Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research

Task Force

Graphic: Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance, and Research [U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum photo]The Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research consists of 24 nations with a mission of encouraging activities and projects pertaining to Holocaust education, remembrance, and research in member countries and in other interested, partner countries. The Task Force was founded in 1998 and is funded through members' contributions. The Task Force evaluates and co-finances projects related to its missions with governments, public and private institutions as well as Heads of delegations at the Washington, DC plenary in December 2003. [State Dept. photo]NGOs. These projects are designed to support: Holocaust education by training educators and in turn students; promotion of remembrance through memorials and commemorations; and academic research and study. The Task Force works on the basis of consensus and the Chair rotates on a yearly basis. The U.S. held the position of Task Force chair from March 2003-2004. Currently, Hungary holds this position.

For additional information on the Task Force for International Cooperation, visit their website or the website of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.