Community Prosecution

“Our success as prosecutors demands building bonds of trust with the community. We have to meet our residents where they are – in their neighborhoods, their places of worship, and their kids’ schools. They need to know our faces and our names. We need to know their hopes and their challenges. By steadily engaging the community, we create opportunities to solve problems together.” – United States Attorney Ronald C. Machen Jr.

For years, experts in law enforcement have recognized the benefits of "community policing" in reducing the incidence of crime and improving the quality of life for residents. Community Prosecution, as an approach to law enforcement, has several similar objectives: to implement a proactive, problem-solving approach to crime; to create new and lasting partnerships with the community in order to improve quality of life; to improve the Office's relationship and partnership with law enforcement and public and private agencies; and, as a result of these new partnerships, to enhance the Office prosecutorial function. Prosecutors have recognized the important position their Office can have in complementing police partnerships with the community in order to better address the needs of the community.

Throughout the U.S. Attorney's Office, Community Prosecution brings together geographically organized teams of Assistant United States Attorneys (AUSAs), Community Outreach Specialists and other support personnel who share responsibility for the prosecution of crimes committed within each of the seven MPD Districts. Senior AUSAs are assigned to each of the MPD Districts and share responsibility for screening all cases that arise within that District. Senior AUSAs are present at the police district stations on a regular basis and assist police with investigations, warrant preparation, and roll call training. They also attend community meetings and handle quality of life issues that arise within their particular Districts. In addition, AUSAs in other sections within the Office, including Homicide, Sex/Domestic Violence, Felony Major Crimes, and General Crimes are assigned to specific MPD Districts and are part of extended District teams. The familiarity of each team with its District make the members better able to gather intelligence and determine the persons responsible for crimes in that area. Teams also connect with the community within their assigned area in order to stay abreast of the problems occurring there and to better address concerns of the citizens.

Faith-based Initiative

The United States Attorney’s Office Faith-Based Initiative is part of the overall outreach vision and was created to work with faith leaders to reach a common goal -- improving public safety and the quality of life for all residents of the District. Through the faith-based initiative, we aim to strengthen existing relationships, create new partnerships, and lay the foundation necessary to work with the faith-based community to combat violence while identifying and addressing pressing community concerns through a series of town-hall meetings, effective educational programs, seminars, workshops, and community involvement.

USAO Special Outreach Events

Throughout the year the U.S. Attorney’s Office hosts special outreach Events for the community to strengthen partnerships and build Community relationships.  A Stomp out Violence and Step Towards Success step show was sponsored by USAO during the Barry Farms Goodman League Basketball Game this Summer.  The U.S. Attorney Spoke about the importance of education and building leadership in the community. Another program was a film viewing on the history of Barry Farms for Community residents in August 2010.  The U.S. Attorney’s Office continuously Plans and hosts special outreach initiatives in the community.

USAO In Your Community

Community Prosecutors and Community Outreach Specialists are dedicated to working with residents to improve the quality of life for all the residents of the District of Columbia. Through our community outreach efforts, the US Attorney's Office has successfully established an ongoing dialogue with the community, enabling our office to better address the public safety concerns of those we serve while enhancing community trust.

The Metropolitan Police Department maintains a calendar of regularly-scheduled community meetings and events for each police district. Residents should note that scheduled meetings can often change location or dates, so please contact your Community Outreach Specialist, listed above or MPD to confirm the time and place.

Current Events

Current Community Watch (full schedule)

Community Meetings

Last year, our prosecutors and staff attended well over 900 community meetings, community festivals, health fairs, job fairs, public safety workshops and numerous other events. Please see the right column of this page for meetings in your community.

The Court Report

The Court Reports discuss crimes that have occurred in your neighborhood, lists the names and locations of all persons arrested and charged and provide updates on criminal convictions.





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In Your Neighborhood

Wendy Pohlhaus
Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney for
External Affairs
555 4th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20530
Phone: (202) 252-6930

Brenda Horner
Supervisory Community Outreach Specialist
555 4th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC  20530
Phone: (202) 698-0825

First District USAO Contact Numbers
1D Community Prosecutor
Doug Klein 202-729-3718
1D Community Outreach Specialist
Carolyn Crank 202-729-3718
1D Police Station 202-698-0555
101 M Street, SW
1D Police Substation 202-698-0063
500 E Street, SE
MPD Community Meetings Calendar
Recent Court Report
Second District USAO Contact Numbers
2D Community Prosecutor
 Trena Carrington 202-252-7388
2D Police
 3320 Idaho Avenue, NW
MPD Community Meetings Calendar
Recent Court Report
Third District USAO Contact Numbers
3D Community Prosecutor
 Roger Kemp 202-698-1452
3D Community Outreach Specialist
Latoya Davenport 202-671-1892
3D Police Station 202-673-6815

1620 V Street, NW
Latino Liasion Unit


3D Police Substation
750 Park Road, NW

MPD Community Meetings Calendar
Recent Court Report
Fourth District USAO Contact Numbers
4D Community Prosecutor
Trena Carrington 202-252-7463
4D Community Outreach Specialist
Baretta Francis 202-715-7415
4D Police Station 202-715-7400
6001 Georgia Ave, NW
4D Police Substation 202-576-8222
  675 Park Road, NW
MPD Community Meetings Calendar
Recent Court Report
Fifth District USAO Contact Numbers
5D Community Prosecutor
Jamila Hodge 202-698-0144
5D Community Outreach Specialist
Monica Veney 202-698-0145
5D Police Station 202-698-0150
1805 Bladensburg Road, NE
MPD Community Meetings Calendar
Recent Court Report
Sixth District USAO Contact Numbers
6D Community Prosecutor
Leutrell Osborne 202-698-0825
6D Community Outreach Specialist
Lance Sumter 202-698-0825
6D Police Station 202-698-0880
100 42nd Street, NE
6D Police Substation 202-698-2088
2701 Pennsylvania Ave, SE
MPD Community Meetings Calendar
Recent Court Report
Seventh District USAO Contact Numbers

7D Community Prosecutor
Roger Kemp/Douglas Klein 202-698-1456
7D Community Outreach Specialist
Lenney Lowe 202-698-1452
7D Police Station 202-698-1500
2455 Alabama Ave, SE
MPD Community Meetings Calendar
Recent Court Report