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The Affordable Care Act: An Important First Step

3.1 Million: Number of young adults up to the age of 26 who have already gained coverage now that they can stay on their parents' insurance2016: The year in which as many as 30 million more Americans may obtain health insurance coverageFifty-four Million: Number of Americans who have already benefitted from expanded coverage for prevention and wellness care0: Number of patients in 2014 and beyond who can be denied coverage due to a pre-existing condition5.1 Million: Number of Medicare patients who saved significantly on prescription drugs in 2010 and 2011$1,000: Dollar amount the average insured family stands to save in yearly insurance premiums now that more uninsured patients will have access to health care

There’s more work to be done. The AMA will continue to work with Congress and the Administration to ensure the best outcomes for patients and physicians. Three of our top goals are to:

Eliminate IPAB.

The AMA is fighting to eliminate the Independent Payment Advisory Board, which will impose arbitrary across-the-board cuts to physicians and other providers.

Replace SGR.

The AMA is fighting to replace the fatally flawed SGR formula with new payment systems that reward physicians for the value of care they provide.

Enact MLR.

The AMA is fighting to fix the broken medical liability system for patients and physicians by pushing Congress and states to enact reform.

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