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Case Documents

The natural resource damage assessment and restoration process produces a number of public documents associated with individual cases. These documents, which explain, demonstrate and inform the decision-making process, can be broadly grouped into five categories: Fact Sheets, Agreements, Settlement Documents, Assessment Documents and Restoration Documents. The specific types of public process documents that can be found in each of these categories include:

Fact Sheets: Fact Sheet.

Agreements: Trustees Agreement (also called Co-Trustees Agreement); Cooperative Agreement (also called Funding and Participation Agreement); Restoration Agreement; Federal Facility Agreement.

Settlement Documents: Damages Agreement; Administrative Order on Consent; Consent Decree; Consent Judgment; Consent Order; Settlement Agreement; Settlement Stipulation; National Pollution Funds Center Claim Determination (Claim Determination).

Assessment Documents: Preassessment Screen and Determination (Preassessment Screen); various presassesssment reports; Restoration and Compensation Determination Plan (RCDP); Preliminary Estimate of Damages; Assessment Plan; Assessment Report; various other assessment reports.

Restoration Documents: Restoration Plan; Administrative Record Index; various restoration implementation and monitoring reports.

Once a case has settled or partially settled and these documents become available, they are added to the table below. The name used to commonly refer to the case is found in green type in the first column.

Case Name, Incident Type Date, & Location
 Agreements  Settlement
M/V Kuroshima fuel oil spill (11/26/97), Summer Bay, Unalaska Island

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
T/V Exxon Valdez crude oil spill (3/24/89), Prince William Sound Fact Sheet Trustees Agreement Consent Decree
Restoration Plan
Status Reports
American Samoa
Case Name, Incident Type Date, & Location
 Agreements  Settlement
F/V Jin Shiang Fa oil spill (10/14/93), Rose Atoll, Rose Atoll National Wildlife Refuge

Claim Determination Impact Report Restoration Plan
Nine abandoned fishing vessels oil spill (12/91), Pago Pago Harbor, Tutuila Island

Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type Date, & Location
 Agreements  Settlement
ASARCO Ray Mine and Hayden Smelter sites, Mineral Creek and Gila River
Trustees Agreement
Settlement Agreement

Cyprus Tohono Mine site, Tohono O'odham Reservation

Consent Decree

Pilot Petroleum Corp. tanker truck accident diesel spill (12/7/00), Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge

Restoration Plan
Standard Metals Corp., Inc. site (Antler Mine)

Consent Decree

Texmo Oil Co. tanker truck accident diesel spill (7/28/06), Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge

Consent Decree

Case Name, Incident Type Date, & Location
 Agreements  Settlement
Vertac NPL site, Bayou Meto Rocky Branch Creek, Tow Prairie Bayou, Lake Dupree

Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type Date, & Location
 Agreements  Settlement
ARCO pipeline crude oil spill (1/17/94), Santa Clara River

Restoration Plan
Barge Apex Houston crude oil spill (1/28/86-2/4/86), Pacific Ocean off central California

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Annual Reports
Cantara Loop/Southern Pacific Railroad train derailment metam sodium spill (7/14/91), Sacramento River Fact Sheet

Restoration Plan
Final Report
Castro Cove Chevron Richmond Refinery site, San Francisco Bay
Fact Sheet

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Admin Record
East Walker River fuel oil spill (12/30/00)

Trustees Agreement
Settlement Agreement

Restoration Plan
Guadalupe Oil Field diluent release (1995-1990), Nipomo Dunes, Santa Maria River

Cooperative Agreement

Restoration Plan
Iron Mountain Mine NPL site, Spring Creek and Sacramento River

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Kinder Morgan pipeline diesel spill (10/28/96), Suisun Marsh

Consent Decree
Consent Decree Amended

Restoration Plan
M/V Cape Mohican/ San Francisco Drydock bunker fuel oil spill (10/28/96), San Francisco Bay

