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Privacy Act Systems of Records Notices

The Privacy Act requires Federal agencies to publish in the Federal Register a notice of the existence and character of each system of records they maintain that contains information about individuals, and from which information is retrieved by name or other personal identifier.

The Privacy Act notices published since 2001 are also located under Proposed Rules.

Privacy Act Systems of Records Notices

77 FR 58814  //  Open PDF Version PDF Version

Privacy Act of 1974 System of Records Notice

Open Date: 9/24/2012
Closing Date: 10/24/2012

77 FR 41378  //  Open PDF Version PDF Version

Privacy Act of 1974 System of Records Notice

Open Date: 7/13/2012
Closing Date: 8/22/2012

77 FR 14507  //  Open PDF Version PDF Version

Privacy Act of 1974 System of Records Notice


77 FR 2048  //  Open PDF Version PDF Version

Privacy Act of 1974 System of Records Notice

Open Date: 1/13/2012
Closing Date: 2/13/2012

76 FR 19330  //  Open PDF Version PDF Version

Privacy Act of 1974: Notice of New System of Records. CFTC-45: Comments Online.

Open Date: 4/7/2011
Closing Date: 5/17/2011

76 FR 5974  //  Open PDF Version PDF Version

Privacy Act of 1974: Publication of a Compilation of Systems of Records Notices of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Notice.

Open Date: 2/2/2011
Closing Date: 3/14/2011

73 FR 52833 (PDF)

Privacy Act of 1974: System of Records. New routine use.


72 FR 45225  //  Open PDF Version PDF Version

Privacy Act of 1974: Notice of New System of Records and Proposed Routine Uses. CFTC-44: Personnel Security Files.


72 FR 23804  //  Open PDF Version PDF Version

Privacy Act of 1974: Notice of New System of Records. CFTC-43: Visitor Information System.


66 FR 41842 (PDF)

Privacy Act of 1974: System of Records. Biennial Publication.