Symposium on Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine

Abstract Submission

The abstract submission deadline has passed.

The abstract deadline has been extended one month, to Monday, August 1.

Preparation/Formatting Guidelines

  • Abstracts should provide clear data and validated cosnclusions. They should consist of an introduction that presents the background of the study, a brief description of the methods employed, a summary of the results, and a statement of the conclusions.
  • Please use the following format for your abstract’s file name: "Abstract_Submitter Name"
  • Abstracts should contain a maximum of 300 words.
  • Submissions should be in Word, using 12 point Arial font, with 1.5" margins (left, right, bottom, top).
  • The following information must appear at the top: Abstract title, names, and affiliations of authors with the name of presenter in bold.

    John Doe1, Mary Smith2, Peter Jones3.
    1National Cancer Institute, 2Channing Laboratory, Harvard University and 3University of California, San Francisco.

Submission Guidelines

Please submit your abstract through the registration website no later than August 1. Use the following file name format: "Abstract_Submitter's Name."

In the body of your abstract, please include:

  • Name and degree(s)
  • Position Title, Department, Affiliation
  • Mailing Address
  • Telephone, E-mail

If you have questions regarding the online submission, please e-mail Rosa Hugo.

Last Updated July 1, 2011

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