To obtain copies, contact individual offices as listed.  For Interlibrary Loan, contact BLM Library (303) 236-6650.


Limited copies are available.  The publications may be requested from the Alaska BLM Office of External Affairs at 222 West 7th Avenue, #13, Anchorage, AK 99513.  Telephone (907) 271-5555.

Fort Egbert and the Eagle Historic District:  Results of Archaeological and Historical Research, Summer 1977.    Anne Shinkwin, et al.     OUT OF PRINT BLM-Alaska Technical Report 2 June 1978.  
An Historical Resource Study of the Valdez Creek Mining District, Alaska.  1977.  Peter Dessauer, et al.  Reprinted February 1997       May 1980
Archeological Investigations of the De Long Mountains, Northwest, Alaska.   Howard Smith BLM-Alaska Open File Report 2 June 1983
Archaeological Reconnaissance in the Central Arctic Management Area.  Howard Smith BLM-Alaska Open File Report 3 June 1983
Denali Mines on Valdez Creek, Southcentral Alaska.   Beth Walton, et al BLM-Alaska Open File Report 9 November 1984
The Eagle-Valdez Trail (Northern Portion). BLM-Alaska Adventures in the Past Series 1992
Mining History of the Ruby-Poorman Mining District.   Rosalie L'Ecuyer BLM-Alaska Open File Report 49 November 1993
Cultural Resource Inventory in the  Bendeleben and Darby Mountains, Seward Peninsula, Alaska.   Howard Smith, et al BLM-Alaska Open File Report 57 July 1995
Early Miners of the Fortymile.    BLM-Alaska Adventures in the Past Series 1997
Fort Gibbon Mining Districts of Alaska, 1894-present.   Rosalie L'Ecuyer BLM-Alaska Open File Report 61. February 1997
Prospecting and Mining Activity in the Rampart Manley Hot Springs - Ft. Gibbon Mining Districts of Alaska, 1894-present.  180pp   Rosalie L'Ecuyer BLM-Alaska Open File Report 61. February 1997
Flat and Iditarod 1993-1995 Oral History Interviews.  Edited by Rolfe G. Buzzell.        OUT OF PRINT BLM-Alaska Open File Report 66.  April 1997  
The Flat Historical Building Survey Report:  Flat Alaska.   Donna Redding. BLM-Alaska Open File Report 64 April 1997
Nome River Water Control Structures.   Howard Hunt BLM-Alaska Open File Report 62 April 1997
Celebrate Alaska's Gold Rushes BLM-Alaska Adventures in the Past Series 1998
Eagle-Ft. Egbert : A Remnant of the Past. BLM-Alaska Adventures in the Past Series No. 5 1999
The Search for Gold Along the Koyukuk River.    BLM-Alaska Adventures in the Past Series #4 1999
Dinosaurs on Alaska's North Slope. BLM-Alaska 2000
The Iditarod National Historic Trail.   BLM-Alaska Adventures in the Past Series No. 6 2000

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The following Arizona Cultural Resource publications may be obtained from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) in microfiche or paper copy, for a fee.  The NTIS accession numbers are indicated by each document and should be used when ordering copies from NTIS.  The address of NTIS is:  U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161 or telephone (800) 553-6847.  Orders may be submitted through the Internet at

Cultural Resources Series
# Title NTIS Accession No. Date
9 Harqua Hala Letters:  The Story of Arizona's Forgotten Smithsonian Observatory.    This document may also be ordered from the BLM Phoenix Field Office, 21605 N. 7th Avenue, Phoenix AZ 85027-2099.  Contact Cheryl Blanchard, telephone: (623) 580-5676 or email:  Burggraaf, Pieter PB97-109235. 1996
8 El Rio Bonito:  An Ethnoecological Study of the Bonita Creek Watershed, Southeastern Arizona.   Hadley, Diana, Richard V. N. Ahlstrom, and Scott Mills.  PB94-145612. 1993
7 Environmental Change in Aravaipa, 1870-1970, An Ethnoecological Survey.    This document may also be ordered from the BLM Safford Field Office, 711 14th Avenue, Safford AZ 85546-3321.  Contact Anna Rago, telephone: (928) 348-4478 or email:  with e-mail address of  Hadley, Diana, Peter Warshall, Dan Bufkin PB92-188028 1991
6 The Linear Oasis:  Managing Cultural Resources Along the Lower Colorado River.   Stone, Connie L. PB92-155027 1991
5 People of the Desert, Canyons and Pines:  Prehistory of the Patayan Country in West Central Arizona.  Stone, Connie L. PB90-106147/AS 1987
4 The Pinenut Site:  Virgin Anasazi Archaeology on the Kanab Plateau of Northwestern Arizona.  Westfall, Deborah A., with contributions by Mark C. Bond, William E. Davis, Linda J. Scott, and Margaret A. Van Ness PB90-106154/AS 1987

