National Wetlands Inventory

National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Wetlands Layer:

Visit the Wetlands Layer index page for more information.

Contact Information:

You can also email the FWS Customer Service Center, or call 1.800.344.WILD (1.800.344.9453).

Wetlands Status and Trends

Data from status and trends provide important long-term trend information about specific changes and places and the overall status of wetlands in the United States. The historical data base that the Service has developed through Status and Trends, provides photographic evidence of land use and wetlands extent dating back to the 1950s. This provides an accurate record to assist in future restoration efforts.

National Status and Trends Reports*

State and Regional Status and Trends Reports*

Status and Trends Technical Information*

* Search all available Status and Trends related reports here: Website and Document Search Engine.

Free Reports Available

We have a limited amount of hard copy publications available for free: latest Status and Trends reports, Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats, and Wetlands Coloring Books. Send your request to

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2004 to 2009 Report Available Now!

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