Profiles of temperature and water vapor physically retrieved from the AERI spectra

Active Dates
2007.01.01 - 2012.04.30

Originating VAP Process
AERI Profiles of Water Vapor and Temperature : AERIPROF


The primary purpose of the "aeriprof3feltz" value-added product (VAP) is to retrieve high temporal resolution temperature (T) and water vapor (q) profiles from Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI) observations. Traditionally, temperature and moisture profiles are measured directly using radiosondes, which are expensive in terms of both expendables and man-power, and are typically launched only 2-4 times per day, depending on the schedule of the ARM Climate Research Facility (ACRF). This VAP provides vertical profiles at the same temporal resolution of the AERI (nominally every 8 minutes, or every 1 minute, if the AERI operates in "rapid sample" mode).

Updates available in this new version of AERIPROF (referred to as "3feltz") include improved initial guess atmospheric profiles; an extension of the atmospheric profiles to the tropopause, rather than limiting the retrieval to the boundary layer; and an improved radiative transfer code for the forward model calculations. For more details, please see the aeriprof3feltz vap web page.


The measurements below provided by this product are those considered scientifically relevant.


  • Southern Great Plains (SGP)
    • Central Facility, Lamont, OK (C1)