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The World Environment

2012 June 6

World Environment Day celebrations began in 1972 and have grown into one of the main vehicles through which the UN stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and encourages political attention and action. Just like the single day of April 22 each year, June 5 is the climax of year round outreach and attention.

If you took a photo yesterday, whether it was intended to be about the environment or not, share it! Each image in the State of the Environment Documentary represents a moment in our lives and environment now.

These individual moments are creating a collective picture of our challenges and our successes from 2011-2013; this snapshot in time.

Forty years ago, Documerica began collecting stories and images that would give all of us around the world, an easily accessible, visual baseline of the environmental conditions at a time when EPA’s work was just beginning in the United States.

Today, State of the Environment is your opportunity to participate from around the globe to tell the stories of change.

Help capture the global environmental challenges of now

Grab your camera or smart phone to make your place in our environment part of the picture. 

Every one of us are making daily choices that impact our surroundings. Forty years from now, what will we have to show for the State of our Environment on our shared planet?

Submit up to two photos a week through Flickr.

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

One Response leave one →
  1. June 7, 2012

    The Good Force be with you!

    Happy 2012 World Environment Day!

    Live forever and prosper!

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