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Weekend Photo Theme: Use Your Feet!

2012 May 4

In the past, we’ve nudged you to submit photos of the scenes that aren’t necessarily good, or of problems that aren’t yet resolved in our environment. Keep those submissions coming along!

This weekend, the photo theme is what you see while walking. Good or bad, but from the ground level. Crouch down and get a little closer to your environment. Just like this guy.

Sidewalk King by Molly EB on Flickr for State of the Environment

See where your feet take you and get creative with the vantage point. We can’t wait to see what you see!

September 5, 2011 State of the Environment entry by theholders.1 on Flickr

Bring your friends, your family along too. If you need any further inspiration for why that might be a good idea, check out this personal reflection from EPA’s main blog: A Nature Walk Through Bear Country.

From your phone or your camera, share your perspective with State of the Environment on Flickr.

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

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