Trustees Agreement
Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Annual Reports
M/V Kure fuel oil spill (11/15/97) Humboldt Bay and Humboldt County Coast

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Admin Record
M/V Stuyvesant fuel oil spill (9/6/99), Humboldt County Coast

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Admin Record
McGrath Lake/Berry Petroleum crude oil spill (12/24/93)

Restoration Plan
Montrose/Palos Verdes Shelf NPL site, Southern California Bight

Trustees Agreement
Trustees Agreement (Modification)
Settlement Agreement

Restoration Plan
Admin Record
Annual Reports
New Almaden Mine/New Almaden Quicksilver County Park, Guadalupe River

Consent Decree

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Platform Irene oil pipeline crude oil spill (9/27/97), Santa Barbara Channel

Cooperative Agreement
Restoration Agreement

Restoration Plan
Shell Martinez crude oil spill (4/23/88) McNabney Marsh, Carquinez Strait

Final Report
SS Jacob Lucjenbach oil spill (1990-2003), Pacific Ocean offshore San Francisco

Claim Determination
Seabird Injuries
Seabird Mortality
Restoration Plan
TN American Trader crude oil spill (2/7/90), Huntington Beach

Trustees Agreement
Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
(Anacapa Island)

Restoration Plan

Annual Reports
TN Command/Southern Traffic Lane mystery fuel oil spill (9/27/98), Pacific Ocean off central California

Trustees Agreement
Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Annual Reports
United Heckthorn NPL site, Richmond Harbor, San Francisco Bay

Restoration Plan

Unocal Pipeline crude oil spill (8/3/92), Avila Beach

Consent Decree
  Restoration Plan
Restoration Plan
(Sea Otter)

Final Report
Zoecon/Rhone Poulenc NPLsite/Starlink Logistics, Inc./
1990 Bay Road site, San Francisco Bay

Consent Decree

Case Name, Incident Type Date, & Location
 Agreements  Settlement
Denver Radium Superfund Site Operable Unit 8, Shattuck Chemical Co. site

Restoration Plan
French Gulch Superfund site, French Creek

Consent Decree

Rocky Mountain Arsenal site

Federal Facility Agreement
Consent Decree
Preassessment Screen Assessment Plan

Standard Metals Corp., Inc. sites (7 mines)

Consent Decree

Upper Arkansas River/California Gulch Superfund site

Cooperative Agreement
Trustees Agreement
Consent Decree
Preliminary Estimate of Damages
Restoration Plans
Case Name, Incident Type Date, & Location
 Agreements  Settlement
General Electric/Housatonic River RCRA site
Trustees Agreement

Restoration Plan
Old Southington Landfill NPL site

Consent Decree

Solvents Recovery Service of New England, Inc. Superfund site

Consent Decree
Settlement Agreement

Superior Block and Supply Co. oil spill (10/15/95), Quinnipiac River

Settlement Agreement

Yaworski Lagoon NPL site, Quinebaug River
Fact Sheet

Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type Date, & Location
 Agreements  Settlement
Army Creek Landfill NPL site, Army Creek, Delaware River

Restoration Plan
Cokers Landfill Superfund site, Leipsic River

Restoration Plan
Dupont/Newport NPL site, Christina River
Fact Sheet

Consent Decree


Indian River Power Plant fuel oil Spill (12/10/99)
Fact Sheet

International Petroleum Corp. Wilmington waste oil spill (7/15/06), Christina River, Brandywine River

Consent Decree

M/V Bermuda Islander bunker fuel oil spill (4/25/06), Delaware Bay

Settlement Agreement

T/V Athos I crude oil spill (11/26/04), Delaware River

Trustees Agreements
Claim Determination
Claim Determination

Assessment Plans
Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type Date, & Location
 Agreements  Settlement
Alafia River acidic process water spill (12/7/97), Mulberry Phosphates, Inc.