A Ground Stone Implement Quarry on the Lower Colorado River, Northwestern Arizona.  Huckell, Bruce B. 

PB87 220232/AS 1986
2 The Archaeology of Southeast Arizona: A Class I Cultural Resource Inventory.  Bronitsky, Gordon and James D. Merritt PB87-220224/AS 1986
1 Deceptive Desolation:  Prehistory of the Sonoran Desert in West Central Arizona.   Stone, Connie L. PB87-220216/AS 1986

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The following   publications are available for sale at $8.50 each.  Send check or money order payable to :  USDI-Bureau of Land Management, California Desert District, 1695 Spruce Street, Riverside, CA 92507.   

The Effects of Fire and Heat on Obsidian.   Library has a copy.  Loyd, Janine M. 2002
The Archaeology of Owl Canyon and Stoddard Valley, Mojave Desert, California. W. Echardt and M. J. Hatley 1982
Class II Cult The Archaeology of the McCain Valley Study Area in Eastern San Diego County, California:  A Scientificural Resource Inventory. J. R. Cook and  S. G. Fulmer.   1981
Cultural Resources of the California Desert, 1776-1980:  Historic Trails and Wagon Roads.  E. von Till Warren and R. J. Joske.   1981
Evaluation of Early Human Activities and Remains in the California Desert.   Emma Lou Davis et al. 1980
The Archaeology and history of the McCain Valley study area Eastern San Diego County, California : A class II Cultural Resource Inventory Cook, John R. and Scott G. Fulmer 1980
Cultural resources inventory of the central Mojave and Colorado Desert Regions, Califorina Gallegos, Dennis, John Cook, Emma Lou Davis, et al. 1980

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We are required to charge for publications and Shipping & Handling.  Please remit your check with order made payable to Department of the Interior / BLM.  We will accept telephone orders using most credit cards.
Place your order by writing or phoning:     Bureau of Land Management
2850 Youngfield Street
            Lakewood , Colorado   80215
                                                                                303-239-3600  Fax: 303-239-3933

All Cultural Resource Series publications are $7.00 each, plus $3.00 for Shipping & Handling.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the considerable cost, we DO NOT maintain a mailing list

Cultural Resource Series

Ephermal Archaeology on the Mountain of the Sorrel Deer : A site in Delta County . Colorado .  Baker, Steven G.


The Yarmony House Excavation Metcalf, Michael D., et al.


A Window to the Past--A View to the Future:  A Guide to Photo Documenting Historic Plans.  2nd edition. Athearn, Frederic J.


A Forgotton Kingdom:  The Spanish Frontier in Colorado and New Mexico, 1540-1821.   Athearn, Frederic J. 


The Harris Site Excavation.    Tucker, Gordon


The Hummingbird Shelter Excavation.  Conner, Carl, et al.


Ethnohistory of the High Plains.  Gunnerson, James H. and Delores A. Gunnerson.


Fossils, Faults and Canyons:  The Final Geologic Advisory Group Report.  David W. Kuntz, Harley J. Armstrong, and Frederic J. Athearn. 


A Human Burial from Delores County, Colorado.   France, Diane L.


Habitat in the Past:  Historical Perspectives of Riparian Zones on the White River .  Athearn, Frederic J.


The Mockingbird Mesa Survey.  Fetterman, Jerry and Honeycutt, Linda


Rock Art of Western Colorado.   Cole, Sally - NO LONGER AVAILABLE


An Overview of Prehistoric Cultural Resources Little Snake Resource Area, Northwestern Colorado.  Halcyon La Point.

