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WaterSMART Grants

WaterSMART Grants Information

WaterSMART Grants provide cost-shared funding for the following types of projects:       

  • Water and Energy Efficiency Grants – for projects that save water, improve energy efficiency, address endangered species and other environmental issues, and facilitate transfers to new uses. More...
  • System Optimization Review Grants – A System Optimization Review is a broad look at system-wide efficiency focused on improving efficiency and operations of a water delivery system, water district, or water basin. The Review results in a plan of action that focuses on improving efficiency and operations on a regional and basin perspective. More...
  • Advanced Water Treatment and Pilot and Demonstration Project Grants – for pilot and demonstration projects that address the technical, economic, and environmental viability of treating and using brackish groundwater, seawater, impaired waters, or otherwise creating new water supplies within a specific locale. More...
  • Grants to Develop Climate Analysis Tools – for research projects focused on the information gaps detailed in the joint Reclamation and United Stated Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Report titled “Addressing Climate Change in Long-Term Water Resources Planning and Management: User Needs for Improving Tools and Information” (Section 3). Projects support the ongoing efforts under 9503(b) of the SECURE Water Act and may help narrow uncertainties, provide information in more usable forms, or develop more robust strategies for incorporating uncertainty into water management decision-making. More...

Current Status

Reclamation is currently reviewing proposals for the Water and Energy Efficiency Grants.

Due to limited funding for WaterSMART this year, Reclamation will not be awarding System Optimization Reviews, Climate Analysis Tools and Advanced Water Treatment grants in fiscal year 2012.

Proposed Calendar

December, 2011

May 2012

September, 2012

  • Grants Awarded for Water & Energy Efficiency Grants

Please note, some of the above dates are proposed and may be subject to change.

Last updated: 5/24/12