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National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology (NICHSR)

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  • The G8 Muskoka and G20 Toronto Summits Health and Development Outcomes - The session examined the Canadian-led maternal and child health initiative, the Muskoka Accountability Report tracking G8 member performance in meeting past commitments, and action on food security and related development issues.
  • Gateway for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Public Health Professionals - This online resource provides information, tools, and resources selected specifically for state, tribal, local, and territorial (STLT) health professionals.
  • GEM-Dissemination and Implementation Initiative (GEM-D&I) - The Grid-Enabled Measures Database D&I initiative is a project initiated and co-developed by the Cancer Research Network Cancer Communication Research Center at Kaiser Permanente Colorado and the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Division of Cancer Control & Population Sciences. The initiative looks to identify the outcomes and associated measures evidence base to inform D&I research and practice. Its purpose is to create a growing and evolving resource for standardized, vetted D&I measures that can lead to comparable datasets and facilitate collaboration and comparison across disciplines, projects, content areas, and regions.
  • Genamics Journal Seek - Genamics JournalSeek is a completely categorized database of freely available journal information available on the internet. The database presently contains 94859 titles. Journal information includes the description (aims and scope), journal abbreviation, journal homepage link, subject category and ISSN. JournalSeek does not contain articles or abstracts.
  • Genetics and Social Science: Expanding Transdisciplinary Research - The overarching goal of this course is to improve social and behavioral scientists' genetics literacy in several key areas, broadly grouped into conversation, imagination, evaluation and integration. The course will provide sufficient knowledge to support the integration of genetics concepts in the behavioral or social scientist's own research and will allow for collaborative studies with geneticists. The course will provide users with the ability to conceive of progressive but feasible studies. Scientists will develop the skills necessary to assess genetics research for validity and utility.
  • Genomics & Health Impact Update
  • Geographic Information Systems - Serves as a central source of information about GIS and related resources. It consists primarily of links to other relevant sites.
  • Georgetown University Health Policy Institute (HPI) - The Health Policy Institute is a multi-disciplinary group of faculty and staff dedicated to conducting research on key issues in health policy and health services research.
  • Georgia Health Data & Information - Point of entry to access data made available by the Georgia Division of Public Health.
  • GIS and Public Health - produced by National Center for Health Statistics
  • Global Health Observatory (GHO) - WHO's gateway to health-related statistics from around the world. GHO covers global health priorities such as the health-related Millennium Development Goals, women and health, mortality and burden of disease, disease outbreaks, health equity, and health systems.
  • - Global data on HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB and other key health and socio-economic indicators. The data are displayed in tables, charts, and color-coded maps and can be downloaded for custom analyses.
  • Glossary of Clinical Trials Terms - has many of the common terms used in clinical trials.
  • Glossary of Frequently Encountered Terms in Health Economics - provides easy to understand defintions of health economic terms.
  • Glossary of Health Care Quality Terms - A glossary of key terms in the fields of health care quality, disparities reduction and quality improvement.
  • Glossary of NIH Terms - This site serves as a glossary of NIH terms.
  • Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Health Care, 2004 ed. - This glossary is divided into 3 sections: a) health care delivery and financing terms; b) epidemiological and statistical terms; and c) accounting and economic terms.
  • Government Technology - Link to government technology news articles, magazine, and resources.
  • GovTrack - An independent tool to help the public research and track the activities in the U.S. Congress.
  • GRACE Principles on CER - The GRACE Principles provide high-level guidance to decision-makers to help them evaluate the quality of observational studies comparing the effectiveness of various medical products and services. The GRACE initiative developed a core set of good practice principles to address the design, conduct, analysis, and reporting of observational studies of comparative effectiveness. In addition, a checklist to assess observational CER quality and usefulness for decision-making is under development.
  • Grantmakers in Health - Nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to helping foundations and corporate giving programs improve the health of all people. Its mission is to foster communication and collaboration among grantmakers and others, and to help strengthen the grantmaking community's knowledge, skills, and effectiveness.
  • Grantmakers in Health: Health Reform - In 2010 GIH established the GIH Health Reform Resource Center Fund. The fund allows GIH to increase staff resources and programming in order to inform and connect funders sponsoring work related to health reform, and to provide sound, strategic, and actionable information to funders in a timely fashion.
  • Grey Literature Report - Bimonthly publication that alerts readers to new grey literature publications in health services research and selected public health topics.
  • Grey Literature Web Conference Series - This three-part Web conference series, held in April 2011, provided an overview of grey literature and approaches to searching the grey literature for health services research; a consumer's guide to conducting advanced searches of grey literature; and a producer's perspective on the "searchability" of grey literature and how to effectively produce and distribute research.
  • A Guide to Achieving High Performance in Multi-Hospital Health Systems - Distills the good being done by top-performing health systems into a quick, easily read format
  • A Guide To Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) on The Web - SAMHSA provides this Web Guide to assist the public with simple and direct connections to Web sites that contain information about interventions to prevent and/or treat mental and substance use disorders. The Web Guide provides a list of Web sites that contain information about specific evidence-based practices (EBPs) or provide comprehensive reviews of research findings. The Web Guide can be used by stakeholders throughout the behavioral health field to promote awareness of current intervention research and to increase the implementation and availability of EBPs.