19 Archaeology of the High Plains.   Gunnerson, James H. 1987

Sisyphus Shelter.  Gooding, John and William Lane Shields - NO LONGER AVAILABLE


Land of Contrast : A History of Southeast Colorado .  Athearn, Frederic J.


New Empire of the Rockies:  A History of Northeast Colorado .  Mehls, Steven F.

15 A Cultural Resources Inventory of Texas-Missouri-Evacuation Creeks , Colorado .  Gordon, E. Kinzie and Kris J. Kranzush, et al. 1983
14 Archaeological Inventory in North Park , Colorado .  Lischka, Joseph J. 1983
13 Archaeological Resources of Southwestern Colorado.   Nickens, Paul R. 1982

Valley of Opportunity:  A History of West-Central Colorado.   Mehls, Steven F.- NO LONGER AVAILABLE


A Survey of Vandalism to Archaeological Resources in Southwestern Colorado.  Nickens, Paul R., Signa L. Larralde and Gordon C. Tucker. 


Frontier in Transition:  A History of Southwestern Colorado.  O'Rourke, Paul M.

9 Environmental Factors in Archaeological Site Locations.  Grady, James 1980
8 Western Colorado Petroglyphs.  McKern, W. C. 1983
7 The Archaeology and Stabilization of Dominguez and Escalante Ruins.  Breternitz, David A.- NO LONGER AVAILABLE 1979

Las Animas, Huerfano and Custer:  Three Colorado Counties on a Cultural Frontier:  A History of the Raton Basin.  Murray, Robert A.

5 A Bibliography of the Archaeology of Southwestern Colorado, Archuleta, Dolores, La Plata and Montezuma Counties.  Hull, Deborah A. and Douglas D. Scott. 1977
4 Delores River Archaeology Canyon Adaptations As Seen Through Survey.  Toll, Henry Wolcott 1977
3 The Yarmony House Excavation.  Michael D. Metcalf, et al. 1991
3 Environmental Constraint and Settlement Predictability, Northwestern Colorado.    Hurlbett, Robert E. 1977
2 An Isolated Empire:  A History of Northwestern Colorado.   Athearn, Frederic J. 1982

The Stabilization of Lowry Ruins.  White,  Adrian S. and David A. Breternitz


Quantifying the Present and Predicting the Past.  Theory, Method, and Application of Archaeological Predictive Modeling.    Edited by W. James Judge and Lynne Sebastian, for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Denver, CO.,  Please send $10.70. Plus $6.00 Shipping and Handling.


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The following  publication is available for a nominal charge from the National Technical Information Service  (NTIS).  The address  of NTIS  is:  U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA  22161 or telephoning  (800) 553-6847. Orders may be submitted through the Internet at

The Archaeology of Two Lakes in Minnesota.  Christina Harrison  198?.  

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The publications listed are available upon request to Bureau of Land Management, Idaho State Office, 1387 Vinnell Way, Boise, ID 83709-1657, Attention: Visitor Information Center  OR by contacting Idaho Bureau of Land Management Public Room:  (208) 373-4000.  Certain other out-of-print publications are available for loan from the Bureau of Land Management, Idaho State Office.

Cultural Series Publications:
5 Uncovering a Chinese Legacy: Historical Archaeology at Centerville, Idaho.    (cost $5) 2001
4 Ruins of a World: Chinese Gold Mining at the Mon-Tung Site in the Snake River Canyon.  Bureau of Land Management.  1995
3 Sharing the Past.  Bureau of Land Management.    OUT OF PRINT. 1995

Baker Caves : A Look Into the Past.  Bureau of Land Management.  Idaho Cultural Resources Series, No. 2.


Emigrant Trails of Southern Idaho .  Bureau of Land Management.  (cost  $8).