Trustees Agreement
Consent Decree
Preassessment Screen Restoration Plan
Lake Apopka bird kill, North Shore Restoration Area

Restoration Plan
Tampa Bay gasoline, diesel and fuel oil spill (8/10/93)

Trustees Agreement
Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type Date, & Location
 Agreements  Settlement
Chevron pipeline bunker fuel oil spill (5/14/96), Waiau Marsh & Pearl Harbor, Oahu

Cooperative Agreement
Consent Decree

Spectral Imagery Report
Restoration Plan
R/V Casitas grounding and oil spill (7/1/05), Pearl and Hermes Atoll, Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge

Consent Decree

Tesoro Hawaii Single Point Mooring hose oil spill (8/24/98), Barbers Point, Oahu

Trustees Agreement
Cooperative Agreement
Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Case, Name, Incident Type, Date & Location
Fact Sheet
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Coeur d'Alene River Basin/Bunker Hill Mining and Metalurgical Complex NPL site

Consent Decrees

Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type, Date & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Marathon Pipe Line LLC crude oil spill (8/10/08), Mt. Erie, Elm Creek

Outboard Marine Corp. site, Waukegan Harbor and Lake Michigan

Settlement Stipulation

R. Lavin & Sons, Inc. refiner-smelter site, Pettibone Creek

Settlement Agreement

Salt Fork of the Vermillion River ammonia spill (7/11/02), Saline Branch Drainage Ditch

Consent Decree

Sangamo Electric Dump NPL site, Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge
Fact Sheet
Federal Facility Agreement

Restoration Plan
Woodstock Municipal Landfill NPL site, Kishhwaukee River

Consent Decree

Yeoman Creek Landfill NPL site, Yeoman Creek

Consent Decree

Statewide Memorandum of Understanding among DOI and State Natural Resource Trustees
Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
American Chemical Service, Inc. site, Turkey Creek

Restoration Plan
CBS - Westinghouse Electric Co. PCB landfills NPL sites/Bloomington PCB sites

Consent Decree

Countrymark Cooperative, LLP pipeline crude oil spill (5/03), Goose Pond, Wabash River

Consent Decree

Douglass Road Landfill NPL site, Juday Creek

Restoration Plan
Fish Creek #2 diesel spill (9/15/93)

Restoration Plan
Fisher-Calo Chemical NPL site, Travis Ditch, Kingsbury Creek

Restoration Plan
Fort Wayne Reduction NPL site, Maumee River

Restoration Plan
Annual Reports
Grand Calumet River/Indiana Harbor Canal
Fact Sheet

Settlement Agreement
(LTV Steel)

Consent Decree

Assessment Documents

Great Lakes Asphalt site, Finley Creek

Restoration Plan
I. Jones Recycling, Inc. site, St. Joseph River

Restoration Plan
Lakeland Disposal Service, Inc. NPL site, Sloan Ditch and Sloan Creek

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Marathon Oil Co. jet fuel/kerosene and slop oil spills (11/25/90, 2/15/92), Oil Creek and Crooked Creek

Restoration Plan
Ninth Avenue Dump, Midco I and II sites bankruptcies
Fact Sheet

Restoration Plan
Northside Sanitary Landfill NPL site/Envirochem NPL site, Finley Creek

Restoration Plan
Third site, Finley Creek and Eagle Creek

Restoration Plan
Waste, Inc. landfill site, Trail Creek

Restoration Plan
Wayne Reclamation and Recycling NPL site, Blue River

Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Alcoa - Davenport Works Superfund site, Upper Mississippi River

Consent Decree

Lehigh Portland Cement Co. chalky solids spill, Calmus Creek

Restoration Plan
Mid-America Tanning Superfund site

Restoration Plan
Nahant Marsh NPL site
Fact Sheet

Restoration Plan
Yellow River wastewater discharge fish kill (3/02)

