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National Clean Diesel Campaign (NCDC)

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Clean Diesel Verification

Verification Process

The Clean Diesel Verification Process evaluates the emission reduction performance and durability of retrofit and clean diesel technologies and provides users with confidence the technology will perform as expected. Before being placed on the Verified Technology List, the technology must go through a thorough technical review and tightly controlled testing to quantify statistically significant levels of emission reductions.

In-Use Testing

In-Use Testing confirms that the retrofit devices are durable and performing as expected in actual use. To remain on the Verified Technology list, the manufacturer must complete in-use testing once 500 units have been sold.

Emerging Technology Approval

Emerging Technology Approval may be an alternate way to begin the Verification Process. This may be an option if the technology is new and has not yet been verified or certified.

SmartWay Technologies

EPA's SmartWay Technology Program develops test protocols, reviews strategies and verifies the performance of vehicles, technologies and equipment that have the potential to reduce greenhouse gases and other air pollutants from freight transport.

Coordination with other Programs

  • The ETV program provides an independent test and review of innovative technologies that have the potential to improve human health and the environment in all environmental media. In some cases, the NCDC Verification Process requires that data be generated through the ETV Program. For more information, visit the ETV website.
  • The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has its own verification procedure for retrofit technologies. Depending on the technology and manufacturer preference, EPA and CARB verification may be conducted jointly to achieve simultaneous verification. EPA’s and CARB’s Memorandum of Agreement (PDF) (3 pp, 204KB, June 2004) for the Coordination and Reciprocity in Diesel Retrofit Device Verification reinforces their commitment to cooperate on the evaluation of retrofit technologies and to accept each other’s particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) verification levels. For a list of CARB verified technologies and more information visit CARB's Verified List Exit EPA Disclaimer
  • Texas’ New Technology Research and Development Program (NTRD)Exit EPA Disclaimer provides financial incentives to encourage and support research, development, and commercialization of technologies that reduce pollution in Texas through the issuance of state funded grants

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