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Location: New Ulm, Minnesota

2011 December 19

New Ulm, Minnesota by Gary Truman

New Ulm, Minnesota wedding by Art Hanson

Thanks to Documerica photographer Flip Schulke and his students, the quiet town of New Ulm, Minnesota was beautifully documented in time during 1975. While teaching at the University of Missouri’s Columbia School of Journalism, he brought several students along to help in the effort. David Stroble, Abul Haque, and Gary Truman among others joined him on a trip never forgotten.

The ordinary and the life changing moments they captured have now become some of the most iconic images in Documerica, like the young bride photographed by Art Hanson, or the newborn baby by Kathy Phillips. These photographs say so much alone, but also tell a tremendous story when put together.

Maybe where you live, those moments you experience can one day do the same. State of the Environment is about capturing the people and places of today, just as Documerica did 40 years ago.

Take some pictures where you live and better yet, have friends and family do the same with you. It’s one way to get out of the house and take a walk this holiday season! Share your photos here. We can’t wait to see the world as you see it!

See how close Documerica came to home and send in a ‘Then-Now’ match up!

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

One Response leave one →
  1. Susan permalink
    January 18, 2012

    Love the pictures capturing life from days gone by, we try to do the same thing at

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