Restoration Plan
Statewide Memorandum of Agreement among DOI and State Natural Resource Trustees
Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Eastern Kansas Smelters sites

Trustee Agreement
Consent Decree
(Girard Sites)

Consent Decree
(National Zinc)

Consent Decree
(Blue Tee)

Restoration Plan
Magellan Ammonia Pipeline, L.P. anhydrous ammonia spill (10/27/04), Smoots Creek

Consent Decree

Tri-State Mining District, Cherokee County, Spring River

Consent Decree
Preassessment Scree
Evaluation of Injuries
Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Fact Sheets
Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Bayou Verdine site, Calcasieu Estuary

Consent Decree
(Conoco Phillips)

Restoration Plan
Chevron USA Production Co. inactive well BLDSU #5 crude oil spill (1/12/95), Dixon Bay

Coop. Agreement

Restoration Plan
Conoco Inc., ethylene dichloride spill (3/31/94), Clooney Island Loop, Calcasieu River

Restoration Plan
Greenhill Petroleum Corp. light crude oil spill (3/31/92-10/9/92), Timablier Bay

Restoration Agreement

Gulf State Utilities' Lake Charles Service Center, North Ryan Street NPL site, Calcasieu River

Settlement Agreement

Lake Barre/Texaco Pipeline Co. crude oil spill (5/16/97)

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Lake Grand Ecaille Equinox Oil Co. well blowout crude oil spill (9/22/98)

Settlement Agreement

Restoration Plan
Mosquito Bay natural gas condensate spill (4/5/01), Point Au Fer Island

Restoration Plan
M/V Westchester crude oil spill (11/28/00), lower Mississippi River

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
North Pass crude oil spill (9/22/02), Mississippi River Delta

Settlement Agreement

Restoration Plan
Texaco Exploration and Production, Inc. well no. 118 light crude oil spill (2/4/91), Lake Salvador

Damages Agreement

Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Fact Sheets
Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
H.O. Bouchard, Inc. tanker truck accident bunker fuel oil spill (9/21/01), Sanborn Pond

Settlement Agreement

Oil Tanker Julie N oil spill (9/27/96), Fore River
Fact Sheet

Consent Decree
Preassessment Data Report
Restoration Plan
West Site/Hows Corner Superfund site

Consent Decree

Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Galaxy/Spectron NPL site

Trustees Agreement

Restoration Plan
PEPCO-Chalk Point Power Plant oil spill (4/7/00), Patuxent River
Fact Sheet
Trustees Agreement
Coop. Agreement
Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Bouchard barge B-120 fuel oil spill (4/27/03), Buzzards Bay site
Fact Sheet
Coop Agreement
Settlement Agreement
Consent Decree
Assessment Documents

Charles George Land Reclamation Trust Landfill Superfund site
Fact Sheet

Restoration Plan
Massachusetts Military Reservation NPL site

Consent Decree

New Bedford Harbor NPL site
Fact Sheet
Trustees Agreement
Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Annual Report
PSC Resources NPL site, Quaboag River

Restoration Plan
Sutton Brook Dipsosal Area NPL Site

Consent Decree

T/V Posavina oil spill (6/8/00), Chelsea Creek

Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Allied Paper, Inc./Portage Creek/Kalamazoo River NPL site
Fact Sheet

Settlement Agreement
Assessment Documents

North Bronson Industrial site, County Drain #30 and Swan Creek

Restoration Plan
Saginaw River and Bay
Fact Sheet

Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Facts Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Enbridge Energy, L.P. pipeline crude oil spill (7/4/02), Blackwater Creek

Consent Decree

Kummer Sanitary Landfill site

Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Facts Sheets
Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Genesis Crude Oil, L.P. oil spill  (11/26/1999), Leaf River

Restoration Plan
 Statewide Memorandum of Understanding among DOI and State Natural Resource Trustees
 Addendum A to the Memorandum of Understanding
Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Facts Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Chrysler Dump Superfund site, Fenton Creek

