Group Pool 2,124 photos |   Only members can add to the pool. Join?

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usepagov (a group admin) says:
24 Sep 12 - Latest Documerica challenge: Kentucky!

Join this modern version of the historic Documerica project to create a time capsule progress and change in our environment today. Submit up to two photos a week!

See the DOCUMERICA Inspiration

Discussion 7 posts |  Only members can post. Join?

Title Author Replies Latest Post
Latest News and Headlines usepagov 4 3 months ago
Traveling photo exhibit John Dreyer 7 3 months ago
Can't post Earth Day photo L. Dale Armstrong 7 4 months ago
Environment in a Day! usepagov 1 5 months ago
Congratulations to our featured photographers! usepagov 25 7 months ago
Which location on this planet inspires you to grab your camera? usepagov 2 11 months ago

About State of the Environment Photography Project

What is the State of our Environment, our planet, today? Looking back years from now, what will today's photos tell us?

Almost 40 years ago, EPA's Documerica project captured thousands of compelling images of environmental problems and the state of American life. Now, we've gone global with the same idea. After four decades of greater environmental awareness, how far have we come?

It's free to join Flickr. Submit your best CURRENT photos of our world and our environment to this group: taken from where you live or where you travel.

See great photos in your Flickr travels? Encourage others to join in by copying and pasting this code into your comment box:

<b>Great photo! Please consider adding it to:<br />
<a href=""><img src="" alt=" Official
EPA and NARA Group " /> </a><br />
<a href=""><br />
Official EPA and NARA Group </a></b><br />
Thank you for sharing your photos!

It should look like this in your preview!

Great photo! Please consider adding it to:
 Official EPA and NARA Group

Official EPA and NARA Group

Thank you for sharing your photos!


An exhibit of selected images from State of the Environment as well as Documerica will be traveling the United States from April 2012 - March of 2013.

This group will remain open to accept additional photos through 2013.

See the galleries of selected photos


Additional Information

This group is public This is a public group.

  • View the group rules.
  • Members can post 2 things to the pool each week.
  • Accepted media types:
    • Photos
  • Accepted content types:
    • Photos
  • Accepted safety levels:
    • Safe
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