Publications Procedures

Types of ARM Publications

There are two main types of publications in ARM: (1) planning documents and (2) science reports. Planning documents include the ARM Program Plan, Science Plan, Locale Recommendation Plan, and Site Scientific Mission Plans, and science reports include site reports, technical reports, data reports, VAP reports and working group reports.

In addition to planning documents and science reports, there are two other types of ARM publications. Conference documents include abstracts published in ARM Science Team Meeting Proceedings, and papers or presentations published in other conference publications. Public information materials include fact sheets, brochures, CDs, videos, press releases, and information packets.

Each type of publication follows its own process for publishing and should be coordinated with the ARM Program Office.

Process for Publishing

Planning Documents

  1. Obtaining a Document Number. The author is responsible for contacting the ARM Program Office to obtain a document number. Please do not assign your own. The Program Office keeps track of all numbered publications and assigns them as needed, depending on the type of publication. The author can contact Dana Dupont, who will contact the appropriate person to assign these numbers. Examples of document numbers in this category include DOE-ER-0442.
  2. Getting the Document to Us. Electronic documents can be sent to us by one of the following ways:
    • FTP to and notify Dana Dupont.
    • E-mail to Dana Dupont.
    • Place on diskette or CD-Rom and mail to Dana Dupont. at the following address:
      Dana Dupont
      ARM Program Office
      Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
      3200 Q Ave.
      Richland, WA 99352
  3. Getting the Report Out on the Web. Once the electronic file has been received, the report will be reviewed for overall completeness and consistency and will be formatted. The report must complete all internal and external reviews before being placed on the ARM website. Once these steps have been completed, a pdf version will be placed on the ARM website and the author notified that it is publicly available.
  4. Internal Review Process. Before final publication, the ARM Program Office will review all planning documents for completeness, accuracy, consistency, and proper acknowledgment of U.S. Department of Energy's ARM Climate Research Facility. The DOE Program Director, ARM Technical Coordinator, and the ARM Chief Scientist must approve all planning documents
  5. External Review Process. Planning documents will be externally reviewed as appropriate.
  6. Author Instructions for Submitting. Text should be prepared in Microsoft Word, if possible. Include name, affiliations, and locations of all authors. Identify point-of-contact, along with email address and phone number, for questions. Define ALL acronyms and abbreviations the first time they are used.
    Make sure all references called out in text appear on your reference list and that all references on your reference list are called out in text. Also, make sure all references on your reference list have complete citations and are publicly available. Make sure all figures and tables are called out in text and have captions. Also, make sure that all figures and tables called out in text are included with your paper.
    If possible, graphics should be sent as individual graphic files in their original software. Create/size graphics to fit the image area. Make sure that any text in the graphics is not sized smaller than the base font text size (standard = Times New Roman 12 pt). Graphics can be up to 7 inches wide. Please supply a high-quality printed copy of all graphics, so that, if needed, they can be scanned and imported into the text.

