New Video Showcases NIST-Hosted Robotics Competitions in China

From NIST Tech Beat: July 6, 2011

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Contact: Michael E. Newman

still from microrobotics video
Virtual robots move pallets while maneuvering around each other in a simulation of a busy warehouse.
Credit: Laboratory for Robotics and Intelligent Control Systems (LARICS), University of Zagreb, Croatia
View video (.mov file)

If you enjoyed reading recently about the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)-hosted robotics challenges in China,* then you'll love actually seeing the robots in action. A new video highlights the best of two of the competitions: the Mobile Microrobotics Challenge (MMC), where microscopic automatons navigate a maze about the size of a sesame seed and perform miniature manufacturing tasks; and the Virtual Manufacturing Automation Competition (VMAC), in which virtual robots pick up pallets, navigate around each other and load trucks in a simulated warehouse environment.

The contests are designed to prove the viability of advanced robotics and microrobotics technologies.

To learn more about the MMC and VMAC, go to and, respectively.

* See "NIST Contests in China Put Next-Gen Robot Technologies to the Test" in NIST Tech Beat, June 7, 2011, at