U.S. Department of State - Great Seal

U.S. Department of State

Diplomacy in Action

Office of Allowances
Per Diem Rates
Allowance Rates
Standardized Regulations (DSSR)
General Information
Quarterly Report Indexes
Department of State Standardized Regulations   - (Chapters 600-640 last updated 8/30/2009)



621 Computation


621.1 Family Ordered/authorized to Depart - Employee Remains at Post


(a) Post Allowance


After departure of all members of an employee's family from the post, pursuant to an evacuation order, the post allowance shall be reduced to the "employee without family" rate.


(b) Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance


If early return of the employee's family to the post is anticipated, the temporary quarters subsistence allowance may be continued at the rate prescribed in Sections 120 and 925 of the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas).


(c) Living Quarters Allowance


The living quarters allowance may be continued at the "with family" rate for a period not to exceed six months.


(d) Education Allowance


(1) "School at post" education allowances shall be terminated without financial penalty to the employee in accordance with appropriate provisions governing education allowances in the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas). (See Section 274.22)  However, if there is an internet classroom set up with the school at post, expenses incurred by the employee/parent at the safehaven location associated with the internet classroom the child is participating in may be reimbursed under the current year “school at post” education allowance maximum. These expenses may include what the school at post may charge for this service and connectivity charges in the U.S. for internet classroom-related activities the child is participating in.


(2) "School away from Post" education allowance may continue until the end of the school year for children attending "school away from post" outside the U.S. 


(3) "School at safehaven", see Section 633 for special education allowance.


(e) Educational Travel


When a dependent is at a school in the United States utilizing educational travel benefits under Section 280, the official safehaven location displaces the post as the travel destination.  (See Section 633.4.)


621.2 Employee and Family Ordered/authorized To Depart


(a) Post Allowance


The post allowance shall be terminated as of the close of business of the day of departure from the post.


(b) Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance


The temporary quarters subsistence allowance shall be terminated as of the close of business of the day of departure from the post.


(c) Living Quarters Allowance


Payment of the living quarters allowance shall be terminated as of the close of business of the day of the employee's departure from the post, unless the employee is required to maintain and pay for quarters at the post or unless lease termination is impossible or impracticable.


(d) Education Allowance


(1) "School at post" education allowances shall terminate without financial penalty to the employee in accordance with appropriate provisions governing education allowances in the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas).  (See Section 274.22.) However, if there is an internet classroom set up with the school at post, expenses incurred by the employee/parent at the safehaven location associated with the internet classroom the child is participating in may be reimbursed under the current year “school at post” education allowance maximum. These expenses may include what the school at post may charge for this service and connectivity charges in the U.S. for internet classroom-related activities the child is participating in.


(2) "School away from post" education allowances.  (See Section 633.)


(e) Educational Travel


When a dependent is at a school in the United States utilizing educational travel benefits under Section 280, the official safehaven location displaces the post as the travel destination.  (See Section 633.4.)


(f) Post Differential and Danger Pay


When the employee departs post pursuant to ordered or authorized departure, payment of post differential and danger pay shall terminate in accordance with applicable provisions of the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas) (see Section 532 and Section 654.2 respectively).  Subsequent eligibility for these benefits to an evacuated employee at the safehaven post or other temporary duty stations shall be governed by the provisions of the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas) dealing with payment of these benefits on detail.  (See Sections 540 and 655.)


622 Payment


Insofar as practicable, payments shall be paid on the employee's regular pay days, computed as follows:


a. For full time and regular part time employees, the amount of the payment shall be computed on the basis of the employee's regularly scheduled workweek.


b. For intermittent employees, the amount of the payment shall be computed, whenever possible, by approximating the number of days per week normally worked by the employee during an average six-week period.


c. Payment and any required adjustment will be made in accordance with procedures approved by the head of agency.  Payments may be paid to the employee, an adult dependent, or a designated representative.  Payments to anyone other than the employee should be made only pursuant to prior written authorization by the employee, wherever possible.  Where circumstances do not permit prior written authorization, the payment may be made and the employee should then confirm such payment by preparation and submission to the safehaven post of an allotment or assignment of pay form, immediately following departure of dependents or, if the employee is also evacuated, upon arrival at the safehaven post.


d. When an advance payment has been made under Section 615, no part of the advance will be offset against salary and allowance payments (Section 620) so long as the evacuation order remains in effect.  (See Sections 618 and 638 for reconciling employee accounts.)


623 Termination


The authority for allowance payments under Section 620 shall cease as of the earliest of the following dates:


a. the date the evacuated/departed employee commences travel under an assignment order to another  duty station outside the evacuation area;


b. the effective date of transfer when the employee is already at the post to which transferred;


c. the date of separation;


d. the date specified by the head of agency;


e. the date specified by the Secretary of State;


f. 180 days after the evacuation order is issued; or


g. the date the evacuee commences return travel to post.



624 Agency Report Requirements


When an evacuation is ordered or authorized, a report will immediately be submitted to the head of agency who will forward a copy to the Department of State.  The report will contain the following information:


a. names of evacuated employees;


b. names of evacuated dependents (indicating, where appropriate, designated representatives);


c. feasibility of officially reassigning evacuated employees to other positions;


d. number and kinds of evacuated employees needed to reactivate the post; and


e. any other facts or circumstances which may aid in determining whether evacuation payments are necessary beyond the first 60 days of the period of evacuation.


A similar report will be made after the expiration of 45 days of evacuation.  Upon receipt of this report, a determination will be made as to the number of evacuated employees who will be required to be retained as the civilian staff available for the performance of duty and for whom evacuation payments may be continued beyond the first 60 days of the period of evacuation.  As soon as this determination is made, the post will be instructed as to the number of evacuated employees who may continue to receive evacuation payments and the duration of the period for which such payments will continue.  When the extension thus granted is less than 120 additional days, and the evacuation lasts beyond the approved period for continuation of the evacuation payments, approval for continuation of evacuation payments up to the full 120 additional days must be secured from the head of agency.


625 Work Assignments for Evacuated Employees


625.1 Evacuated employees at safehaven posts may be assigned to perform any work considered as necessary or required to be performed during the period of the evacuation without regard to the grades or titles of the employees.


625.2 Failure or refusal to perform assigned work may be a basis for terminating further evacuation payments and/or taking disciplinary action.


625.3 When part time employees, either regular or intermittent, are given assigned work at the safehaven post, records of the number of hours worked will be maintained so that payment may be made for any hours of work which are greater than the number of hours on which payments under Section 620 are made.