Migrant Education--Basic State Formula Grants

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Technical Assistance Guide on Re-interviewing (2010) is designed to help states develop re-interviewing processes, in accordance with MEP regulations, that are efficient and effective and that provide useful, valid, and reliable information about state identification and recruitment (ID&R) processes. download files PDF (1.23 MB)

data, evaluations, studies and surveys

Title I, Part C, Migrant Education Program Data Tables-2002-03 thru 2005-06

The U.S. Department of Education collects data annually from State Educational Agencies (SEAs) concerning the operation of the Title I, Part C, Migrant Education Program (MEP). The data are collected through Part I and Part II of the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR). The data provide the Department with information on: the number of eligible migrant children; student characteristics (e.g., mobility, English language proficiency, priority-for-services); student participation in MEP-funded services, staffing levels, and on the academic achievement of migrant students (including graduation and dropout rates and state assessment results). In addition, the Department has collected child count data annually from SEAs via the Migrant Child Count Report. Beginning in 2007-08, the Department will begin to collect child count data via the CSPR only.

The following Excel files contain tables that were created by the Office of Migrant Education (OME) using CSPR and Migrant Child Count Report data from 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05, and 2005-06. The tables were developed by the OME to help summarize the data and to present the data in a format that are easy to review and use.

Migrant Education Program Annual Report: Eligibility, Participation, Services (2001-02) and Achievement (2002-03) (2006) provides information from the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR) about migrant children and youths who were eligible and who participated in MEP-funded services during 2001-02, and discusses the academic achievement of migrant students in 2002-03.

Title I Migrant Education Program Trends Summary Report: 1998-2001 (2004) summarizes the participation information provided by State education agencies (SEAs) on the Migrant Education Program for the school years 1998 through 2001.

  • Report Highlights in download files   PDF (82K) and MS Word (54K)
  • Final Report in download files   PDF (5.8M) and MS Word (54K)

State Title I Migrant Participation Information is an annual report that summarizes the participation information provided by the State education agencies (SEAs) on the Migrant Education Program for a given school year.

1999-2000 Report (2004)

  • Report Highlights in download files   PDF (94K) and MS Word (47K)
  • Final Report in download files   PDF (4.6M)and MS Word (1.9M)

1998-1999 Report (2002)

  • Report (2002) in download files   PDF (1.3M)and MS Word (1.5M)

A Snapshot of Title I Schools Serving Migrant Students, 2000-01

    This report from the National Longitudinal Survey of Schools provides information on implementation of the Title I program in schools serving migrant students. It compares Title I schools with migrant students to Title I schools with no migrant students in the areas of social, demographic, and organizational characteristics and the implementation of Title I provisions between 1998 and 2001. (2003)
    download files PDF (237K) | MS Word (1.3M)

The Same High Standards for Migrant Students: Holding Title I Schools Accountable

    This executive summary and three-volume report examined whether and how States and schools are including migrant students who are served under Title I, Part C of the ESEA in standards-based reforms.
    download files PDF (303K) and MS Word (170K)

    Volume I, Title I Schools Serving Migrant Students: Recent Evidence From The National Longitudinal Survey of Schools, presents the results of a special analysis of Title I schools serving migrant students, using data collected in school year 1998-1999 by the National Longitudinal Survey of Schools (NLSS). The purpose was to examine whether and how Title I schools that serve migrant students are implementing the provisions of Title I, and to describe the characteristics of and conditions in schools serving migrant children.
    download files PDF (595K) | MS Word (1.7M)

    Volume II, Measurement of Migrant Student Educational Achievement, investigated the extent to which migrant students participate in State and local assessment and accountability programs, and the types and quality of academic outcome data on migrant students collected and maintained by State and local educational agencies. Data for this study were collected through interviews with migrant program directors and data and assessment records specialists at State and local levels during site visits between October 2000 and January 2001.
    download files PDF (535K) | MS Word (1.0M)

    Volume III, Coordinating the Education of Migrant Students: Lessons Learned from the Field, presents the findings of a study of promising practices in migrant education programs. Data for this study were collected through case studies of district migrant education programs, chosen on the basis of nominations from State director. Four groups of two or three districts that share students who move back and forth between them were chosen for study (referred to as Trading Partners).
    download files PDF (548K) | MS Word (493K)

The Common Core of Data (CCD) - The CCD is a comprehensive, annual, national statistical database of information concerning all public elementary and secondary schools (approximately 91,000) and school districts (approximately 16,000). The CCD is produced by the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics.