Idaho BLM Cultural Resource Brochures:
A Step At A Time: The Oregon Trail.  Bureau of Land Management.  1993

The Flight of the Nez Perce through Leadore and Island Park Idaho to West Yellowstone, Montana, August 1877 Auto Tour, published by BLM USDA-Forest Service, National Park Service, Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation, Idaho State Historical Society and Island Park and West Yellowstone Historical Socities

Idaho Lewis and Clark National Backcountry Byway and Adventure Road, published by Bureau of Land Management--Salmon Field Office and the Salmon Challis National Forests (BLM publication no. BLM-ID/GI/90-016+433 rev 01). 1992
Lewis and Clark Expedition, Lemhi County , Idaho .  Published by USDA-Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and River of No Return Interpretive Association   
Lewis and Clark, Naturalists in Lemhi County .  A Naturalist’s Journey with the Corps of Discovery.  Published by Idaho Bureau of Land Management and USDA Forest Service-Salmon Challis National Forest (BLM Publication No. BLM/ID/GI-00-002+1050). 1992
Oregon Trail in Southwest Idaho.  Bureau of Land Management, Boise District.     OUT OF PRINT. 1992
Joined by a Journey The Lives of the Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery by Mike Crosby.  Published by the U.S. Department of Interior, Salmon Field Office, Salmon, Idaho .  (BLM Publication No. BLM/ID/GI-04/002+1010) 2002
Lewis and Clark Expedition. Pamphlet.  Cooperative with USFS and BLM Salmon. 2000
Lewis and Clark Naturalists in Lemhi County. Booklet. Cooperative with USFS and BLM Salmon. 2000
Chief  Tendoy Cemetery Cultural Resources Management Plan.  Bureau of Land Management.  UCSCD. 1987
Our Cultural Heritage:  A Fragile Record of the Last 10,000 Years Along the Lower Salmon River.  Bureau of Land Management, UCSCD. 1987
Lower Salmon River Cultural Resource Management Plan.  Bureau of Land Management, UCSCD. 1983

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The following  asterisk publications are available through the National Technical  Information Service (NTIS)  The address of NTIS is:  U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road,  Springfield, VA 22161 or by telephoning  (800) 553-6847.   Orders may be submitted  through the Internet at

Cultural Resource Series
3 Upper Missouri National Wild and Scenic River Cultural Resources Management Plan, Vol. 1-3.   Knudson, Ruthann Knudson 1992

Upper Missouri National Wild and Scenic River Cultural Resource Management Plan, Vol. 1-3. 

2 An Archeological Overview of Butte District Prehistory.   Deaver, Sherri and Ken Deaver 1986
1 An Overview of the Prehistory of Western and Central North Dakota. Compiled by Gregg, Michael L. 1985

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The following asterisk publications are available by contacting the Bureau of Land Management, Nevada State Office, the mailing address is P. O. Box 12,000 Reno, Nevada 89520-0006 and the physical address is: 1340 Financial Blvd Reno,Nevada 89502 or by telephoning (702) 861-6500.

Cultural Resource Series
12 Northern Paiute and Western Shoshone Land Use in Northern Nevada:  A Class I Ethnographic/Ethnohistoric Overview   Bengston, G. 2003
11 The South Fork Shelter Site Revisited:  Excavation at Upper Shelter, Elko County, Nevada   Spencer, L., R. C. Hanes, C. S. Fowler, and S. Jaynes 1987
10 Archaeological  Investigations at  Panaca Summit.  Eiston, Robert G. and Kenneth Juall. 1987
9 Current Status of  CRM Archaeology in the Great Basin.   Aikens, C. Melvin, Editor 1986
8 Archaeological Data Recovery Associated with the Mt. Hope Project, Eureka County, Nevada.  Zeler, Charles D. 1985
7 Nuvagantu:  Nevada Indians Comment on the Intermountain Power Project.  Stoffle, Richard W. and Henry F. Dobyns. 1983
6 Prehistory and History of  the Winnemucca District: A Cultural Resource Literature Overview.   Smith, Regina C., Peggy McCuckian Jones, John R. Roney and Kathryn F. Padrick. 1983
5 Cultural Resources Overview of the Carson City District, West Central Nevada.  Pendleton, Lorann S. A., Alvin McLane and David Hurst Thomas 1982

History of Central Nevada:  An Overview of the Battle Mountain District.  Bowers, Martha H. and Hans Muessing

