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Photo Theme: Groceries

2012 June 1

When we think of the environment perhaps a landscape comes to mind. Most likely it’s something of a ‘big picture’ mental image, right?

This week’s photo theme gets right down to a basic everyday need: food. Food is part of our environment too. It grows from our environment, we work hard to grow enough of it, and it usually takes some form of transportation to get it from where it’s grown to our tables.

How do you get your groceries?

- Supermarket?
- Backyard garden?
- Community Co-Op?
- Farmer’s Market?

When was the last time you pondered how far your food came from, and what it took to get it there?

How we gather our daily food rations is a major part of our environment and way of life today. It is different depending on where you live, and has changed dramatically through time. We’re challenging you to get creative with your shots this weekend and share a photo of how, where, and what you get for food.

Wind Farm, Mcgirr, Illinois by Joe P. Dick on Flickr for State of the Environment December, 2011

Wind Farm 2, Mcgirr, Illinois by Joe P. Dick on Flickr for State of the Environment December, 2011

From your phone or your camera, share your environment and way of life with State of the Environment on Flickr. We look forward to sharing your view!

The traveling Exhibit is LIVE at the Discovery Center in Boise, Idaho through next Wednesday, June 6. Stop in with the kids and they can enjoy an exhibit scavenger hunt! Information and directions.

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

3 Responses leave one →
  1. Arman.- permalink
    June 1, 2012

    Photo Theme: Hurricanes…..

    It’s amazing to see the portrait above. Clean air and blue. Could the professional compares it with the hurricane disaster….?

  2. jfalvey permalink*
    June 1, 2012

    Thank you for the suggestion Arman! We could certainly include a photo theme following hurricanes this year. Best wishes.

  3. June 18, 2012

    The picture look great. :)

    Lessen Harmful Emissions

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