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Featured Photo: Cilantro for sale!

2012 September 5

Congratulations to Stephanie Marchant for today’s featured photo! Enjoy this snapshot of a farmers market in Dallas this past June. Share what’s fresh at local markets near you with State of the Environment on Flickr.

Dallas Farmers Market. June 2, 2012 photo by Stephanie Marchant.

Dallas Farmer Market. June 2, 2012 photo by Stephanie Marchant

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Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

5 Responses leave one →
  1. Frida permalink
    September 5, 2012

    I’m all for fresh produce and farmers’ markets but seriously, this picture should not be used to promote them. The eggplant is shriveled and the cilantro looks a bit yellow. Please, there are so many, many great pictures of farmers markets – this picture is an embarrassment.

  2. jfalvey permalink*
    September 6, 2012

    Thanks for your comment. By all means enter a better photo and we just might pick it!

  3. Stephanie permalink
    September 10, 2012

    @Frida – While I appreciate your honesty, calling my photo an embarrassment is a bit harsh and dampening the great feeling received from the EPA choosing to feature it. Freshness wasn’t really what I was going for here, but if you think you can do it better, I would like to see that. What’s embarrassing is you trying to ruin this moment for me. But everyone’s a critic I suppose.

  4. Frida permalink
    September 19, 2012

    Saying that this is an embarrassment is not being directed towards you personally, it is an embarrassment for farmers’ markets who go to great efforts to get their produce to the market while it is at its prime. If someone showed me this picture to encourage me to go out to the Dallas farmers’ market, I would stay home.

    I felt that it was also that a bit embarrassing for the EPA to post this picture as an example of “what’s fresh at local markets”. Makes it seem like they must be pretty hard up for photos, but I think it would have been better to not post anything at all rather than to say that this is an example of “what’s fresh at local markets” because this produce is not fresh. Stephanie, I am truly sorry if you took offense – congratulations for getting your picture posted. I am not a photographer, but that is totally besides the point so please don’t throw that at me. I am also not particularly fond of eggplant, but I can appreciate the beautiful purple glow of a fresh eggplant. I am curious as to your age?

    Check out a Google image search for farmers market produce and you will see some really appetite-inspiring pictures of produce that was diligently picked in the wee hours of the morning and lovingly displayed.

  5. Jessica - EPA permalink*
    September 19, 2012

    Thank you Stephanie for submitting the photo! And thank you to all for the comments! The thing I love about our State of the Environment Photo Project is that people are submitting photos that truly represent our environment. There are photos of beautiful landscapes and there are photos of trash. The photos I appreciate most are the ones that honestly represent the environment and lives of different people across our country and around the world.

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