State Education Indicators with a Focus on Title I - This report provides information on key indicators of the condition and progress of K-12 public education, including indicators of State progress in implementing state accountability systems. It includes two-page State profiles as well as summary tables of several accountability-related indicators. School Year 1999-2000.
download files PDF (1.6M)

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) - The NAEP, also known as "the Nation's Report Card," is the only nationally representative and continuing assessment of what America's students know and can do in various subject areas. Since 1969, assessments have been conducted periodically in reading, mathematics, science, writing, U.S. history, civics, geography, and the arts.

Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) - SASS is the nation's largest sample survey of America's public and private schools, districts, principals, teachers, and library media centers.

Migrant Schoolwide Summary-The Migrant Schoolwide Summary is a brief snapshot description of the schoolwide programs serving migrant students during the 1996-97 school year.

Participation of Migrant Students in Title I Migrant Education Program (MEP) Summer-Term Projects, 1998 - This survey investigated the services provided by MEP summer-term projects and documented the record maintenance and transmittal procedures used by these projects through a nationally representative survey of 1998 MEP summer-term projects. The report is available as a PDF file.
download files PDF (1.0M)

Migrant School Locator Demonstration Project. The Migrant School Locator Demonstration Project was designed to illustrate the feasibility of using World Wide Web technology to connect selected migrant student databases in the U.S.

General Demographic Information on Migrant Workers and Agriculture

National Agricultural Workers Survey (NAWS) - The U.S. Department of Labor is the only national information source on the demographics and working and living conditions of U.S. farmworkers. Information has been collected from over 25,000 farm workers since the NAWS began in 1988. The survey samples all crop farmworkers in three cycles each year in order to capture the seasonality of the work. The NAWS locates and samples workers at their work sites, avoiding the well-publicized undercount of this difficult-to-find population. A Demographic and Employment Profile of United States Farmworkers, which uses data from the 1997-98 National Agricultural Workers Survey, is available online.
download files PDF

U.S.Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Survey (NASS), Census of Agriculture - The census of agriculture is a complete accounting of United States agricultural production. It is the only source of uniform, comprehensive agricultural data for every county in the Nation. The census includes as a farm every place from which $1,000 or more of agricultural products were produced and sold or normally would have been sold during the census year. The census of agriculture is taken every five years covering the years ending in "2" and "7."


General Education Publications and Products - The U.S. Department of Education publishes a wealth of information for teachers, administrators, policymakers, researchers, parents, students, and others with a stake in education. Learn more about publications available through the Department.

High Standards for All Students: A Report from the National Assessment of Title I on Progress and Challenges Since the 1994 Reauthorization (2001) - This report provides a comprehensive summary of the most recent data available from the National Assessment of Title I on the implementation of the Title I program and the academic performance of children, including migrant children, in high-poverty schools.
download files PDF (525K)


The Office of Migrant Education conducts two major meetings for State Directors of Migrant Education each year, 1) a New Directors Orientation, a two-day orientation intended specifically for State directors who were appointed to their position within the last three years, and 2) an Annual State Directors Meeting. The New Directors Orientation is designed to orient new directors to the program and to ensure their familiarity with key policies required for the proper State administration and operation of the program. The Annual State Directors Meeting addresses both customary business items and key program priorities, including legislative and regulatory changes.

other resources

The Office of Migrant Education provides links to clearinghouses, technical assistance resources and related programs.

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Last Modified: 01/07/2011