Datastream : MWRP

Microwave Radiometer data (MWR Profiles - QME), water vapor, temp, cloud liquid water, precip water retrievals

Active Dates
2004.02.19 - 2012.09.21

Measurement Categories
Atmospheric State, Cloud Properties

Originating Instrument
Microwave Radiometer Profiler (MWRP)


Only measurements considered scientifically relevant are shown below by default.

Show all measurements

Measurement Units Variable
Azimuth angle degrees azimuth
Base time in Epoch seconds since 1970-1-1 0:00:00 0:00 base_time
Internal blackbody reference temperature K blackbodyTemperature ( time )
Microwave brightness temperature K brightnessTemperature ( time, frequency )
Convective available potential energy J/Kg cape ( time )
Derived cloud base height meters above ground level cloudBaseHeight ( time )
Data quality flags unitless dataQualityFlags ( time, height )
Derived dewpoint temperature K dewpointTemperature ( time, height )
Elevation angle degrees elevation ( time )
Equilibrium level meters above ground level equilibriumLevel ( time )
Equilibrium level pressure hPa equilibriumLevelPres ( time )
Frequency gHz frequency ( frequency )
Height meters above ground level height ( height )
Zenith-pointing infrared temperature at 10um K infraredTemperature ( time )
Level of free convection meters above ground level levelFreeConvection ( time )
Level of free convection pressure hPa levelFreeConvectionPres ( time )
Lifting condensation level meters above ground level liftingCondensationLevel ( time )
Lifting condensation level pressure hPa liftingCondensationLevelPres ( time )
Retrieved cloud liquid water content g/m^3 liquidWaterContent ( time, height )
Expected root-mean-square error in liquid water content retrieval g/m^3 liquidWaterContentRmsError ( height )
Retrieved liquid water path mm liquidWaterPath ( time )
Retrieved liquid water path using only 23.835 and 30.0 GHz mm liquidWaterPath2 ( time )
Expected root-mean-square error in liquid water path retrieval using only 23.835 and 30.0 GHz mm liquidWaterPath2RmsError
Expected root-mean-square error in liquid water path retrieval mm liquidWaterPathRmsError
Derived pressure hPa pressure ( time, height )
Quality check results on field: Internal blackbody reference temperature unitless qc_blackbodyTemperature ( time )
Quality check results on field: Microwave brightness temperature unitless qc_brightnessTemperature ( time, frequency )
Quality check results on field: Convective available potential energy unitless qc_cape ( time )
Quality check results on field: Derived cloud base height unitless qc_cloudBaseHeight ( time )
Quality check results on field: Derived dewpoint temperature unitless qc_dewpointTemperature ( time, height )
Quality check results on field: Equilibrium level unitless qc_equilibriumLevel ( time )
Quality check results on field: Equilibrium level pressure unitless qc_equilibriumLevelPres ( time )
Quality check results on field: Zenith-pointing infrared temperature at 10um unitless qc_infraredTemperature ( time )
Quality check results on field: Level of free convection unitless qc_levelFreeConvection ( time )
Quality check results on field: Level of free convection pressure unitless qc_levelFreeConvectionPres ( time )
Quality check results on field: Lifting condensation level unitless qc_liftingCondensationLevel ( time )
Quality check results on field: Lifting condensation level pressure unitless qc_liftingCondensationLevelPres ( time )
Quality check results on field: Retrieved cloud liquid water content unitless qc_liquidWaterContent ( time, height )
Quality check results on field: Retrieved liquid water path unitless qc_liquidWaterPath ( time )
Quality check results on field: Retrieved liquid water path using only 23.835 and 30.0 GHz unitless qc_liquidWaterPath2 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Derived pressure unitless qc_pressure ( time, height )
Quality check results on field: Derived relative humidity unitless qc_relativeHumidity ( time, height )
Quality check results on field: Surface pressure at instrument unitless qc_surfacePressure ( time )
Quality check results on field: Surface relative humidity at instrument unitless qc_surfaceRelativeHumidity ( time )
Quality check results on field: Surface absolute temperature at instrument unitless qc_surfaceTemperature ( time )
Quality check results on field: Surface water vapor density at instrument unitless qc_surfaceWaterVaporDensity ( time )
Quality check results on field: Retrieved absolute temperature unitless qc_temperature ( time, height )
Quality check results on field: Time offset from midnight unitless qc_time ( time )
Quality check results on field: Retrieved total precipitable water vapor unitless qc_totalPrecipitableWater ( time )
Quality check results on field: Retrieved total precipitable water vapor using only 23.835 and 30.0 GHz unitless qc_totalPrecipitableWater2 ( time )
Quality check results on field: Derived virtual temperature unitless qc_virtualTemperature ( time, height )
Quality check results on field: Retrieved water vapor density unitless qc_waterVaporDensity ( time, height )
Quality check results on field: Derived water vapor mixing ratio unitless qc_waterVaporMixingRatio ( time, height )
Derived relative humidity % relativeHumidity ( time, height )
Surface pressure at instrument hPa surfacePressure ( time )
Surface relative humidity at instrument % surfaceRelativeHumidity ( time )
Surface absolute temperature at instrument K surfaceTemperature ( time )
Surface water vapor density at instrument g/m^3 surfaceWaterVaporDensity ( time )
Retrieved absolute temperature K temperature ( time, height )
Expected root-mean-square error in temperature retrieval K temperatureRmsError ( height )
Time offset from midnight time ( time )
Time offset from base_time time_offset ( time )
Retrieved total precipitable water vapor cm totalPrecipitableWater ( time )
Retrieved total precipitable water vapor using only 23.835 and 30.0 GHz cm totalPrecipitableWater2 ( time )
Expected root-mean-square error in precipitable water retrieval using only 23.835 and 30.0 GHz cm totalPrecipitableWater2RmsError
Expected root-mean-square error in precipitable water retrieval cm totalPrecipitableWaterRmsError
Derived virtual temperature K virtualTemperature ( time, height )
Retrieved water vapor density g/m^3 waterVaporDensity ( time, height )
Expected root-mean-square error in water vapor density retrieval g/m^3 waterVaporDensityRmsError ( height )
Derived water vapor mixing ratio g/Kg waterVaporMixingRatio ( time, height )
Flag indicating moisture sensor status unitless wetWindowFlag ( time )


  • North Slope Alaska (NSA)
    • Central Facility, Barrow AK (C1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (FKB)
    • Black Forest, Germany (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (GRW)
    • Graciosa Island, Azores, Portugal (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (HFE)
    • Shouxian, Anhui, China (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (NIM)
    • Niamey, Niger (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (PGH)
    • ARIES Observatory, Nainital, Uttarkhand, India (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (PVC)
    • Highland Center, Cape Cod MA; AMF 1 (M1)
  • ARM Mobile Facility (PYE)
    • Point Reyes, CA (M1)


Maria Cadeddu
(630) 252-7408