as Demand Side Management (DSM), Green Pricing, Net Metering, Dispersed and Distributed generation data. The data covers all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. territories.

Electricity Wholesale Market Data

Sep 20, 2012
Spreadsheets contain peak prices, volumes, and the number of transactions at ten electricity trading hubs covering most regions of the United States. Data from ICE (IntercontinentalExchange) through September 14, 2012.

Trading Point: Central Appalachian (CAPP) coal spot prices affect markets for coal and electric power

Sep 20, 2012
Central Appalachian (CAPP) coal spot prices are the most widely referenced prices for eastern coal in the United States. Coal producers, electric utilities, merchant generators, non-utility industrial coal users, and other energy marketers use CAPP spot prices as a benchmark in both physical and financial transactions for short-term and long-term contracts. Changes in CAPP spot prices can affect fuel procurement and power dispatch decisions.

Trading Point: Central Appalachian (CAPP) is the nation's benchmark price for eastern coal

Sep 19, 2012
Central Appalachian (CAPP) coal spot prices are the most widely referenced prices for eastern coal in the United States. Coal producers, electric utilities, merchant generators, non-utility industrial coal users, and other energy marketers use CAPP spot prices as a benchmark in both physical and financial transactions for short-term and long-term contracts.

Kazakhstan Country Analysis Brief

Sep 18, 2012
Kazakhstan is a major oil producer and continued development of its giant oilfields Tengiz, Karachaganak, and Kashagan will be key to its future oil production growth. However, the country is land-locked and lies a great distance from international oil markets, and development of additional export capacity will be necessary for production growth.

Russia Country Analysis Brief

Sep 18, 2012
Russia ranks among top two of the world’s natural gas and oil producer, and it is a major exporter of both. Russia’s economy largely depends on energy exports. The energy sector is Russia is dominated by domestic firms, and although some efforts were made to attract investment, foreign companies continue to experience difficulties operating in Russia.

More recycling raises average energy content of waste used to generate electricity

Sep 18, 2012
Most municipal solid waste (MSW) used to generate electricity contains both biogenic and non-biogenic components. As consumers recycle or recover more biogenic waste (such as food waste and yard clippings) and discard more non-biogenic waste (such as plastics and metals), the biogenic portion of municipal solid waste decreases. Since non-biogenic material has a higher heat content, the average heat content of MSW as a whole is increasing, making it a more efficient fuel for producing electricity.

Canada Country Analysis Brief

Sep 18, 2012
Canada is the largest foreign supplier of energy to the United States and is an especially significant producer of conventional and unconventional oil, natural gas, and hydroelectricity. Canada's unconventional oil sands are a significant contributor to the recent and expected growth in the world's liquid fuel supply and comprise the vast majority of the country's proven oil reserves, which rank third globally.

Municipal solid waste plants convert garbage to electricity

Sep 17, 2012
Waste-to-energy plants burn municipal solid waste (MSW) to generate electricity or heat. At the plant, MSW is unloaded from collection trucks and shredded or processed to ease handling. The waste is fed into a combustion chamber to be burned. The heat released from burning the MSW is used to produce steam, which turns a turbine to generate electricity.

Projected Alaska North Slope oil production at risk beyond 2025 if oil prices drop sharply

Sep 14, 2012
Oil production on Alaska's North Slope, which has been declining since 1988, is transported to market through the TransAlaska Pipeline System (TAPS). Because TAPS needs to maintain throughput above a minimum threshold level to remain operational, its projected lifetime depends on continued investment in North Slope oil production that itself depends on future oil prices. In the Annual Energy Outlook 2012 low oil price case, North Slope production would cease and TAPS would be decommissioned, which could occur as early as 2026.

EIA survey shows Gulf Coast natural gas plants recovering from hurricane outages

Sep 13, 2012
In response to Hurricane Isaac, EIA invoked its emergency-activation survey Form EIA-757B. The survey showed that Isaac caused considerable disruption to natural gas processing infrastructure.

Working natural gas storage capacity grows 3% year-over-year

Sep 12, 2012
EIA estimates that the demonstrated peak working gas capacity for underground storage in the Lower 48 states rose 3%, or 136 billion cubic feet (Bcf), to 4,239 Bcf in 2012 compared with 2011. EIA's report compares data from April to April; since April 2012, EIA analysts said 7.5 Bcf has been added to working gas storage capacity cited in the report, and they estimated that another 32 Bcf could potentially be added by year-end.

