
ARL's mission is to provide innovative science, technology, and analyses to enable full-spectrum operations.

The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) of the Army Materiel Command is the Army's corporate, or central, laboratory for materiel technology. Its diverse assortment of unique facilities and its workforce of government engineers and scientists comprise the largest source of world class integrated research and analysis in the Army. ARL's programs consist of basic and applied research and survivability/lethality analysis. ARL consists of six directorates and the Army Research Office. These organizations focus on technology areas critical to strategic dominance across the entire spectrum of operations:

  • Army Research Office (ARO) - Initiates the scientific and far reaching technological discoveries in extramural organizations: educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and private industry.
  • Computational and Information Sciences Directorate (CISD) - Scientific research and technology focused on information processing, network and communication sciences, information assurance, and battlespace environments, and advanced computing that create, exploit and harvest innovative technologies to enable knowledge superiority for the Warfighter. CISD's technologies provide the strategic, operational, and tactical information dominance across the spectrum of operations.
  • Human Research and Engineering Directorate (HRED) - Scientific research and technology directed toward optimizing Soldier performance and Soldier-machine interactions to maximize battlefield effectiveness, and to ensure that Soldier performance requirements are adequately considered in technology development and system design.
  • Sensors and Electron Devices Directorate (SEDD) - Scientific research and technology in electro-optic smart sensors, multifunction radio frequency (RF), autonomous sensing, power and energy, signature management, directed towards reconnaissance, intelligence, surveillance, and target acquisition (RISTA), fire control, guidance, fuzing, survivability, mobility and lethality.
  • Survivability/Lethality Analysis Directorate (SLAD) - Integrated survivability and lethality analysis of Army systems and technologies across the full spectrum of battlefield threats and environments as well as analysis tools, techniques, and methodologies.
  • Vehicle Technology Directorate (VTD) - Scientific research and technology addressing propulsion, transmission, aeromechanics, structural engineering, and robotics technologies for both air and ground vehicles.
  • Weapons and Materials Research Directorate (WMRD) - Scientific research and technology in the areas of weapons, protection, and materials to enhance the lethality and survivability of the nation's ground forces.

ARL has consistently provided the enabling technologies in many of the Army's most important weapons systems. Technology and analysis products are moved into Army Research, Development, and Engineering Centers (RDECs) and to other Army, Department of Defense (DoD), government, and industry customers. ARL's programs are focused on key underpinning science and technology underpinnings that will enable the transformation of the Army into a more versatile, agile, survivable, lethal, deployable, and sustainable force.


Last Update / Reviewed: March 1, 2011