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Missouri dioxin sites

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Newton County Wells NPL site/FAG Bearing, LLC

Consent Decree

Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Facts Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Milltown Reservoir/Clark Fork River NPL site

Consent Decree

Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Fact Sheet
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Omaha Lead Superfund site, Missouri River

Consent Decree
(Pacific Union RR)

New Hampshire
Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Coakley Landfill NPL site

Restoration Plan
South Municipal Wellfield Superfund site, New Hampshire Ball Bearings, Inc.
Fact Sheet

Restoration Plan
New Jersey
Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Asbestos Dump NPL site, Operable Unit 3, Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge
Fact Sheet

Restoration Plan
Berry's Creek Watershed

3rd Joint Notice

Chemical Leaman Tank Lines, Inc. Superfund site, Operable Unit 3

Restoration Plan
Diamond Alkali NPL site, Lower Passaic River

Trustees Agreement
Settlement Agreement
Preassessment Screen

Exxon Bayway Refinery fuel oil spill (1/1-2/90), Arthur Kill

Consent Decree

T/V Anitra crude oil spill (5/10/96), Big Stone Anchorage, Delaware River
Fact Sheet
Trustess/NGO Agreement
Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
W.R. Grace Superfund site, Wayne Interim Storage Site

Restoration Plan
New Mexico
Statewide Memorandum of Agreement among DOI and State Natural Resource Trustees
Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
AT&SF (Albuquerque) Tie Treatment Plant NPL site

Restoration Plan

Restoration Plan

AT&SF (Clovis) NPL site, Santa Fe Lake

Restoration Plan
Cleveland Mill NPL site
Trustees Agreement

Restoration Plan
New York
Case Name, Incident Type, Date & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
102nd Street Landfill NPL site, Niagara River

Restoration Plan
Applied Environmental Services (Shore Realty) Superfund site, Hempstead Harbor, Motts Cove

Restoration Plan
Annual Reports
Barge RTC 380 fuel oil spill (12/21/92), Long Island Sound

Settlement Agreement

Batavia Landfill NPL site
Fact Sheet

Cortese Landfill NPL site, Delaware River

Restoration Plan
Forest Glen Mobile Home Subdivision NPL case, East Gill Creek

Restoration Plan
Hi View Terrace Superfund site, Massapequa Creek

Restoration Plan
Liberty Industrial Finishing Superfund site

Trustees Agreement
Consent Judgement

Restoration Plan
Love Canal Superfund site

Restoration Plan
Mattiace Petrochemicals Co. site, Glen Cove Creek

Trustees Agreement
Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
North Carolina
Case Name, Incident Type, Date & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Weyerhaeuser Plymouth Mill wood treating site, Roanoke River, Albemarle Sound

Trustees Agreement
Coop. Agreement

Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Ashtabula River & Harbor site

Assessment Documents
Restoration Plan
Department of Energy Fernald Preserve, Paddy's Run

Restoration Agreement
Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Funds Use Plan
Krejci dump and salvage yard site, Cuyahoga Valley National Park

Consent Decree


Ohio River fish, mussel & snail kill (6/99-11/99)

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Southern Ohio Coal Co. Meigs Mine No. 31 site, Leading Creek

Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Double Eagle Refinery Co. NPL site

Consent Decrees

Restoration Plan
Farmland Industries oil discharge (7/23/01), Cedar Creek and Buck Creek

Restoration Plan
Hardage-Criner NPL site, North Criner Creek

Okmulgee sewage discharge (8/26/00), Deep Fork National Wildlife Refuge

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Tri-State Mining District, Tar Creek NPL site

Preassessment Screen
Assessment Plan
Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type, Date & Location
Facts Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Alcoa, Inc./Reynolds Metals Co. Superfund site

Consent Decree

Beaver Butte Creek gasoline spill (3/4/99), Warm Springs Reservation
Trustees Agreement
Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
John Day River hydrochloric acid spill (2/8/90)

Restoration Plan
M/VNew Carissa oil spill (2/4/99), Pacific Ocean

Consent Decree and Judgement
Claim Determination
Assessment Documents
Restoration Plan
Portland Harbor NPL site, Willamette River
Fact Sheet

Settlement Agreement

Thermo Fluids motor oil, sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide spill (3/15/04), Johnson Creek

Restoration Plan
(Env. Ed.)

