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Technical Service Center
Water Treatment Engineering Research Team

Desalination Publication Series

Projects funded under the DWPR or previously authorized programs usually result in reports which document the project accomplishments. The following is a complete list of reports published by Reclamation under these programs. The .pdf reports are best viewed in Adobe Acrobat 4.0 or higher. Hard copies of all reports are available upon request (click here for contact information).

1 - The Desalting and Water Treatment Membrane Manual: A Guide to Membranes for Municipal Water Treatment
USBR; Denver CO and Boulder City NV;
September 1993
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #1.

2 - National Desalting and Water Treatment Needs Survey
USBR; Denver CO;
May 1993
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #2.

3 - Nanofiltration of a High Salinity Groundwater on the Hopi Reservation
Northern Arizona University; Flagstaff AZ;
May 1995
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #3.

4 - VARI-ROTM 'Low Energy' Desalting for the San Diego Region
Science Applications International Corp., San Diego CA;
June 1995
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #4.

5 - Clathrate Desalination Plant, Preliminary Research Study
Thermal Energy Systems, Inc.; San Diego CA;
June 1995
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #5.


7 - Preliminary Research Study for the Construction of a Pilot Cogeneration Desalination Plant in Southern California
Supersystems, Inc.; Irvine CA;
May 1995
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #7.

8 - Lake Havasu City Water Treatment Study
USBR; Denver CO;
April 1995
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #8.

9 - Development of an Advanced Transverse Flow Nanofiltration Membrane Process for High Performance Desalination
ZENON Environmental, Inc.; Burlington, Ontario, Canada;
June 1995
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #9.

10 - Zeta Potential for Reverse Osmosis Membranes: Implications for Membrane Performance and Feed Water Treatment
University of California at Los Angeles;
December 1996
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #10.

11 - Reduced Energy Consumption Evaporator for Use in Desalting Impaired Waters
Water Reuse Technology; Alamo CA;
December 1994
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #11.

12 - National Facilities Survey - Part 1
Separation Consultants, Inc; Poway CA;
September 1994
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #12.

13 - Desalting as an Environmentally Friendly Water Treatment Process
Summary Report of an ADA Seminar Held 9/11/94 in Palm Beach, FL
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #13.

14 - Brighton ED Testing with Asahi Monovalent Membranes
D&N Engineering; Lakewood CO;
September 1995
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #14.

15 - Maricopa Ground Water Treatment
USBR; Denver CO;
February 1996
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #15.

16 - Eastern Municipal Water District RO Treatment/Saline Vegetated Wetlands Pilot Study
USBR; Denver CO;
April 1996
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #16.

17 - Membrane Element Autopsy Manual
USBR; Denver CO;
December 1996
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #17.
The manual also provided forms to be used when performing an autopsy. Click here to download the original version of these forms in WordPerfect 5.1 or an updated version in Microsoft Word.

18 - Novel Membrane Process with Rapid Backpulsing for Water Treatment
University of Colorado; Boulder CO;
November 1996
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #18.

19 - Water Reuse Research Needs Assessment Workshop
Summary Report of a Reclamation Workshop Held 8/4/96 at the ADA Conference in Monterey, CA
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #19.



22 - Enchancement of Membrane Fouling Resistance through Surface Modification
USBR; Denver CO;
March 1997
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #22.

23 - Evaluation of the Natural Freeze-Thaw Process for the Desalination of Groundwater from the Dakota Aquifer to Provide Water for Grand Forks, North Dakota
B.C. Technologies, Ltd.; Laramie WY;
Energy & Environmental Research Center, University of North Dakota; Grand Forks ND;
September 1999
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #23.

24 - Survey of U.S. Costs and Water Rates for Desalination and Membrane Softening Plants
Leitner & Associates, Inc; Florida and Connecticut;
June 1997
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #24.

25 - Research Opportunities at the Yuma Water Quality Improvement Center
Summary Report of a Joint Reclamation/ADA Seminar Held 1/23/97 in Yuma AZ
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #25.

