Webcasts at USIP

Groundtruth: New Media, Technology and the Syria Crisis

As part of the U.S. Institute of Peace’s Blogs & Bullets initiative, this event provides analysis and insight into the influence of new media in the Syria crisis, specifically on three types of actors: activists on the ground, journalists and media-makers who are reporting on the crisis, and policy-makers around the world.

This event will be webcast live beginning at 9:15am EDT on October 2, 2012 at www.usip.org/webcast. Online viewers will be able to engage panelists and each other through live chat and Twitter discussions (Hashtag: #usipblogs)

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For our low bandwidth users, please listen to the audio only version of this event.



 8:45 am – 9:15 am: Coffee and Registration


 9:15 am – 9:30 am: Introduction


 9:30 am – 10:45 am: Panel 1: Activists and the Regime

Rami Nakhla, The Day After Project

Ahed Al Hendi, CyberDissidents.org

Hadeel Kouki, Syrian activist

Rafif Jouejati, Free Syria Foundation

Schadi Semnani, Syria Conflict Monitor

Marc Lynch, George Washington University (Moderator)


10:45 am – 11:00 am: Break 


11:00 am – 12:00 pm: Panel 2: Reporting the Crisis

Deborah Amos, National Public Radio

Robert Mackey, New York Times 

Lara Setrakian, Bloomberg  TV 

Fadl al Tarzi, SocialEyez, Dubai News Group (via Skype) 

Sean Aday, George Washington University (Moderator)


12:00 pm – 1:00 pm Panel 3: Policymakers at Home and Abroad 

Mohammad Al Abdallah, Syria Justice and Accountability Center 

Susan Wolfinbarger, American Association for the Advancement of Science

Steve Heydemann, USIP

Aaron Zelin, Washington Institute for Near East Policy 

Joe Holliday, Institute for the Study of War 

Sheldon Himelfarb, USIP (Moderator)


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