Restoration Plan
(Fish Habitat)

Case Name, Incident Type, Date & Location
Facts Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Jack's Creek/Sitkin Smelting NPL site

Restoration Plan
Keystone Sanitation Landfill NPL site, Conwego Creek, Piney Creek

Restoration Plan
M/T Kentucky oil spill (2/2/00), John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge

Settlement Agreement

M/V Presidente Rivera fuel oil spill (6/24/89), Delaware River

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan

Palmerton Zinc Pile NPL site, Aquashicola Creek and Lehigh River
Fact Sheet
Trustees Agreements
Consent Decree

Preassessment Screen
Assessment Plan
Sediment Report
Soil Report
Restoration Plan
Paoli Rail Yard NPL site, Valley Creek

Restoration Plan
Publicker Industries NPL site, Delaware River

Saegertown Industrial Area NPL site, French Creek

Restoration Plan
Sunoco, Inc. pipeline crude oil spill (2/5/00), Danby Creek, John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge

Consent  Decree

Restoration Plan
Puerto Rico
Case, Name, Incident Type, Date & Location
Fact Sheets
Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Barge Morris J. Berman fuel oil spill (1/7/94), Punta Escambron

Restoration Plan
Rhode Island
Case, Name, Incident Type, Date & Location
Fact Sheets
Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Barge North Cape/Tugboat Scandia heating oil spill (1/19/96), Block Island Sound
Trustees Agreement
Trustees Agreement

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Annual Reports

Centredale Manor NPL site, Woonasquatucket River

Consent Decree

Consent Decree
(Brook Village)

Landfill & Resource Recovery, Inc. NPL site, Trout Brook, Slatersville Reservoir 2005

Restoration Plan
M/V World Prodigy heating oil spill (6/23/89), Naragansett Bay

Restoration Plan
Picillo Farm Superfund Site

Restoration Plan
West Kingston Town Dump/University of Rhode Island Disposal Area NPL site

Consent Decree

South Carolina
Case, Name, Incident Type, Date & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Lake Hartwell PCB site
Fact Sheet

Consent Decree

M/S Star Evviva fuel oil spill (1/14/99), Atlantic Ocean
Fact Sheet

Restoration Plan
Macalloy Corp. NPL site

Trustees Agreement
Consent Decree

Case, Name, Incident Type, Date & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Howard/White Unit No. 1 oil well crude oil spill (7/19/02), White Creek, Clear Creek, Obed Wild and Scenic River

Claim Determination
Preassessment Screen
Assessment Plan
Restoration Plan
Oak Ridge Reservation site, Lower Watts Bar Reservoir Operable Unit, Clinch River

Trustees Agreement
Order on Consent
Assessment Report

Statewide Memorandum of Agreement among DOI and State Natural Resource Trustees
Case, Name, Incident Type, Date & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Amoco Pipeline Co.  light crude oil spill (9/5/91), High Island, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway

Restoration Plan
Apex barges oil spill (7/28/90), Galveston Bay
Trustees Agreement
Joint Stipulation

Restoration Plan
Bailey Waste Disposal NPL site

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Brio Refining, Inc. and Dixie Oil Processors NPL sites

Consent Decree

Chevron/former Gulf Oil Refinery Port Arthur waste site

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Explorer Pipeline jet fuel spill (7/14/07), Turkey Creek

