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  • H.R.6552 [111th]


    Latest Title: Single Food Safety Agency Act of 2010
    Sponsor: Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3] (Introduced 12/17/2010)
    Cosponsors: 0
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Introduced.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    Latest Action: 12/17/10 Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Agriculture, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
  • H.Res.1773 [111th]


    Latest Title: Recognizing the need to improve physical access to many United States postal facilities for all people in the United States in particular disabled citizens.
    Sponsor: Rep. Murphy, Christopher S. [D-CT-5] (Introduced 12/16/2010)
    Cosponsors: 4
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Introduced.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    Latest Action: 12/16/10 Referred to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and in addition to the Committees on Education and Labor, the Judiciary, Energy and Commerce, and Transportation and Infrastructure, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
  • H.Res.1768 [111th]


    Latest Title: Welcoming the release of Burmese democracy leader and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi on November 13, 2010, and calling for a continued focus on securing the release of all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in Burma.
    Sponsor: Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23] (Introduced 12/15/2010)
    Cosponsors: 17
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Introduced.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    Latest Action: 12/15/10 Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means, and the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
  • H.Res.1751 [111th]


    Latest Title: Mourning the loss of life and expressing condolences to the families affected by the tragic forest fire in Israel that began on December 2, 2010.
    Sponsor: Rep. Klein, Ron [D-FL-22] (Introduced 12/07/2010)
    Cosponsors: 45
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Passed House.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    2. Passed House
    Latest Action: 12/07/10 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
  • H.Res.1750 [111th]


    Latest Title: Recognizing the 20th anniversary of the National Institutes of Health Office of Research on Women's Health and its continuing leadership and achievements in conducting and supporting biomedical research to improve women's health.
    Sponsor: Rep. Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [D-NY-28] (Introduced 12/02/2010)
    Cosponsors: 13
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Introduced.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    Latest Action: 12/02/10 Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
  • H.Con.Res.333 [111th]


    Latest Title: Supporting the goals and ideals of World AIDS Day.
    Sponsor: Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] (Introduced 12/01/2010)
    Cosponsors: 27
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Introduced.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    Latest Action: 12/01/10 Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.
  • H.Res.1724 [111th]


    Latest Title: Commending the City of Jacksonville, Arkansas, for its outstanding support in creating a unique and lasting partnership with Little Rock Air Force Base, members of the Armed Forces stationed there, and their families.
    Sponsor: Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2] (Introduced 11/17/2010)
    Cosponsors: 91
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Passed House.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    2. Passed House
    Latest Action: 12/13/10 Referred to the Subcommittee on Military Personnel.
  • H.R.6419 [111th]


    Latest Title: Emergency Unemployment Compensation Continuation Act
    Sponsor: Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] (Introduced 11/17/2010)
    Cosponsors: 34
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Failed House.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    2. Failed House
    Latest Action: 11/18/10 On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Failed by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 258 - 154 (Roll no. 579).
  • H.R.6404 [111th]


    Latest Title: Breast Density and Mammography Reporting Act of 2010
    Sponsor: Rep. Meek, Kendrick B. [D-FL-17] (Introduced 11/15/2010)
    Cosponsors: 7
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Introduced.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    Latest Action: 11/15/10 Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
  • H.Con.Res.323 [111th]


    Latest Title: Supporting the goal of ensuring that all Holocaust survivors in the United States are able to live with dignity, comfort, and security in their remaining years.
    Sponsor: Rep. Wasserman Schultz, Debbie [D-FL-20] (Introduced 09/29/2010)
    Cosponsors: 105
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Passed House.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    2. Passed House
    Latest Action: 12/01/10 Received in the Senate and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
  • H.Res.1705 [111th]


    Latest Title: Expressing support for designation of the month of October as Italian and Italian American Heritage Month.
    Sponsor: Rep. Pascrell, Bill, Jr. [D-NJ-8] (Introduced 09/29/2010)
    Cosponsors: 5
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Introduced.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    Latest Action: 09/29/10 Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.
  • H.R.6325 [111th]


    Latest Title: Consumer Right To Know Food Labeling Act of 2010
    Sponsor: Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3] (Introduced 09/29/2010)
    Cosponsors: 2
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Introduced.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    Latest Action: 11/16/10 Referred to the Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry.
  • H.R.6241 [111th]


