Program Documents

Annual Reports

ARM Climate Research Facility

Document Title Document Number Publication Year
ARM Management Plan (PDF, 335KB) DOE/SC-ARM-11-004 2011
Contributions of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program and the ARM Climate Research Facility to the U.S. Climate Change Science Program (PDF, 424KB) DOE/SC-ARM-0803 2008
ARM Climate Research Facility Workshop Report (PDF, 324KB) DOE/SC-ARM-0804 2008
ARM User Survey Report (PDF, 2.7MB) DOE/SC-ARM-10-015 2010
ARM User Survey Report: Data Access, Quality, and Delivery (PDF, 335KB) DOE/SC-ARM-12-013 2012
DOE Review of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility (PDF, 144KB) DOE/SC-ARM-0502 2005
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Accomplishments from the Science Program and User Facility, a brochure (PDF, 696KB) DOE/SC-ARM/P-08-017 2008
The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program Infrastructure Review Report (AIR): Summary of Recommendations (PDF, 27KB) DOE/SC-ARM-0001 2001
Field Campaign Guidelines (PDF, 1.1MB) DOE/SC-ARM-11-003 2011
Report on the ARM Climate Research Facility Expansion Workshop (PDF, 1.4MB) DOE/SC-ARM-0707 2007
SGP Safety Orientation (PDF, 129KB) DOE/SC-ARM-P-04-002 2004
ACRF Archive User Meeting Summary (PDF, 200KB) DOE/SC-ARM/P-08-008 2008
Data Quality Assessment and Control for the ARM Climate Research Facility (PDF, 747KB) DOE/SC-ARM-12-014 2012


ARM Climate Research Facility Radars

Document Title Document Number Publication Year
ARM Climate Research Facility Radar Operations Plan (PDF, 1.0MB) DOE/SC-ARM-12-006 2012
ARM Radar Organization (PDF, 1.0MB) DOE/SC-ARM-12-009 2012
Science Goals for the ARM Recovery Act Radars (PDF, 112KB) DOE/SC-ARM-12-010 2012


ARM Climate Research Facility Operations Quarterly Reports

Quarterly Instrument Report

Quarterly VAP Report

ARM Science

Document Title Document Number Publication Year
The Arctic Lower Troposphere Observed Structure (ALTOS) Campaign (PDF, 900K) DOE/SC-ARM-10-034 2010
ARM MJO Investigation Experiment on Gan Island (AMIE-Gan) Science Plan (PDF, 2.0MB) DOE/SC-ARM-11-005 2011
AMIE (ARM MJO Investigation Experiment): Observations of the Madden-Julian Oscillation for Modeling Studies Science Plan (PDF, 2.1MB) DOE/SC-ARM-10-007 2010
ARM Mobile Facility Deployment in China 2008 (AMF-China) Science Plan (PDF, 836KB) DOE/SC-ARM-0802 2008
ARM Science Plan (PDF, 939KB) DOE/ER-ARM-0402 2004
ARM's Support for GCM Improvement: A White Paper (PDF, 689KB) DOE/SC-ARM-0612 2006
CARES: Carbonaceous Aerosol and Radiative Effects Study Operations Plan (PDF 2.1MB) DOE/SC-ARM-10-018 2010
CARES: Carbonaceous Aerosol and Radiative Effects Study Science Plan (PDF 5.5MB) DOE/SC-ARM-10-017 2010
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility and Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Science and Infrastructure Steering Committee (SISC) Charter (PDF, 123KB)   2012
Clouds, Aerosol, and Precipitation in the Marine Boundary Layer (CAP-MBL) Science Plan for the 2009/2010 Deployment of the ARM Mobile Facility to Graciosa Island, the Azores, NE Atlantic (PDF, 4.4MB) DOE/SC-ARM-0902 2009
Department of Energy Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Southern Great Plains Cloud and Radiation Testbed Site, Lamont, Oklahoma Science Plan for the Aerosol IOP (PDF, 1.5MB) DOE/SC-ARM-0504 2005
Ganges Valley Aerosol Experiment: Science and Operations Plan (PDF, 4.2MB) DOE/SC-ARM-10-019 2010
ISDAC Flight Planning Document (PDF, 216KB) DOE/SC-ARM-0801 2008
Marine Stratus Radiation, Aerosol, and Drizzle (MASRAD) Science Plan (PDF, 996BK) DOE/ER-ARM-0501 2005
Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E) Science Plan (PDF 3.9MB) DOE/SC-ARM-10-004 2010
The Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment (M-PACE) Findings Report (PDF, 119KB) DOE/SC-ARM-0603FR 2006
Nauru Island Effect Study (NIES) IOP Science Plan (PDF, 406KB) DOE/SC-ARM-0505 2005
RACORO Data Guide (PDF, 1.4MB) DOE/SC-ARM-10-031 2010
RACORO Science and Operations Plan (PDF, 640KB) DOE/SC-ARM-0806 2008
Radiative Heating in Underexplored Bands Campaign (RHUBC-II) Science Plan (PDF, 560KB) DOE/SC-ARM-0901 2009
The Role of Global Observations for Climate and Other Applications (PDF, 34KB) DOE/SC-ARM/TR-067 2005
Science Overview Document for Indirect and Semi-Direct Aerosol Campaign (ISDAC) (PDF, 440KB) DOE/SC-ARM-0705 2007
Science Plan for the Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE): Cloud and Rain Characteristics in the Australian Monsoon (PDF, 1.2MB) DOE/ER/ARM-0401 2004
SGP Cloud and Land Surface Interaction Campaign (CLASIC): Measurement Platforms, (PDF, 185KB) DOE/SC-ARM-0704 2007
SGP Cloud and Land Surface Interaction Campaign (CLASIC): Science and Implementation Plan, (PDF, 117KB) DOE/SC-ARM-0703 2007
SPARTICUS Science and Operations Plan, (PDF, 1.0MB) DOE/SC-ARM-10-035 2010
STORMVEX Science and Operations Plan, (PDF, 6.0MB) DOE/SC-ARM-10-021 2010
The Two-Column Aerosol Project (TCAP) Science Plan, (PDF, 1.6MB) DOE/SC-ARM-11-017 2011


Science Metrics

To view historical documents, see the Archive.