Restoration Plan
Exxon Pipeline Co. crude oil spill (1/7/92), Chiltipin Creek

Consent Decree

French, Limited NPL site, San Jacinto River

Consent Decree

Koch Gum Hollow crude oil spill (10/8/94), Nueces Bay and Corpus Christi Bay

Settlement Agreement

Koppers NPL site

Consent Decree

Lavaca Bay/ALCOA NPL site

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan

Restoration Plan
Annual Report
Mobil Mining and Minerals Co. phosphoric acid/ gypsum release (4/6/92), Cotton Patch Bayou

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Motiva Enterprises State RCRA site, Alligator Bayou, Drainage District No. 7

Settlement Agreement

M/V Berge Banker and M/V Skaubay collision and fuel oil spill (2/5/95), Gulf of Mexico

Restoration Agreement

Tex-Tin Corp. NPL site, Swan Lake

Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Kennecott Utah Cooper Corp. North Zone Wetlands NPL site

Consent Decree

Midvale Slag site, Jordan River
Fact Sheet

Restoration Plan
Sharon Steele NPL site
Fact Sheet

Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Bennington Landfill site

Burgess Brothers, Inc. Superfund site
Fact Sheet

Restoration Plan
G-I Holdings, Inc. bankruptcy/Vermont Asbestos Group mine and mill site

Consent Decree

Pine Street Canal NPL site

Restoration Plan
Tansitor Electronics, Inc. NPL site
Fact Sheet

Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
C&R Battery NPL site, James River

Restoration Plan
Certus, Inc./Tiarco chemical spill (8/27/98), Clinch River

Restoration Plan
Colonial Pipeline diesel spill (3/28/93), Potomac River and Sugarland Run
Fact Sheet

Restoration Plan
Lone Mountain Processing, Inc. coal slurry spill (10/24/96), Powell River
Fact Sheet

Restoration Plan
T/V Bow Mariner ethyl alcohol, diesel and fuel oil spill (2/28/04). Atlantic Ocean
Fact Sheet

Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Barge Nestucca fuel oil spill (12/22/88), Pacific Ocean

Restoration Plan
Commencement Bay nearshore/tideflats NPL site
Fact Sheet
Trustees Agreement
Consent Decree
Preassessment Screen
Restoration Plan
Elliott Bay/Lower Duwamish River
Fact Sheet
Trustees Agreement
Consent Decree
Consent Decree

Consent Decree

Preassessment Screen
Sediment Study
Restoration Plans
Monitoring Plan
Annual Reports
F/V Tenyo Maru fuel oil spill (7/22/91), Pacific Ocean

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Restoration Summary
Foss barge 248-P2 bunker fuel oil spill (12/30/03), Point Wells, Puget Sound

Trustees Agreement
Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Olympic Pipe Line Co. gasoline spill (6/10/99), Whatcom Creek

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan

Puget Sound Energy-Crystal Mountain diesel spill (11/3/06), Silver Creek and White River

Trustees Agreement
Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Texaco Refinery oil spills (2/22/91, 1/15/92, 3/9/92, 3/25/92), Fidalgo Bay

Restoration Plan
Tulalip Landfill site, Ebey Slough, Steamboat Slough and Possession Sound

Consent Decree

T/V Polar Texas crude oil spill (10/13/04), Dalco Passage, Puget Sound

Consent Decree

Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor NPL site, Bainbridge Island

Trustees Agreement
Consent Decree

Restoration Plan
Case Name, Incident Type, Date, & Location
Fact Sheets
Agreements Settlement Documents
Assessment Documents
Restoration Documents
Burlington Northern Railroad Co. aromatic concentrates spill (6/30/92), Nemadji River

Restoration Plan

Fox River
/Green Bay NPL site

Consent Decree
(Fort James)

Consent Decree
(de minimus)

Injuries to Surface Water
Restoration Plan
Southern Lakes Trap and Skeet Club Superfund site, Lake Geneva

Consent Decree

Restoration Plan