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OPP Office Advisory Committee


November 6-7, 2000 • Room 1235

Monday, November 6, 2000
Time Topic OAC Lead NSF/OPP Staff
8:30 Chair's Remarks and Director's Remarks Mary Albert Karl Erb
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9:00 NSF Revised Strategic Plan   Maryellen Cameron
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Arctic Update

  • Science Highlights and Plans

  • Science Support Infrastructure and Logistics: Long-range Planning


Jody Deming

Patricia Cochran


Thomas Pyle
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10:00 Break    
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Antarctic Update

  • Science Highlights and Plans

  • Logistics and Science Support


John Carlstrom

Michael Prentice


Dennis Peacock

Erick Chiang
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11:15 COV Report Amanda Lynch Altie Metcalf
Maryellen Camero
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12:00 Lunch    
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1:00 Biocomplexity and the Environment Initiative Stephanie Pfirman Margaret Cavanaugh, O/D
Polly Penhale
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2:00 (Reinvestment Initiative in Science and Engineering) Mary Albert All
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3:00 Break   Neil Swanberg
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3:15 Education and Outreach Douglas MacAyeal OPP Task Force
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3:45 Annual Report (GPRA) — preliminary Amanda Lynch Altie Metcalf
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4:30 Meet with Deputy Director Mary Albert Joseph Bordogna, O/D
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5:30 Adjourn    

Tuesday, November 7, 2000
Time Topic OAC Lead NSF/OPP Staff
8:30 Annual Report (GPRA) (continued) Amanda Lynch  
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9:30 Report on OPP Instrumentation Program   Dennis Peacock
Simon Stephenson
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10:00 Break    
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10:15 Meet with Director of Office of Legislative and Public Affairs   Curt Suplee
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Specific Issues Raised by COV

  • Grant Size/Duration

  • Bipolar Opportunities — per COV

  • Implementing Review — Criterion #2
John Priscu


Karl Erb

Karl Erb

Karl Erb
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11:30 Math Initiative John Carlstrom Robert A. Eisenstein,
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12:00 Lunch    
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1:00 Scientific Misconduct: IG Working Groups on Implementation of Policy Julius Jackson Christine C. Boesz, OIG
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1:30 FastLane Mary Albert Craig R.Robinson
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2:00 GPRA Wrap-up Mary Albert Altie Metcalf
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2:30 Other Business    
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2:45 Remarks by Outgoing OAC Members    
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3:00 Adjourn    

See Notice for this meeting.

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National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs (OPP)
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Last Updated:
Jul 10, 2008
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Last Updated: Jul 10, 2008