26 - Wastewater Reclamation Pilot Study City of McAllen, Texas, WWTP No. 2S
CH2M Hill; Tempe AZ;
December 1997
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #26.

27 - The Algal-Bacterial Selenium Removal System for Treatment of Irrigation Drainage Water: Demonstration Facility Interim Studies
University of California-Berkeley; Berkeley, CA;
November 1999
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #27.

28 - Microfiltration with Rapid Backpulsing and Surface-Modified Membranes
University of Colorado; Boulder CO;
September 1999
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #28.

29 - The Desalting and Water Treatment Membrane Manual, A Guide to Membranes for Municipal Water Treatment, 2nd Edition
USBR; Denver CO;
May 1998
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #29.

30 - VARI-ROTM Desalting Pilot Plant Testing and Evaluation, Final Technical Report
Science Applications International Corp.; San Diego CA;
May 1998
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #30.

31 - Build and Operate a Clathrate Desalination Pilot Plant
Thermal Energy Storage, Inc.; San Diego CA;
May 1998
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #31.

32 - Brackish Groundwater Treatment and Concentrate Disposal for the Homestead Colonia El Paso, Texas
University of Texas at El Paso; El Paso TX;
April 1999
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #32.

33 - VARI-ROTM Direct Drive Engine Study (Draft) Final Technical Report
Science Applications International Corp.; San Diego CA;
September 1998
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #33.

34 - Membrane Bioreactors for Water Purification-Phase I
City of San Diego; San Diego CA;
Metropolitan Wastewater-Public Works; San Diego CA;
August 1998
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #34.

35 - Halophyte Crops and a Sand-Bed Solar Concentrator to Reduce and Recycle Industrial, Desalination and Agricultural Brines
University of Arizona; Tucson AZ;
Texas A&M University; El Paso TX;
December 1998
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #35.

36 - Reverse Osmosis Treatment of Central Arizona Project Water for the City of Tucson
Tucson Water Department, Tucson AZ;
USBR; Denver CO;
January 2004
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #36.

37 - Development of an Advanced Transverse Flow Nanofiltration and Membrane Process for High Performance Desalination-Phase II
ZENON Environmental, Inc.; Burlington, Ontario;
November 1998
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #37.

38 - National Facilities Survey - Part 2
Separation Consultants, Inc; Poway CA;
January 1997
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #38.

39 - Wastewater Recovery from a Textile Bleach and Dye Operation, Bench Scale Evaluation
Rice University; Houston TX;
December 1998
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #39.

40 - Molecular Sieving Hollow Fiber Ceramic Membranes for Reverse Osmosis/Nanofiltration Membranes
Media and Process Technology, Inc.; Pittsburg PA;
February 1997
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #40.

41 - Arsenic Removal from Water Using Manganese Greensand: Laboratory Scale Batch and Column Studies
New Mexico State University; Las Cruces NM;
June 1999
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #41.

42 - Study of Wastewater Reclamation Using Backwashable Capillary Ultrafiltration and Encapsulated Reverse Osmosis Membrane Modules
Hydranautics; Oceanside CA;
June 1999
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #42.

43 - Water Treatment Estimation Routine (WaTER) User Manual
USBR; Denver CO;
NIST; Boulder CO;
August 1999
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #43.
Click here to download an .xls file of WaTER..

44 - A Resistance Model for Evaluating Interactions Between Natural Organic Matter (NOM) and Membranes at Different Scales of Operation
USBR; Denver CO;
University of Colorado, Boulder CO;
September 1999
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #44.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

45 - New Design Channel Feed Spacer in Spiral Wound Elements for Pretreatment Cost Reduction
Desalination Systems, Inc.; Minnetonka MN;
September 1998
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #45.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

46 - Salinity and TOC Removal Using Nanofiltration
University of Texas at El Paso; El Paso TX;
August 2002
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #46.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

47 - Improvements in Wastewater Treatment at the Leadville Mine Tunnel
New Mexico State University; Las Cruces NM;
June 2002
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #47.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

48 - Still Under Review

49 - Evaluation of Flow Fields in Wetlands Using Physical Models
Arizona State University; Tempe AZ;
May 2002
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #49.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

50 - Photocatalytic Process for Silver Recovery and Washwater Reuse
Illinois Institute of Technology; Chicago IL;
June 2000
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #50.

51 - Demonstration Testing of ZenoGemTM and Reverse Osmosis for Indirect Potable Reuse
CH2M Hill; Tempe AZ;
May 2002
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #51.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

52 - Innovative Atmospheric Pressure Desalination
Arizona State University; Tempe AZ;
December 1999
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #52.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

53 - Understanding Nitrate Pollution in Small and Native American Communities
Utah State University; Logan UT;
August 2002
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #53.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

54 - Evaluation of Two Concentrate Disposal Alternatives for the Phoenix Metropolitan Area: Evaporation Ponds and Discharge to the Gulf of California
USBR: Denver CO; for the Sub-Regional Operating Group of the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association;
March 2000
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #54.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

55 - Evaluation of Methods for Monitoring the Integrity of Reverse Osmosis Membrane Systems
USBR; Denver, CO;
April 2000
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #55.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

56 - Growing the U.S. Water Supply Through Purification Technologies
USBR; Denver, CO;
April 2000
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #56.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

57 - Still Under Review

58 - Microfiltration with Rapid Backpulsing and Surface Modified Membranes
University of Colorado; Boulder, CO;
August 2000
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #58.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

59 - Investigation of High Freezing Temperature, Zero Ozone, and Zero Global Warming Potential Clathrate Formers for Desalination
Thermal Energy Storage, Inc.; San Diego, CA;
June 2000
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #59.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

60 - Membrane Bioreactors for Water Repurification-Phase II
City of San Diego; San Diego CA;
Metropolitan Wastewater-Public Works; San Diego CA;
November 2000
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #60.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

61 - Polyamide Reverse Osmosis Membrane Fouling and Its Prevention: Oxidation-Resistant Membrane Development, Membrane Surface Smoothing, and Enhanced Membrane Hydrophilicity
Separations Systems Technology, Inc.; San Diego, CA;
Orange County Water District; Fountain Valley, CA;
November 2000
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #61.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

62 - VARI-ROTM Desalting Pilot Plant Advancement Project Testing & Evaluation
Science Applications International Corp.; San Diego, CA;
May 2001
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #64.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

63 - AWWARF/Reclamation Membrane Workshop
American Water Works Association Research Foundation and
USBR; Denver, CO;
July 2000
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #63.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

64 - Desalination Research and Development Workshop Report
National Water Research Institute; Fountain Valley, CA;
USBR; Denver, CO;
January 2001
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #64.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

65 - Evaluation of the Port Hueneme Demonstration Plant
USBR; Denver, CO;
May 2001
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #65.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

66 - Initial Evaluation of the Subfloor Water Intake System Structure (SWISS) vs. Conventional Multimedia Pretreatment Techniques
Pacific Research Group; Ventura, CA;
May 2001
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #66.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

67 - Report to Congress - Desalination & Water Purification Research & Development Program
USBR; Denver, CO;
May 2001
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #67.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

68 - Water Treatment Primer for Communities in Need
USBR; Denver, CO;
September 2003
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #68 (2009).
Refer to the Primer web site for .pdfs of the individual fact sheets.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

69 - Membrane Concentrate Disposal: Practices and Regulations
Mickley & Associates; Boulder, CO;
September 2001
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #69.
Click here to download a file of the database.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

70 - Microbubble Treatment of Gas Supersaturated Water
ARCADIS G&M, Inc.; Highlands Ranch, CO;
December 2001
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #70.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

