The Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI) is managed by the Office of Plans, Policy, and Analysis in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, U.S. Department of State. For further information on the GPOI Team, please contact the Office of Plans Policy and Analysis at 202-647-7775.

GPOI management and oversight partners include:


The program is guided by the GPOI Coordinating Committee (GCC), which meets regularly to provide strategic direction for GPOI programs, events, and activities. GCC representatives include members from the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs of the State Department (Co-Chair), Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Partnership Strategy, Joint Staff, and, when appropriate, representatives from State Department and/or Defense Department regional bureaus and offices, and the National Security Council (NSC).

Program implementation is carried out with assistance from the regional bureaus of the State Department, U.S. diplomatic posts, OSD Partnership Strategy, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), regional affairs offices of OSD, the Joint Staff, and the Regional Combatant Commands.


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