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Get ready for Earth Day!

2012 March 28

Hi everyone!

As we make the final preparations for our Documerica Returns! traveling exhibit of images from both our past and our present (submitted by you!) we wanted to take a moment and provide you with a quick update and a reminder to get ready for Environment in a Day!

EPA is preparing to launch an exciting display of some of Documerica’s most captivating images, out of thousands let us say, that wasn’t an easy task to decide. On the flip side of the exhibit will be a stunning selection of images sent in to State of the Environment over the past year with a continued call for action to send in more.

Starting in April and continuing through the full year to the spring of 2013, the exhibit will be based out of each of the ten EPA regions for approximately one month. Within each region we are working to have the exhibit display in a variety of venues and will provide a schedule here. Stay tuned, we hope it lands near you! Find your region now.

First up! During the month of April the exhibit will be traveling through New England, based out of EPA’s Boston office. Final dates and locations will be announced over the next few days.

Feeling far away from the action? We’re putting out a call to gather photos from around the world, particularly in the U.S., during the 24 hour moment of Earth Day 2012. From the submissions we will be featuring ONE photo from each state and territory to be the image of Earth Day where you live.

ONE photo from each U.S. state and territory will be chosen for the map of the 24 hour moment!

Your photo could be it! 4.22.12 Environment in a Day!

Find out the latest and greatest here and keep the photos coming.

Happy photographing — State of the Environment team, U.S. EPA

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

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