    Latest Title: STOP Act
    Sponsor: Rep. Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D-CA-34] (Introduced 09/29/2010)
    Cosponsors: 23
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Introduced.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    Latest Action: 09/29/10 Referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.
  • H.Res.1670 [111th]


    Latest Title: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives with respect to legislation relating to raising the retirement age under title II of the Social Security Act.
    Sponsor: Rep. Giffords, Gabrielle [D-AZ-8] (Introduced 09/28/2010)
    Cosponsors: 66
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Introduced.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    Latest Action: 09/28/10 Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.
  • H.R.6218 [111th]


    Latest Title: Housing Opportunity and Mortgage Equity Act of 2010
    Sponsor: Rep. Cardoza, Dennis A. [D-CA-18] (Introduced 09/28/2010)
    Cosponsors: 33
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Introduced.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    Latest Action: 09/28/10 Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services.
  • H.R.6193 [111th]


    Latest Title: Foster Youth Financial Security Act of 2010
    Sponsor: Rep. Langevin, James R. [D-RI-2] (Introduced 09/23/2010)
    Cosponsors: 5
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Introduced.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    Latest Action: 09/29/10 Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E1833-1834)
  • H.R.6192 [111th]


    Latest Title: Foster Children Self-Support Act
    Sponsor: Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13] (Introduced 09/23/2010)
    Cosponsors: 6
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Introduced.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    Latest Action: 09/23/10 Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.
  • H.Res.1638 [111th]


    Latest Title: Supporting the goals and ideals of National GEAR UP Day.
    Sponsor: Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2] (Introduced 09/20/2010)
    Cosponsors: 26
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Passed House.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    2. Passed House
    Latest Action: 12/02/10 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
  • H.Res.1633 [111th]


    Latest Title: Supporting the goals and ideals of "Lights On Afterschool!", a national celebration of after-school programs.
    Sponsor: Rep. Lowey, Nita M. [D-NY-18] (Introduced 09/16/2010)
    Cosponsors: 12
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Introduced.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    Latest Action: 11/18/10 Referred to the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education.
  • H.Res.1637 [111th]


    Latest Title: Supporting the goals and ideals of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2010 and expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Congress should continue to raise awareness of domestic violence in the United States and its devastating effects on families...
    Sponsor: Rep. Poe, Ted [R-TX-2] (Introduced 09/16/2010)
    Cosponsors: 47
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Passed House.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    2. Passed House
    Latest Action: 09/28/10 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
  • H.Res.1621 [111th]


    Latest Title: Recognizing the 100th anniversary of the historic founding of Catholic Charities USA.
    Sponsor: Rep. Holt, Rush D. [D-NJ-12] (Introduced 09/15/2010)
    Cosponsors: 76
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Passed House.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    2. Passed House
    Latest Action: 12/17/10 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
  • H.R.6128 [111th]


    Latest Title: Fair Playing Field Act of 2010
    Sponsor: Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] (Introduced 09/15/2010)
    Cosponsors: 117
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Introduced.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    Latest Action: 09/15/10 Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.
  • H.Res.1600 [111th]


    Latest Title: Supporting the critical role of the physician assistant profession and supporting the goals and ideals of National Physician Assistant Week.
    Sponsor: Rep. McCollum, Betty [D-MN-4] (Introduced 07/30/2010)
    Cosponsors: 115
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Passed House.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    2. Passed House
    Latest Action: 12/15/10 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
  • H.Res.1588 [111th]


    Latest Title: Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives on the importance of the full implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement to help ensure peace and stability in Sudan during and after mandated referenda.
    Sponsor: Rep. Capuano, Michael E. [D-MA-8] (Introduced 07/30/2010)
    Cosponsors: 68
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Passed House.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    2. Passed House
    Latest Action: 09/28/10 Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
  • H.Res.1589 [111th]


    Latest Title: Commending the Women's Bureau of the U.S. Department of Labor on its 90th anniversary.
    Sponsor: Rep. DeLauro, Rosa L. [D-CT-3] (Introduced 07/30/2010)
    Cosponsors: 16
    Status of Legislation:

    This bill has the status Introduced.

    Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

    1. Introduced
    Latest Action: 10/13/10 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions.