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P1451.4 Working Group

The P1451.4 Working Group was formed to define an interface specification for analog transducers. The Working Group has developed the specifications for a mixed-mode interface for analog transducers with analog and digital operating modes. A TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet), a physically small memory device, as required by tiny transducers, is added to a traditional two-wire, constant-current excited transducer with built-in amplifier or to other systems such as a bridge circuit using two extra wires. The TEDS model is also defined to allow the pertinent data to be stored in the very small 256-bit TEDS. The Working Group defined a digital communication protocol to access the TEDS data, which contains manufacture information and transducer characteristics and parameters, as well as calibration data. When a transducer first comes online, it will go into digital mode and send out TEDS data. Then it goes into analog mode and passes the analog signal from the transducer for normal operation.

Status:The draft specifications were balloted and approved by the IEEE Standards Board as a full-use standard. The IEEE 1451.4 standard has begun publication in December 2004.

Copy of the IEEE 1451.4 standard can be purchased from IEEE:http://standards.ieee.org/catalog/olis/index.html

Registration information for the IEEE 1451.4 standard can be found at:http://standards.ieee.org/regauth/1451/index.html

More information on P1451.4 can be found at:
