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Featured: Sturgeons in West Pearl River, Louisiana

2012 January 31

Congratulations to Flickr participant ‘janice5481′ for her featured photo from State of the Environment!

It’s not a pretty picture taken on August 14, 2011, but this is also what State of the Environment is about: the truth of what you see where you live. Taken on her phone, this picture shows two endangered sturgeon that died in the West Pearl River in Louisiana.

fish kill

Fish breathe by taking in dissolved oxygen through their gills. Water pollution can sometimes deplete that dissolved oxygen to the point where there is not enough for fish and other aqautic organisms to survive.

Today’s featured photo captures one story about our environment right now. Share a current photo of our world, our environment as you see it.

All of the featured photos from State of the Environment, as well as featured photos from Documerica, can be seen on Facebook

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

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