71 - Demonstration of the Natural Freeze-Thaw Process for the Desalination of Water from the Devils Lake Chain to Provide Water for the City of Devils Lake
B.C. Technologies, Inc.; Laramie WY;
University of North Dakota; Grand Forks ND;
August 2002
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #71.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

72 - Desalting Handbook for Planners
RosTek Assoc., Inc.; Tampa FL;
DSS Consulting, Inc.; Blue Ridge GA;
Aqua Resources International, Inc.; Evergreen CO;
December 2002
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #71.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

73 - Application of Electret Technology to Low Cost Desalination
University of Denver; Denver CO;
June 2002
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #73.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

74 - Removal of Heavy Metals from Water with Microalgal Resins - I. Process Development
CLF Technologies; Denver, CO;
October 1996
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #74.

75 - Biological Stability of Drinking Water Through Ozonation at the Croton Water Supply in New York City
Bureau of Water Supply, Quality, and Protection of the New York City Department of Environmental Protection; New York, NY;
June 2008
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #75.

76 - Removal of Heavy Metals from Water with Microalgal Resins - II. Bench Scale Testing
CLF Technologies; Denver, CO;
November 1997
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #76.

77 - Still Under Review

78 - Improving the Thermodynamic and Economic Efficiencies of Desalination Plants: Minimum Work Required for Desalination and Case Studies of Four Working Plants
University of Nevada; Reno, NV;
November 2003
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #78.

79 - Biological Pretreatment for Membrane Systems
Montana State University; Bozeman, MT;
April 2003
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #79.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

80 - Thermal Desalination Using MEMS & Salinity-Gradient Solar Pond Technology
University of Texas at El Paso; El Paso, TX;
August 2002
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #80.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

81 - Solar and Waste Heat Desalination by Membrane Distillation
University of Texas at El Paso; El Paso, TX;
April 2004
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #81.

82 - Still Under Review

83 - Membrane Fouling: Influence of Natural Organic Matter
Rensselaer Polytechnical Institute; Troy NY;
September 2002
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #83.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

84 - Still Under Review

85 - Evaluation of Precipitative Fouling for Colorado River Water Desalination using RO
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California; Los Angeles CA;
December 2002
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #85.

86 - Still Under Review

87 - Novel Membrane and Device for Direct Contact Membrane Distillation-Based Desalination Process
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ;
March 2001
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #87.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

88 - Treatment of Wastewaters for Water Reuse by a Catalytic Sonochemical Process - Phase II
University of Delaware, Newark, DE;
May 2006
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #88.

89 - Zero Waste Brine Management for Desalination Plant
University of Texas at El Paso; El Paso TX;
December 2002
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #89.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

90 - Pilot Investigation of Slow Sand Filtration and Reverse Osmosis Treatment of Central Arizona Project Water
USBR; Denver CO & Phoenix AZ;
August 2002
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #90.
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #90 appendices.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

91 - Evaluation of Reverse Osmosis Scaling Prevention Devices at High Recovery
USBR; Denver CO and Yuma AZ;
Burns and Roe Services Corporation; Yuma AZ;
March 2003
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #91.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

92 - Carrier Gas Enhanced Atmospheric Pressure Desalination
Arizona State University; Tempe AZ;
October 2002
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #92.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

93 - Still Under Review

94 - Still Under Review

95 - Desalination and Water Purification Technology Roadmap - A Report of the Executive Committee
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation; Denver CO;
Sandia National Laboratories; Albuquerque NM;
January 2003
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #95.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

96 - Novel Membrane and Device for Direct Contact Membrane Distillation-Based Desalination Process - Phase II
New Jersey Institute of Technology; Newark NJ;
July 2003
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #96.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

97 - Comparison of Advanced Treatment Methods for Partial Desalting of Tertiary Effluents
Montgomery Watson Harza; Pasadena CA;
September 2009
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #97.