Peak Underground Working Natural Gas Storage Capacity

Sep 12, 2012
The annual update of the Peak Underground Working Natural Gas Storage Capacity report, featuring working gas capacity levels as of April 2012, has been released. The demonstrated peak working gas capacity for U.S. underground working natural gas storage for the lower-48 States is estimated at 4,239 billion cubic feet (Bcf) as of April 30, 2012, an increase about 3 percent since last year at this time. Working gas design capacity also increased by about 1 percent, to 4,498 Bcf. The field-level data as of December 31, 2011 are available in the Natural Gas Information Query System.

Pad drilling and rig mobility lead to more efficient drilling

Sep 11, 2012
Developments in drilling methods and technology, such as "pad" drilling, are leading to efficiency gains for oil and natural gas producers.

Short-Term Energy Outlook - Market Prices and Uncertainty Report

Sep 11, 2012
Crude oil prices rose during the first half of August and were relatively constant during the second half of the month, remaining at the higher levels. The Brent and WTI crude oil benchmarks settled at $113.49 and $95.53 per barrel, respectively, on September 6, with Brent increasing by $7.53 per barrel and WTI increasing by $6.62 per barrel since August 1. Both Brent and WTI have been in narrow trading ranges over the last few weeks, with settlement prices for Brent and WTI staying within $3 dollar per barrel ranges since August 17.

Short-Term Energy Outlook

Sep 11, 2012
Higher crude oil prices, refinery outages, a pipeline disruption, and concerns over Hurricane Isaac's impact on the Gulf Coast, the United States' major refining region, contributed to higher gasoline prices during August. EIA has increased the average regular-gasoline retail price forecast for the third quarter of 2012 to $3.66 per gallon from $3.49 per gallon in last month's Outlook. EIA expects retail gasoline prices to begin declining later this month as the gasoline market recovers and transitions from summer-grade to winter-grade gasoline specifications.

STEO radio spots

Sep 11, 2012
EIA launched its energy news radio service with the release of the September Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO). EIA's radio service provides free short broadcast stories on EIA energy data reports and analysis to radio stations nationwide. The initial stories focus on the outlook for U.S. crude oil and natural gas production. You can also sign up for an RSS feed to receive notice of the latest EIA broadcast energy stories automatically.

Energy-related carbon dioxide emissions down in 2011

Sep 10, 2012
Annual energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions fell 2.4% in 2011 compared to the level in 2010. Several factors combined to produce this drop, including slower economic growth, weather, and changes in the prices of fuels, which played out differently in major economic sectors. Energy-related carbon dioxide emissions have declined in the United States in four out of the last six years.

Natural gas demand at power plants was high in summer 2012

Sep 7, 2012
Natural gas use for power generation rose this summer because of hot-weather-driven electricity demand for air conditioning coupled with low natural gas prices. According to Bentek Energy, estimated daily natural gas use to produce electric power (also called power burn) averaged 26.3 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) so far in 2012 (Jan 1 - Aug 15), up 24% compared to the same period for 2011.

NRG-GenOn acquisition plan would create the largest independent power producer

Sep 6, 2012
In late July 2012, the electric power company NRG announced plans to acquire GenOn, another independent power producer with assets in some shared markets, which would create a new company with 47 gigawatts of capacity in 21 states. The combined company would be the largest independent power producer in the United States, although the acquisition is still pending approval.

Wholesale Market Data

Sep 6, 2012
Spreadsheets contain peak prices, volumes, and the number of transactions at ten electricity trading hubs covering most regions of the United States. Data from ICE (IntercontinentalExchange) through August 31, 2012.

Strait of Hormuz is chokepoint for 20% of world’s oil

Sep 5, 2012
International crude oil and liquefied fuels movements depend on reliable transport through key chokepoints. In 2011, total world crude oil and liquefied fuels consumption amounted to approximately 88 million barrels per day (bbl/d), and more than one-half was moved by tankers on fixed maritime routes. Chokepoints are narrow channels along widely used global sea routes, some so narrow that restrictions are placed on the size of the vessel that can navigate through them.

Petroleum Marketing Monthly

Sep 4, 2012
In the latest issue of the Petroleum Marketing Monthly, data show crude oil prices underwent considerable decline in June 2012, as did prices for finished petroleum products. Prime Supplier sales data show consumption of gasoline, diesel fuel, and other finished petroleum products increased again during June.

Electric grid operators monitoring drought conditions

Sep 4, 2012
Prolonged drought can affect power plants that rely on large volumes of fresh water for a variety of reasons. Though there have been few reported problems this year, lower water levels are a potential concern for grid operators and system planners during periods of extended drought.