Science Reports

  1. Obtaining a Document Number. The author is responsible for contacting the ARM Program Office to obtain a document number. Please do not assign your own. The Program Office keeps track of all numbered publications and assigns them as needed. The author can contact Dana Dupont, who will assign these numbers. Document numbers in this category include ARM-TR-002 (technical reports), ARM-VAP-002 (VAP reports), and ARM-99-001 (site reports).
  2. Getting the Document to Us. Electronic documents can be sent to us by one of the following ways:
    • FTP to and notify Dana Dupont.
    • E-mail to Dana Dupont.
    • Place on diskette or CD-Rom and mail to Dana Dupont. at the following address:
      Dana Dupont
      ARM Program Office
      Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
      3200 Q Ave.
      Richland, WA 99352
  3. Getting the Report Out on the Web. Once the electronic file has been received, the report will be reviewed for overall completeness and consistency and will be formatted. The report must complete all internal and external reviews before being placed on the ARM Web site. Once these steps have been completed, a pdf version will be placed on the ARM Web site and the author notified that it is publicly available.
  4. Internal Review Process. Before external review, all technical reports will be reviewed for completeness, accuracy, consistency, and proper acknowledgment of the U.S. Department of Energy's ARM Climate Research Facility. In addition to the report, submitters should provide a brief (one paragraph) description of the contents and focus of the technical report and provide names of at least 3 suggested reviewers for their report. The ARM Technical Director and ARM Chief Scientist must approve all technical reports.
  5. Peer Review Process. The ARM Program Office will select at least 3 reviewers to provide a scientific review of the technical report. The list of suggested reviewers provided by the author will be considered for that review. In addition, the ARM Program Office will identify at least one other reviewer. Dana Dupont will be the point of contact for accepting technical reports, distributing reports for review, and for compiling and distributing review comments to authors.
  6. Updating Your Publication. A report might need to be maintained and updated periodically. This might mean that an addendum be added in a separate document or that the document be resubmitted after it has been updated. The ARM Program Office will accommodate this with the appropriate numbering of the documents. For example, if a report was published under ARM-TR-001 and the author updates this version, a companion report will be published and the document number will be ARM-TR-001.1 to reflect that this is revision 1, while an addendum for the document will be named ARM-TR-001.A1.
  7. Author Instructions for Submitting. Text should be prepared in Microsoft Word, if possible. Include names, affiliations, and locations of all authors. Identify point-of-contact, along with email address and phone number, for questions. Define ALL acronyms and abbreviations the first time they are used.Make sure all references called out in text appear on your reference list and that all references on your reference list are called out in text. Also, make sure all references on your reference list have complete citations and are publicly available. Make sure all figures and tables are called out in text and have captions. Also, make sure that all figures and tables called out in text are included with your paper.If possible, graphics should be sent as individual graphic files in their original software. Create/size graphics to fit the image area. Make sure that any text in the graphics is not sized smaller than the base font text size (standard = Times New Roman 12 pt). Graphics can be up to 7 inches wide. Please supply a high-quality printed copy of all graphics, so that if needed they can be scanned and imported into the text.

Conference Documents

Science Team Meeting Abstracts. Before final publication, the ARM Program Office will review the abstracts for completeness, accuracy, consistency, and proper acknowledgment of the U.S. Department of Energy's ARM Climate Research Facility. Submit both a printed copy and an electronic submission of text, graphics, and equations. Also, include names, affiliations, and locations of all authors. Identify point-of-contact, along with email address and phone number, for questions.

Other Conference Publications. The ARM Program Office should be copied on all papers and presentations for other conference publications. The ARM Climate Research Facility should be properly acknowledged in conference publications.

Public Information Materials

All public information materials should be coordinated through the ARM Program Office. Before final publications, the ARM Program Office will review the materials for content, completeness, consistency, and formatting. Templates are available through the Program Office to assist in formatting. The DOE Program Manager, ARM Technical Coordinator, ARM Chief Scientist, and ARM Operations Manager must approve all public information materials.

Recommendation for Journal Articles

The viability of government programs is dependent on journal articles. Experience has shown that it is often difficult to identify which specific programs originated the research described in journal articles. Often the acknowledgment statements are not placed where they are easily accessible through electronic searches, and, therefore, the program supporting the research may not be recognized. For the ARM Climate Research Facility, it is recommended, if possible, that acknowledgments be placed in the abstract or introduction of the articles to make them more accessible. Following are recommendations for properly acknowledging the ARM Climate Research Facility and contributors to the program.

Proper Acknowledgments

The ARM Climate Research Facility should be acknowledged in publications as the origin of field programs. Following are guidelines for proper acknowledgments:

ARM-funded investigators will use the following acknowledgment: "This research was supported by the Office of Biological and Environmental Research of the U.S. Department of Energy (under grant or contract number - if appropriate) as part of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility."

Publications resulting from collaborative efforts in which ARM data or facilities were used are requested to appropriately acknowledge the cooperation or collaboration of the "U.S. Department of Energy as part of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility."

Principal investigators (PIs) providing non-routine data will be acknowledged as appropriate. ARM-funded PIs will give proper acknowledgment to cooperating or collaborating programs in those cases where data originating therein are being used.