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Location #2: “Hole in the Rock,” Moab Utah

2011 May 9

Are you near Moab, Utah? Moab is an old Mormon pioneer town of the Colorado River, the starting point for trips north into the Arches National Monument area and south along the river into Canyonlands National Park. It’s also the setting of many of Zane Gray’s novels and was headquarters for a number of outlaw gangs of the early West. In 1972, Moab signs attracted industry to set up shop and tourists to snap their way through a house made entirely of sandstone.

Grab your camera for a chance to have your photos alongside those taken by David Hiser of the American southwest in the early ’70s. Show us what it looks like today! Just watch for cattle if you make your way to the town dump.

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One Response leave one →
  1. Đại Hải permalink
    September 11, 2012

    Hi! Thank you verry much

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