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FY 2011 Port Security Grant Program

The Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) provides funding for transportation infrastructure security activities to implement Area Maritime Transportation Security Plans and facility security plans among port authorities, facility operators, and state and local government agencies required to provide port security services.

Fiscal Year 2011 Port Security Grant Program


Total Funding Available in Fiscal Year (FY) 2011:  $235,029,000


The purpose of the FY 2011 PSGP is to support increased port-wide risk management; enhanced domain awareness; training and exercises; expansion of port recovery and resiliency capabilities; and further capabilities to prevent, detect, respond to, and recover from attacks involving improvised explosive devices and other non-conventional weapons.

Eligible Applicants

Seven port areas have been selected as Group I (highest risk) and 48 port areas have been selected as Group II. Ports not identified in Group I or II are eligible to apply as a Group III or “All Other Port Areas” applicant. There is no designated ferry appropriation.  Ferry Systems in Group I and II can apply through the designated Fiduciary Agent. All other Ferry Systems should apply with the Group III and “All Other Port Areas.” “All Other Port Areas” within Group I, II or III are allowed to receive grant funds from their geographically proximate higher group if the project has regional impact across the entire port area, but not from both funding groups for the same project. 

Program Awards

Each Group I and Group II port area has been designated a specific amount of money based upon the FY 2011 risk analysis.  Group III and “All Other Port Areas” will compete for the funding identified in their corresponding group. 

Additional Information

  • FY 2011 PSGP Guidance and Application Kit (PDF 550KB, TXT 109KB)
  • FY 2011 PSGP Award Administration Information (PDF 340KB, TXT 56KB)
  • FY 2011 PSGP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (PDF 51KB, TXT 6KB)
  • FY 2011 PSGP Fact Sheet (PDF 141KB, TXT 6KB)
  • FY 2011 PSGP Investment Justification Template (PDF 32KB, TXT 7KB)
  • FY 2011 PSGP Sample Budget Detail Worksheet (PDF 22KB, TXT 7KB)
  • FY 2011 PSGP Field Review Form (PDF 38KB, TXT 8KB)
  • FY 2011 PSGP Sample MOU/MOA Template (PDF 15KB, TXT 3KB)
Last Updated: 
09/19/2016 - 08:36

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