National Wetlands Inventory

National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Wetlands Layer:

Visit the Wetlands Layer index page for more information.

Contact Information:

You can also email the FWS Customer Service Center, or call 1.800.344.WILD (1.800.344.9453).

Wetlands Mapper

The Wetlands Mapper integrates digital map data with other resource information to produce timely and relevant management and decision support tools. We recommend looking at the following prior to launching a map:

number 1      Please read the DisclaimerData Limitations, Exclusions and Precautions, and the Wetlands Geodatabase User Caution.
number 2  

Refer to the following links for documentation and answers to frequently asked questions:

number 3   mapper icon    Click here to open the Wetlands Mapper
(Mapper program will open on a new browser window).

Please note:

  • When in the wetlands mapper, you can change major geographic regions by using the "Zoom to: select" pull down menu located at the upper right side corner.
  • Adobe Flash™ is required to access the Wetlands Mapper. Please visit the Adobe Flash Player website ( to download the latest version of the player. Adobe Flash is a trademark from Adobe Systems Incorporated.
  • Mapper data downloaded by Extent will be in WGS 1984 Web Mercator.
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