
Research@ARL - June 2012

Research@ARL - June 2012

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The discovery of novel materials and methods to store more energy and release energy faster is a crucial area of research to address Army needs in both weapons development and lightweight compact power for individual Soldiers, combat vehicles and munitions. The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL), the Army's corporate research laboratory, is breaking existing paradigms in these areas by developing a rigorous science-based understanding of diverse multidisciplinary domains, integrating theoretical, computational and experimental research. Recently, ARL announced the establishment of Enterprise for Multiscale Research of Materials to create a unique capability for the design of materials that are suitable for extreme dynamic environments and novel electronic and electromagnetic devices. Cognizant of new research initiatives during the past five years, powered by breakthroughs in advanced experimentation and computational chemistry, physics, and materials science, ARL is boldly creating and enhancing the essential computational tools and capabilities to advance these rapidly evolving fields.

The select papers included in this monograph are representative of the high level of theoretical and experimental research, discoveries and achievements of ARL scientists and engineers in energetics science and technology, and in energy storage electrochemical power, focusing on lithium-ion, lithium-air and lithium-sulfur batteries.

ARL Annual Review - 2011

ARL Annual Review - 2011

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This is the fiscal year 2011 edition of the U.S. Army Research Laboratory(ARL) Annual Review. This publication is our opportunity to provide the reader a brief look at who we are and highlight some of the significant achievements of the past year. We are a diverse organization with a wide variety of research and analysis expertise and capabilities that touch on virtually every area of scientific endeavor. What you will see here will therefore be only a representative sample of the ongoing efforts of the ARL.

ARL's research continuum stretches from early, long-term, basic research to evolving new technologies to support current operations. We organize our research and analysis programs within nine Major Laboratory Programs: Extramural Basic Research, Networks, Human Dimension, Lethality, Protection, Mobility, Power and Energy, Sensors, and Survivability/Lethality Analysis.

ARO-In-Review - 2011

ARO-in-Review - 2011

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This report is intended to be a single-source document describing the research programs of the U.S. Army Research Office (ARO) for fiscal year 2011 (FY11; 1 Oct 2010 through 30 Sep 2011). This report provides:

  • A brief review of the strategy employed to guide ARO research investments and noteworthy issues affecting the implementation of that strategy.
  • Statistics regarding basic research funding (i.e., "6.1" funding) and program proposal activity.
  • Research trends and accomplishments of the individual ARO scientific divisions.

ARL Fellows - 2010

ARL Fellows - 2010

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The Fellows of ARL are among the best and brightest the Army has to offer to support the men and women who put their lives in harm's way every day in every corner of the world. Their research interests span a wide spectrum of scientific and engineering fields.

Excellence in a research laboratory is dependent, first and foremost, on quality staff. ARL is fortunate to have these world-class individuals. Their work has undoubtedly saved the lives of many American Soldiers throughout the years.

In addition to the excellence in their technical work, we laud the Fellows for their positive influence on the organization.

They are an example of performance to which we can all aspire.


ARL Annual Review - 2010

ARL Annual Review - 2010

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ARL Annual Review - 2009

ARL Annual Review - 2009

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Last Update / Reviewed: July 17, 2012