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Study of chemical processes that occur within or are mediated by living organisms.
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Biochemistry/Physiology Branch, Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC) [More info]
Homepage for the Biochemistry and Physiology Branch in Columbia, MO, which develops analytical techniques (cell bioassay/immunoassay) on toxicity related to fish and wildlife; and conducts research in microbiology and physiology.
PDF Coal-tar-based pavement sealcoat, polycyclic aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), and environmental health [More info]
Pavement sealant contains chemicals that are known carcinogens, which get into nearby homes, lakes, and the air. Sealants based on coal tar release more dangerous chemicals than those based on asphalt.
Ecological risk assessment of toxic substances in the South Florida ecosystem: wildlife effects and exposure assessment [More info]
Project summaries and publications on wildlife contaminant exposures and prediction and monitoring of future restoration-driven exposures within the South Florida ecosystems.
A Whole-System Approach to Understanding Agricultural Chemicals in the Environment [More info]
Explains the effects of the interaction of hydrologic and biological processes on agricultural chemicals in various environments.
PDF Biochar for soil fertility and natural carbon sequestration [More info]
Explains what biochar is and how it is formed, its potential use in both fertilizer and carbon sequestration, and some of the research questions remaining to be addressed before we can utilize it fully in practical ways.
PDF Concentrations of mercury and other metals in black bass (Micropterus spp.) from Whiskeytown Lake, Shasta County, California, 2005 [More info]
Historical gold mining has left this area susceptible to mercury contamination. Elevated concentrations of mercury in the fish are well documented here.
Pathways of metal transfer from mineralized sources to bioreceptors [More info]
A synthesis of the Mineral Resources Program's past and future research directions in the western U.S. on metal contamination due to mineral deposits and mining and the environmental effects on living organisms. Chapters 1, 4, and 6 as PDF files.
Reston Stable Isotope Laboratory [More info]
The Reston Stable Isotope Laboratory conducts research on the use of isotope ratio measurements in studies of water resources and environmental quality.
PDF Selenium and stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in the benthic clam Corbula amurensis from Northern San Francisco Bay, California: May 1995-February 2010 [More info]
Monthly selenium concentration in this keystone species shows strong spatial and seasonal variation in a five-year series of analyses.
The carbon cycle in lakes of the Upper Mississippi Basin [More info]
Summary of part of the USGS interdivisional Mississippi Basin Carbon project that will study the changes in climate and the environment through carbon cycle changes recorded in lake sediments in the Upper Mississippi River Basin.
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