China Country Analysis Brief

Sep 4, 2012
China’s robust economic growth and thirst for energy resources in the past decade has driven it to become one of the top global energy consumers. China has the largest oil and gas production in the Asia-Pacific region and the largest coal production in the world, but the country’s escalating energy demand is increasing its reliance on imports and greater energy supply security.

Drought increases price of corn, reduces profits to ethanol producers

Aug 31, 2012
Drought conditions in Midwestern states have reduced expectations for the amount of corn that may be harvested in 2012, and contributed to a 35% rise in the price of corn from June 18 to August 29. During the same time period, the spread between ethanol and corn prices (known as the 'crush spread') declined by $0.22 dollars per gallon.

Monthly Natural Gas Gross Production Report

Aug 31, 2012
Monthly natural gas gross withdrawals estimated from data collected on Form EIA-914 (Monthly Natural Gas Production Report) for Federal Offshore Gulf of Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming, Other States and Lower 48 States. Alaska data are from the State of Alaska and included to obtain a U.S. Total.

Natural Gas Monthly

Aug 31, 2012
The August Natural Gas Monthly, featuring data for June 2012, has been released. It was another record-setting month for total consumption of natural gas for June with 1,847 Billion cubic feet (Bcf) consumed, 12 percent above the previous high for total consumption reached for June in 2011. Deliveries of natural gas to the electric power sector of 884 Bcf led the strong consumption trend, again reflecting continued displacement of coal with natural gas and coming in at more than 25 percent of electric power use for June 2011. Dry natural gas production for June stayed relatively stable for the third straight month at 1,961 Bcf or 65.4 Bcf per day.

Company Level Imports

Aug 30, 2012
Imports data at the company level collected from the EIA-814 Monthly Imports Report -- Includes crude oil imports from the Persian Gulf for January - June 2012

Working and Net Available Shell Storage Capacity

Aug 30, 2012
Revised 2011 Storage Capacity data: March 2011 September 2011

Petroleum Supply Annual, Volume 2

Aug 30, 2012
Final monthly statistics for the supply and disposition of crude oil and petroleum products.

Petroleum Supply Annual, Volume 1

Aug 30, 2012
Final annual data for the supply and disposition of crude oil and petroleum products.

Petroleum Supply Monthly

Aug 30, 2012
Supply and disposition of crude oil and petroleum products on a national and regional level. The data series describe production, imports and exports, movements and inventories.

Drought has significant effect on corn crop condition, projected ethanol production

Aug 30, 2012
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has reported a significant rise in the proportion of poor and very poor corn crops this summer, due largely to the extreme drought across much of the center of the nation. The corn crop in the affected region is a main feedstock for ethanol, which is blended into gasoline.

Monthly Biodiesel Production Report

Aug 30, 2012
The U.S. Energy Information Administration released new data today showing national and regional monthly biodiesel production for June 2012. In addition to biodiesel production, data included producer sales, producer stocks, and feedstock inputs.

What is the role of hydroelectric power in the United States?

Aug 29, 2012
The importance of hydropower as a source of electricity generation varies by geographic region. While hydropower accounted for 8% of total U.S. electricity generation in 2011, it provided over half of the electricity in the Pacific Northwest. Because hydroelectric generation relies on precipitation, it varies widely from month to month and year to year.

Hurricane Isaac affects U.S. Gulf Coast energy infrastructure

Aug 29, 2012
Hurricane Isaac is a category one hurricane, significantly less severe than Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, Gustav, and Ike in 2005 and 2008, but it has affected Gulf Coast energy infrastructure. The slow-moving but large hurricane with sustained winds of 80 miles per hour made landfall at 6:45 p.m. Central Time Tuesday along the coastline of southern Louisiana. Federal emergency officials believe that these characteristics of the storm suggest that flooding from rainfall is likely to pose larger risks than wind.

Monthly Energy Review

Aug 29, 2012
EIA's most comprehensive report on recent integrated energy statistics. Preliminary data indicate that, in May 2012, total energy consumption in the U.S. residential sector equaled 1.4 quadrillion Btu, which was virtually unchanged from May 2011.

Norway Country Analysis Brief

Aug 28, 2012
Norway, the largest holder of natural gas and oil reserves in Europe, provides much of the oil and gas consumed on the continent. Norway is the second largest exporter of natural gas in the world after Russia, and the seventh largest exporter of oil.

Worst drought in decades could affect U.S. energy markets

Aug 28, 2012
Despite the imminent landfall of Hurricane Isaac in the Gulf Coast, the United States is currently experiencing its worst drought in decades, as measured by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Droughts have relatively well-understood impacts on food crops and markets. But droughts can also affect energy markets.

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