3 Prehistory, Ethnohistory, and History of Eastern Nevada:  A Cultural Resources Summary of the Elko and Ely Districts.  James, Steven R. 1981
2 A Cultural Resources Overview of the Carson and Humboldt Sinks, Nevada.  Bard, James C., Colin I. Busby and John H. Findlay. 1981
1 The Pony Express in Central Nevada:  Archaeological and Documentary Perspectives.  Hardesty, Donald L. 1979
Technical Reports

Archaeology of the Old Spanish Trail/Mormon Road from Las Vegas, Nevada to the California Border   Myhrer, K., W. G. White and S. D. Rolf



An Ethnohistoric Infant Burial from Western Nevada   Hattori, E. M., L. L. Armentrout, C. S. Larsen, and D. L. Hutchinson



The Bovine Bluff Site:  An Early Puebloan Site in the Upper Moapa Valley   Myhrer, K. and M. M. Lyneis



The Lake Range Quarry, Washoe County, Nevada  Pedrick, K. E.



Cultural Resources Overview of the Las Vegas Valley   Rafferty, K. A.



Archaeological Studies in the Cortez Mining District, 1982   Hardesty, D. L. and E. M. Hattori 



An Archaeological Survey in the Mormon Mountains, Lincoln County, Nevada   Rusco, M. K. and J. Munoz



An Examination of Amateur Collections from the Carson Sink, Nevada   Kelly, R. L.



The History and Archaeology of Fenelon, A Historic Railroad Camp   Turner, A. L.



Archaeological Studies in the Cortez Mining District, 1981   Hardesty, D. L. and E. M. Hattori



An Historic Overview of the BLM Shoshone-Eureka Resource Area, Nevada   Welch, P.



Emigrant Trails in the Black Rock Desert   Jones, P. Mc.



Test Excavations at Painted Cave, Pershing County, Nevada  Bard, J. C., C. I Busby, and L. S. Kobori



Artifact Assemblages from Pahranagat, Lincoln County, Nevada   Crabtree, R. H. and D. D. Ferraro



Oil and Gas/Geothermal Program Inventories   Botti, N., P. McGuckian, R. York and M. Henderson


2 Archaeological Survey of Springs, Tonopah Resource Area  McGonagle, R. L. and L. L. Waski     1978
1 Studies at Adams-McGill Reservoir:  Exercises in Applying Small Project Data to Archaeological Research  York, R.  


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Publications will be available for a nominal charge through the National Technical  Information Service (NTIS)  The address of NTIS is:  U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road,  Springfield, VA 22161 OR  telephone  (800) 553-6847.  Orders may be submitted  through the Internet at   Note asterisk publications are available by telephoning 1-877-276-9404

Cultural Resource Series
14 Archeological Variation within the Middle Rio Bonito.  Shelley, Phillip H. and Wenzel, Kristen E. 221 pp. $15.00 2002
13 El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro, Vol. 2.  Gabrielle G. Palmer and Stephen Fosberg, compilers  345 pp. $15.00 1999
12 **Research on the American West. Edward Staski. 335 pp. $12.00 1995

El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro, Vol. 1.  Gabrielle G. Palmer and Stephen Fosberg, compilers  235 pp. $12.00.   OUT OF PRINT

9 **Interpreting The Past. LouAnn Jacobson and June-el Piper  162 pp. $12.00. 1992
8 **Rethinking Navajo Pueblitos. Michael Marshal and Patrick Hogan  282 pp. $12.00. 1991

**Living on the Land: 11,000 Years of Human Adaptation in Southeastern New Mexico , An Overview of Cultural Resources in the Roswell District, Bureau of Land Management. Lynne Sebastian and Signa Larralde.  174 pp. $12.00

5 Volume 3: Report of the Final Field Season - San Augustine Coal Area, Archaeological Investigations in West-Central New Mexico.  Bureau of Land Management, New Mexico State Office. David W. Kayser and Charles H. Carroll.
4 Volume 2: Historical Cultural Resource - San Augustine Coal Area, Archaeological Investigations in West-Central New Mexico. . Bureau of Land Management, New Mexico State Office.  Klara Kelley OUT OF PRINT. 1988
3 Volume I: Report of the First Field Season - San Augustine Coal Area, Archaeological Investigations in West-Central New Mexico.  Eileen Camilli, Dabney Ford and Signa Larralda.   OUT OF PRINT. 1988
2 Defensive Sites of Dinetah. Margaret A. Powers and Byron P. Johnson. OUT OF PRINT 1987

Archaeological variability within the Bisti - Star Lake Region northwestern New Mexico.  Kemrer, Meade F.  1982.

The Artifact, vol. 37, no. 2 Three Rivers Petroglph Site: Results of the ASNM Rock Art Recording Field School by Meliha S. Duran and Helen K. Crotty. 1999, 134ppg., $12.00

A Class II cultural resources inventory of the southern portion of the Chaco Planning Unit, McKinley and Sandoval Counties, New Mexico.  Dulaney, Alan R. and Dosh, Steven G. 1981 Cultural Resources Series No. II.

Chacoan Roads in the Southern Periphery: Results of Phase II of the BLM Chaco Roads Project. Fred Nials, John Stain, and John Roney. 1987. OUT OF PRINT.  [AVAILABILITY LIMITED—Contact Stephen Fosberg, 505-438-7515.]

Charles H. Carroll. Bureau of Land Management, New Mexico State Office. 1988. OUT OF PRINT

Cook’s Peak---Pasaron Par Aqui:  A Focus on United States History in  Southwestern New Mexico- , Donald Courchman, 1990.  OUT OF PRINT

Cultural Diversity & Adaptation. Lori Stephenson Reed and Paul F. Reed. 1992. 162 pp. $12.00. Available on line at http://www.publiclands. org. OUT OF PRINT.

Cultural Diversity & Adaptation:  The Archaic, Anasazi, and Navajo Occupation of the Upper San Juan Basin , . Lori Stephenson Reed and Paul F. Reed. 1992. 162 pp.  OUT OF PRINT.

Defensive Sites of Dinetah. Margaret A. Powers and Byron P. Johnson. 1987. OUT OF PRINT

**Guardian of the Trail.  Archeological & Historical Investigation at Fort Craig .  Peggy A. Gerow.  2004

**Three Rivers Petroglyph Site:  Results of the ASNM Rock Art Recording Field School , Meliha S. Duran and Helena K. Crotty.  199.

Volume I: Report of the First Field Season - San Augustine Coal Area, Archaeological Investigations in West-Central New Mexico . Eileen Camilli, Dabney Ford and Signa Larralde 1988. OUT OF PRINT.

Volume 2: Historical Cultural Resource - San Augustine Coal Area, Archaeological Investigations in West-Central New Mexico . Klara Kelley. Bureau of Land Management, New Mexico State Office.  1988. OUT OF PRINT.

Volume 3: Report of the Final Field Season - San Augustine Coal Area, Archaeological Investigations in West-Central New Mexico . David W. Kyser and.

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The following asterisk publication may be purchased for $7 a copy from the Bureau of Land Management, Oregon/Washington State Office, 1515 S.W. 5th Avenue,  P.O. Box 2965, Portland, Oregon  97208.  Or  by contacting Sharon Mowery at (503) 952-6173.  The unmarked  publications are free of charge, but availability is limited.

Cultural Resource Series

Test Excavations at Three Mid-Elevation Rock Art Sites, Warner Valley, Oregon  Michelle Antonia Ross


A Cultural Resource Overview for the 1900s.  BLM Prineville District, Oregon.    1990  Clayton Lewbow, Richard Pettigrew, Jon Silvermoon, David Chance, Robert Boyd, Yvonne Hajda and Henry Zenk.  OUT OF PRINT.

4 Archaeological Investigation of the Narrows and Martin Creek Site, Douglas County, Oregon.  Brian O;Neill. 1989

Archaeology of the North Yaquiina Head Shell Middens, Central Oregon Coast.    Rick Minor.

2 An Archaeological Survey of the Trout Creek-Oregon Canyon Uplands.  Harney and Matheur Counties Oregon.  Richard M. Pettigrew and Clayton G. Lebow. 1989
1 Archaeological Investigations of the Yaquina Head, Central Oregon Coast.  Rock Minor, Kathryn Toepel and Ruth L. Greenspan 1987

**Archaeology of Oregon.  Melvin Aikens.  1993

A Cultural Resource Overview for the 1900s.  BLM Prineville District, Oregon.  Clayton Lewbow, Richard Pettigrew, Jon Silvermoon, David Chance, Robert Boyd, Yvonne Hajda and Henry Zenk.  1990  OUT OF PRINT.

Archaeological Investigations at the Peninsula Site, 35KL87, Gerber Reservoir, South-Central Oregon.  Jon Massoglia Silvermoon.  1994. 

Archaeological Investigations of the Western Flank of the South-Central Cascades, Lane and Douglas Counties, Oregon.  Michael D. Southard, editor.  1991.

The Bravo Creek Site.  A Lithic Workshop in the Klamath Mountain Foothills, Curry County, Oregon.  Robert R., Musil and Rick Minor. 1994.  

Klamath River Canyon Prehistory and Ethnology, includes "Upper Klamath River Canyon Prehistory" by Joanne M. Mack and "Klamath River Canyon Ethnology Study" by Dorothea J. Theodoratus, Myreleen M. Ashman, Helen McCarthy and Donna L. Genetti.  1991.

Oregon Trail Histories.  Richard C. Hanes, editor, with contributions by Robert G. Day, Sr., Champ Clark Vaughan, and Jim Tompkins.  1993.  OUT OF PRINT.

Yaquina Head:  A Middle Archaic Settlement on the North-Central Oregon Coast.  Rick Minor.  1991.  

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The following asterisk publications are available free from  the Bureau of Land Management, Utah State Office (930), 324 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah  84145-0155.  Telephone number:  (801) 524-3140.  Please note that Anasazi Basketmaker  :  papers from the 1990 Weatherill   costs $10.00.

Cultural Resource Series

Anasazi Basketmaker : papers from the 1990 Weatherill-Grand Gulch Symposium.

23 The Little Man Archaeological Sites:  Excavations on the Virgin River near Hurricane, Utah. G. F. Dalley and D. A. McFadden.  With Sections by J. B. Howard, R.A. Thompson, and B.A. Walling  OUT OF PRINT. 1988

The Tar Sands Project:  An Inventory and Predictive Model for Central and Southern Utah.  B. L. Tipps.  With Sections by W. A. Lucius, K. W. Russell, A. R. Schroedl, and C. S. Smith.  OUT OF PRINT.

21 Green Springs:  An Anasazi and Southern Paiute Encampment in the St. George Basin of Utah.  D. A. Westfall; W .E. Davis; E. Blinman.  "Ancillary Studies" by G. J. Edwards, R. H. Hevly, J. I. Mead and M. G. Taylor. 1987

Excavations at  Quail Creek.    1986.  B. A. Walling; R. A. Thompson; G.F. Dalley, D.G. Wader.  "Ancillary Studies" by K. M. Heath and L. W. Lindsay.  OUT OF PRINT.


The Castle Valley Archaeological Project: An Inventory and Predictive Model of Selected Tracts.  K. D.Black and M. D. Metcalf.

18 An Archaeological Survey and Predictive Model of Selected Areas of Utah's Cisco Desert.  J. E. Bradley, W. R. Killam, G. R. Burns, M. A. Martorano.    OUT OF PRINT. 1986
16 A Nineteenth Century Burial from Northeast Utah.  Richard E. Fike and H. Blaine Phillips II.  With Chapters by:  F. R. Hauck, P. R. Nickens, D. D. Scott, L. N. Scott, R. Sprague. 1984

Cedar Siding Shelter:  The Archaeological Excavation of a Multi-Aspect Overhang in Emery County, Utah.  C. W. Martin, J. J. Armstrong, S. M. Crum, R. J. Kutz, L.A. Wheeler.  OUT OF PRINT.


Black Rock Cave Revisited with Chapters By:  P.W. Dean, R.E. Fike, C.W. Fuller, R.N. Holmer, J.C. Janerski, K. E. Juell, L. W. Lindsay T. Pratt.    OUT OF PRINT.


Contributions to the Prehistory of Southern Utah.   "A Summary of the Prehistory of Southeastern Utah" by:  Paul R. Nickens and "An Archaeological Survey of the Central Lisbon Valley Study Tract in the Moab District, San Juan County, Utah" by Kevin D. Black, James M. Copeland and Steven M. Horvath, Jr. with a contribution by William A. Lucius.  Assembled by Steven G. Baker.  OUT OF PRINT.

