Institute for Nuclear Energy Science and Technology

Fuels and Materials CORE Workshop
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
March 19, 2012


INEST Overview
Todd Allen, INEST Fuels and Materials CORE Lead, Idaho National Laboratory
Materials Degradation and Aging Management Tools
Robin Dyle, Technical Executive, EPRI
"First Principles" Prediction of Environmentally-Assisted Degradation in Water Cooled Reactors
Peter Ford, Consultant
The MIT Nuclear Reactor- MITR-II
David Carpenter, Research Scientist, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Overview of NEUP
Todd Allen, INEST Fuels and Materials CORE Lead, Idaho National Laboratory
Fuels and Materials CORE
>Todd Allen, INEST Fuels and Materials CORE Lead, Idaho National Laboratory
Fuel Overview
Suresh Yagnik, EPRI
Creep Anisotropy and Transitions in Zircaloy Cladding
K. Linga (KL) Murty, North Carolina State University
How to Propose to the CORE
Todd Allen, INEST Fuels and Materials CORE Lead, Idaho National Laboratory


Department of energy

DOE Office of Nuclear Energy
DOE-Idaho Office