League of Women Voters
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Happy Women's Equality Day
The League celebrates 89 years of women's voting rights. Watch LWVUS President Mary G. Wilson's special video message.

ACTION ALERT: Urge Your Senators to Support Ratification of CEDAW
The United States remains the only democracy in the world that has not ratified the CEDAW Treaty. Take action now and support the rights of women worldwide.

Public Option is Essential to Health Reform
League Urges Congress and President to Continue Support for Public Option

No time to lose---Make your voice heard on Health Care and Climate Change
Your Senators and Representative are in their district offices for Congressional recess. Now is the time to contact them on the issues that are most important to you. Health care and climate change, the League's highest priority issues, lie in the balance.

Diverse Groups Agree To Redistricting Principles
League Convenes Reform Community Leaders, Activists at Pocantico Redistricting Conference

NPR.org Interviewed President Wilson for Story on Citizens United v. FEC Case
NPR Digital News talked with the League President about the Citizens United case, the first of Justice Sotomayor’s Supreme Court tenure.

League Urges Allocation of Funds for International Adaptation and Clean Energy Technology
The League and coalition partners sent a letter to Senators Kerry and Lugar, leaders of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, urging that climate change legislation include funds for international adaptation and international clean energy technology.

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