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Advocacy Questionnaire

A company interested in receiving U.S. Government advocacy assistance must first file an Advocacy Questionnaire and Anti-Bribery Agreement with the Advocacy Center. The questionnaire is the Advocacy Center's formal way for gathering information. It provides an in-depth look at the specifics of the project and outlines what type of assistance is being requested. Along with the questionnaire, the company must complete the Anti-Bribery Agreement, certifying that neither the company nor its affiliates will engage in bribery of foreign officials.

Both documents must be signed by an officer of the requesting company and cosigned by an officer of the "Bidder of Record" -- if not the requesting company.

These documents are provided below. The completed and signed Advocacy Questionnaire and Anti-Bribery Agreement may be faxed back to AC-EBRD at +44 20 7588 8443.

Note: When your company or any U.S. firm submits a questionnaire to the Advocacy Center, via this office, the information in the document is considered business confidential and will not be shared with any person or organization outside the U.S. Government unless the Advocacy Center is given permission to do so by your company.