11 Archaeological Inventory in the Seep Ridge Cultural Study Tract, Uintah County, Northeastern Utah With a Regional Predictive Model for Site Location.  Larralde, Signa L. and Susan M. Chandler.  OUT OF PRINT. 1982
9 Excavations of Two Anasazi Sites in Southern Utah, 1979-1980.  L. W. Lindsay; P.R. Nickens; K. L. Kvamme.  "Big Westwater Ruin" by La Mar W. Lindsay and "Archaeological Investigations at the Kanab Site" by Paul R. Nickens and Kenneth L. Kvamme.  Assembled by Richard E. Fike and David B. Madsen.  OUT OF PRINT. 1981
8 Rails East to Promontory, The Utah Stations  Anan S. Raymond and Richard E. Fike.   Reprinted September 1983. 1981
7 John Javie of Brown's Park.  William L. Tennent.  Reprinted August 1982, September 1984. 1984
6 Simpson Springs Station, Historical Archaeology in Western Utah, 1974-1965.  Dale L. Berge  OUT OF PRINT. 1980

Sample Inventories of Oil and Gas Fields in Eastern Utah, 1978-1979.  P. R. Nickens, A. D. Reed, S. L. Larralde.  "The Cisco Cultural Resource Study," by Alan D. Reed and Paul R. Nickens.  "Archaeological Inventory in the Red Wash Cultural Study Tract" by Signa L. Larralde and Paul R. Nickens.  Assembled by Paul R. Nickens.   OUT OF PRINT.

2 The Pony Express Stations of Utah in Historical Perspective.  Richard E. Fike and John W. Headley.  OUT OF PRINT. 1979

A Statified Random Sample of the Cultural Resources in the Canyonlands Section of the Moab District.  Richard A. Thompson.  OUT OF PRINT.


The Archaeology of the Red Cliffs Site.  Gardiner F. Dalley and Douglas A. McFadden.  1985.   OUT OF PRINT.

Archaeological Investigations in Utah at Fish Springs, Clay Basin, Northern San Rafael Swell & Southern Henry Mountains.  "Prehistoric Occupation Patterns, Subsistence Adaptations, and Chronology in the Fish Spring Area, Utah," by David Madsen; " An Archaeological Survey of Clay Basin, Daggert County, Utah" by La Mar Lindsay; "The Sitterud Bundle:  A prehistoric Cache from Central Utah" by Michael P. Branson and Salvage Excavation at  Ticaboo Town Ruin by David B. Madsen.  Assembled by David B. Madsen and Richard E. Fike.  1982.   OUT OF PRINT.

Cultural Resource Evaluation in South Central Utah, 1977-1978.  F. R. Hauck.  1979.  OUT OF PRINT.

A Cultural Resource Summary of the East Central Portion of the Moab District.  Lloyd M. Pierson.  1981.   OUT OF PRINT.

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To request copies of any of the  Wyoming Bureau of Land Management Cultural Resource Series publications, please contact Ranel  Stephenson Capron at (307) 775-6108

Cultural Resource Series No.

The Buffalo Hump Site - Late Prehistoric Occupation in the Great Divide Basin, Wyoming.  OUT OF PRINT


The Taliaferro Site - 5000 Years of Prehistory in Southwest Wyoming  OUT OF PRINT

5 Historic Investigation of the Bear River Divide Segment of the Oregon Trail.  Gardner, A. Dudley, Williams R. Snell, and David E. Johnson.   OUT OF PRINT 1987 
4 Archaeological Investigations Along Sage Creek Road, Carbon County, Wyoming.  Latady, William Jr.   OUT OF PRINT 1986

Archaic and Late Prehistoric Adaptations in Southwestern Wyoming -- The Frontier Pipeline Excavations.  OUT OF PRINT

2 Archeological Investigations of the Deer Creek Site, 48BH18, Big Horn County, Wyoming.  OUT OF PRINT 1984

 Class II. Cultural Resource Survey of the Overland Planning Unit.  OUT OF PRINT


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