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Region 2

Serving New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and Eight Tribal Nations

St. Regis Mohawk Indian Nation

Related Information
Indian Nations:

For more information contact:

Consultation, Issues beyond reservation boundaries and Indian Nation capacity building and implementation of environmental programs at Oneida Nation, St. Regis Mohawk Tribe, Shinnecock Nation:
Janice Whitney

Indian Nation capacity building and implementation of environmental programs at Cayuga Nation, Onondaga Nation, Tonawanda Seneca Nation, Tuscarora Nation (Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force- HETF):
Grant Jonathan

The Hiawatha Belt
The  Hiawatha Belt

The Hiawatha Belt symbolizes the five original nations from west to east in their respective territories across New York state - Seneca (People of the Great Hill), Cayuga (People of the Swamp), Onondaga (Keepers of the Fire), Oneida (People of the Standing Stone), and Mohawk (People of the Flint).


St Regis Reservation
412 State Route 37
Akwesasne, New York 13655

Web: Exit EPA disclaimer http://www.srmtenv.org


Ken Jock, Director, Environment Division
St Regis Mohawk Tribe
412 State Route 37
Akwesasne, New York 13655


The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe (SRMT) Reservation (Akwesasne) contains lands in both the State of New York and Canada. That portion of the Reservation within New York State consists of 14,000 acres in Franklin and St. Lawrence Counties, just east of Massena, New York, all of which are Tribally owned.


The United States portion of the population is approximately 4,500; the total population of the Reservation is approximately 8,200.


The Tribe has established the St. Regis Mohawk Environment Division, directed by Ken Jock. Les Benedict is the Assistant Director and Quality Assurance contact. This division implements an environmental protection program which is responsible for air and water quality monitoring, soil analysis, developing and enforcing tribal standards, sanitation and waste disposal, environmental rehabilitation/reclamation, and emergency preparedness and response. In recognition of the Tribe's environmental program development, Mr. Jock received an EPA Region 2 Environmental Quality Award in 1993 from EPA-Region 2. Award recipients come from all sectors, including non-profit environmental and community groups, individual citizens, environmental education and business organizations and members of the news media. The Envrionmental Quality Award is the highest recognition presented to the public by EPA.

SRMT has participated in national initiatives and conferences such as EPA's Tribal Capacity Building Taskforce, National Tribal Conferences on Environmental Management, and the National Tribal Environmental Council.

Ken Jock of SRMT participates in the EPA Tribal Operations Committee (TOC); SRMT has been an active participant in TOC since the committee's inception. The TOC is designed to afford senior EPA management and Tribal officials the opportunity to regularly discuss important issues that impact the management of EPA programs and activities.


Since the late 1980's, the SRMT has taken major steps towards the implementation of a comprehensive environmental program. In March 1989, EPA Region 2 signed a Cooperative Agreement with the Tribe to assist in the development of its environmental program and to affirm our government-to-government relationship. Through this cooperative effort, Region 2 and the SRMT further Tribal self-government and development of Tribal environmental regulations.

The SRMT participates in the Annual Indian nation leaders meetings with Region 2 senior management and the Director of the American Indian Environmental Office, held in Syracuse, New York. Discussions included specific environmental issues of each of the Indian nations, as well as environmental protection of the Indian nation lands and development of the Indian nations environmental capacity.

The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe receives grants from the EPA for the development if its comprehensive environmental program. In addition, EPA provides technical assistance in response to requests from the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe.

From Conceptualization to Construction: Creating a Transfer Station on the St. Regis Mohawk Reservation

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