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Photo theme: From A to B

2012 August 3

Transportation plays a huge role in the state of our environment and our quality of life. What choices do you have near you? What is easy, and which way do you choose?

Documerica was full of photos illustrating jammed highways, graffiti covered subway cars, and countless other scenes about our day to day lives in the seventies.

Today and over the weekend, take a photo of your mode of getting from A to B for State of the Environment.

Passengers Disembark, July 11, 2012 in Washington D.C. by jaorquina on Flickr.

Passengers Disembark, July 11, 2012 in Washington D.C. by jaorquina on Flickr.

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

4 Responses leave one →
  1. karen White permalink
    August 6, 2012

    I cannot find an email for a person who we can contact about an environmental impact report. We are involved in trying to get a route by Ameren,IL through Indian artifact area/Indiana Bat/HEL soil area to chose a different route to put up high voltage transimssion towers. They have 4 routes they can chose from. When we went to the meetings we could get no info on if an environment impact study had been done- no one ever came on any of the properties marked for this project. This project is steam rolling- it is moving fast and furious. The people who own property along this route had a meeting and no one person seemed to get the same answer at the open house meetings they went to. We compared notes- none of us had the same answer given to us. They avoided the question about environmental impact statement- saying this would be an eminant domain issue if needed to be. We are stunned by the lack of correct info we are getting and the speed at which they are trying to push this project through. We have until
    wed aug 8 to postmark any info we want to send them. The gas line companies and the company that has leased all this land to store gas were not notified of this project. We feel we need help getting this route stopped due to the historical sensivity of the area- the Indian studies are documented and the person with the USDA said we had the endangered Inaiana Bat in this area and this is highly erodible land-marked on soil survey maps. Is there any help available to us.
    Ed White
    21336 E. Terre Haute Rd
    Paris, IL 61944

  2. jfalvey permalink*
    August 6, 2012

    Hi Ed,
    I’m forwarding your inquiry to staff that I know at EPA Region 5, which more locally covers Illinois. In the meantime here is a page of contact information for their various offices.
    I hope that is helpful. Best wishes, Jeanethe Falvey, State of the Environment project lead

  3. Anonymous permalink
    September 3, 2012

    Hello! afkkeeg interesting afkkeeg site! I’m really like it! Very, very afkkeeg good!

  4. Anonymous permalink
    September 3, 2012

    Hello! aeggcka interesting aeggcka site! I’m really like it! Very, very aeggcka good!

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