98 - Systems Development for Environmental Impact Assessment of Concentrate Disposal
Oregon Health and Science University; Beaverton OR;
July 2003
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #98.

99 - Novel Membrane and Device for Direct Contact Membrane Distillation-Based Desalination Process: Phase III
New Jersey Institute of Technology; Neward NJ;
March 2008
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #99.

100 - Membrane Process Optimization Technology
PerLorica Inc; Grass Valley CA;
August 2003
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #100.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

101 - Evaluation of cleaning Spiral Wound Membrane Elements with the Two-Phase Flow Process
Novaflux Technologies, Inc.; Princeton NJ;
June 2003
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #101.
Click here to view a short abstract of the report.

102 - Predicting Membrane Flux Decline Using Parameters Derived from Field-Flow Fractionation Measurements
Colorado School of Mines; Golden CO
June 2006
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #102.

103 - Optimization of Various MBR Systems for Water Reclamation — Phase III
The City of San Diego Water Department
Montgomery Watson Harza
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #103.

104 - Photovoltaic Reverse Osmosis Desalination System
ITN Energy Systems, Inc.; Littleton, CO;
May 2004
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #104.

106 - Evaluation of Membrane Pretreatment for Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination
Aqua Resources International.; Evergreen, CO;
October 2007
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #106.

107 - An Expert System for Decisionmaking in th eUse of Desalination for Augmenting Water Supplies
University of North Carolina.; Chapel Hill, NC;
August 2008
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #107.

108 - Volume Reduction of High-Silica RO Concentrate Using Membranes and Lime Treatment
Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Texas at El Paso; El Paso, Texas
March 2004
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #108.

110 - Impact of Magnetic Fields on RO Separation
University of South Florida; Tampa, FL
October 2005
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #110.

111 - Zero-Discharge Seawater Desalination: Integrating the Production of Fresh Water, Salt, Magnesium, and Bromine
University of South Carolina; Columbia, SC;
May 2006
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #111.

112 - Using Oil Fields for the Disposal of Concentrate from Desalination Plants: Please Pass the Salt
Texas Water Development Board; Austin, TX
September 2005
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #112.

113 - Evaluation of Desalination on Waters Under the Influence of Surface Water Runoff for Pretreatment, Water Quality, and Pathogen Removal Performance
Reiss Environmental.; Orlando, FL;
September 2007
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #113.

114 - Industry Consortium Analysis of Large Diameter Reverse Osmosis/Nanofiltration Element Diameters
Dow Chemical Company
September 2004
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #114.

116 - Evaluation of Biological Treatment for Perchlorate-Impaired Water Supplies
MWH; Pasadena, CA
June 2008
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #116.

119 - Reverse Osmosis Recovery Maximization
Carollo Engineers; Fountain Valley CA;
March 2008
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #119.

120 - Dewvaporation Desalination 5,000 Gallon Per Day Pilot Plant
L'Eau LLC; Tempe AZ
June 2008
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #120.

121 - Pilot Scale Testing of Membrane Desalination System Utilizing Novel Two-Phase Cleaning Technology
Novaflux Technologies; Princeton NJ;
May 2008
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #121.

122 - The Role of Riverbank Filtration in Reducing the Costs of Impaired Water Desalination
Carollo Engineers, P.C.; Broomfield, CO
April 2006
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #122.

123 - Membrane Concentrate Disposal: Practices and Regulation
Mickley & Associates.; Boulder, CO
April 2006
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #123.
Click here to download the Membrane Utilities Database and Concentrate Disposal Cost Models.
Click here to download the Worksheet for Deep Well Injection Disposal Capital Cost
Click here to download the Worksheet for Evaporation Pond Disposal Capital Cost
Click here to download the Worksheet for Spray Irrigation Disposal Capital Cost
Click here to download the Worksheet for Zero Liquid Discharge Annualized Cost

125 - Cost-Effective Volume Reduction of Silica-Saturated RO Concentrate
University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso TX;
February 2008
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #125.

