Publication Citation

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Author(s): Chia, H. H.; Guo, F.; Belova, L.; McMichael, R. D.;
Title: Spectroscopic defect imaging in magnetic nanostructure arrays
Published: July 25, 2012
Abstract: We report a demonstration of spectroscopic defect imaging in an array of ferromagnetic structures using ferromagnetic resonance force microscopy (FMRFM). The arrray of 200 nm diameter circular dots includes a single oval-shaped “defect.” The technique resolves not only intentional differences in resonant field between the dots and the oval, but also differences between nominally identical circular dots in the array.
Citation: Applied Physics Letters
Volume: 101
Issue: 4
Pages: pp. 042408 - 042408-4
Keywords: Ferromagnetic resonance; nanomagnetics; magnetic microscope
Research Areas: Nanomagnetics
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