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Environment in a Day: Call for Photos!

2012 April 26

Were you out and about this past weekend? Maybe you caught a photo on Earth Day and didn’t even know it? Share a photo you took on April 22 for Environment in a Day! Check out these Earth Day moments caught in Utah, California, and Massachusetts:

Waving clouds April 22, 2012 Environment in a Day entry by Brian Milliner

City of Angels fun ride April 22, 2012 Environment in a Day entry by Deb Fort

Earth Day Traffic, April 22, 2012 Environment in a Day entry by Josh Cummings

Right now in State of the Environment you can see more Earth Day 2012 views from Wyoming, Puerto Rico, Oregon and more, but we need your shots. Just 17 out of 50 states have participation. Even in the rain, many still got in on the action. Spread the word to help complete the picture!

Share a photo by joining the State of the Environment Photo Project. Our environment is everything, all around. It does not have to be pretty, we’re only asking that it be real. You may have gotten a better picture than you think, we’ll happily be the judge of that!

Through this coming weekend, we’re still accepting one (1) contribution per Flickr member into the group. To make the cut for the Environment in a Day, it had to be taken on Earth Day, April 22. Any other recent day is still accepted for the ongoing State of the Environment project.

Wall of Fame: States / territories that have your contributions to Environment in a Day! See your state and still have a photo to share? Send it along, we’ll be featuring the best variety and one top image from each, so there’s still a chance to be the one.

New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
Puerto Rico

* Special appearance from the Netherlands too!

State of the Environment Photo Project on Flickr

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

One Response leave one →
  1. J Cummings permalink
    April 27, 2012

    Great job on a really cool project!

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