127 - Boron Rejection by Reverse Osmosis Membranes: National Reconnaissance and Mechanism Study
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA;
July 2009
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #127.

128 - Wind-Powered Reverse Osmosis Water Desalination for Pacific Islands and Remote Coastal Communities
University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu HI;
April 2009
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #128.

129 - Novel Fouling Resistant Membranes for Water Purification
University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX;
September 2008
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #129.

130 - WTCost II: Modeling the Capital and Operating Costs of Thermal Desalination Processes Utilizing a Recently Developed Computer Program that Evaluates Membrane Desalting, Electrodialysis, and Ion Exchange Plants
I. Moch and Associates
February 2008
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #130.

131 - Riverston City Desalination of Mineralized Ground Water Pilot Project
Epic Engineering; West Valley City UT;
April 2009
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #131.

132 - Systems Development for Environmental Impact Assessment of Concentrate Disposal - Development of Density Current Simulation Models, Rule Base, and Graphic User Interface
Portland State University; Portland OR
December 2007
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #132.

133 - Multibeneficial Use of Produced Water Through High-Pressure Membrane Treatment and Capacitive Deionization Technology
Colorado School of Mines; Golden CO;
September 2009
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #133.

134 - Pilot-Scale Studies for Direct Contact Membrane Distillation-Based Desalination Process
New Jersey Institute of Technology; Newark NJ;
September 2009
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #134.

135 - Pilot Testing of Zero Discharge Seawater Desalination - Application to Selenium Removal from irrigation Drainage
University of South Carolina Research Foundation; Columbia SC
April 2008
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #135.

137 - Pretreatment and Design Considerations for Large-Scale Seawater Facilities
Reiss Environmental, Inc; Orlando FL;
February 2008
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #137.

138 - Desalination Pretreatment Using Controlled-Chain PEG-Enhanced Cellulose Acetate Ultrafiltration Membranes
University of Toledo; Toledo OH;
July 2008
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #138.

140 - Use of Dendrimers to Enhance Selective Separation of Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis Membranes
Hydranautics; Oceanside CA;
August 2009
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #140.

141 - Optimization of Chemical Cleaning of Organic-Fouled Reverse Osmosis Membranes
Yale University; New Haven CT;
August 2009
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #141.

143 - Reduced Membrane Fouling Potential by Tailored Fluid/Structure Interaction
Heat Transfer Research, Inc.; College Station TX;
May 2008
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #143.

144 -Barriers to Thermal Desalination in the United States
Water Consultants International
March 2008
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #144.

146 -Wind Power and Water Desalination Technology Integration
Texas Tech University; Lubbock TX;
July 2009
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #146.

147 -Evaluation of Newly Developed Membrane Bioreactor Systems for Water Reclamation
Montgomery Watson Harza; Arcadia, CA
February 2009
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #147.

148 - Halfway Wash Water Treatment Pilot Study
USBR; Denver, CO;
August 2006
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #148.

149 - Evaluation and Selection of Available Processes for a Zero-Liquid Discharge System for the Perris, California, Ground Water Basin
Eastern Municipal Water District; Perris CA;
April 2008
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #149.

151 - Research and Development for Horizontal/Angle Well Technology
Municipal Water District of Orange County; Fountain Valley CA;
October 2008
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #152.

152 - Results of Drilling, Construction, Development, and Testing of Dana Point Ocean Desalination Project Test Slant Well
Municipal Water District of Orange County; Fountain Valley CA;
January 2009
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #152.

153 - Subsurface System Intake Feasibility Assessmentl
Municipal Water District of Orange County; Fountain Valley CA;
September 2009
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #153.

154 - Water Reuse Study for Big, Bear California
Bureau of Reclamation; Denver, CO;
April 2008
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #154.

155 - Treatment of Concentrate
Mickley & Associates; Boulder, CO;
May 2009
Click here to download a .pdf file of Report #155.

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