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Action Center
Your Conduit to Congress

Help Gather Supporters for Direct Support Professionals (H.R. 868)

Urge Your Members of Congress to Support LTSS Health Care Legislation

National Issues


ANCOR Alert and Comments on CMS ANPRM 1915c HCBS Waiver (August 2009)

  • Responses due August 21st

NASDDDS Litigation Updates January-July 2009

Senate Passes Resolution Making the Week of September 14th National Direct Support Professionals Week

Kaiser Side By Side Comparison of Congressional Health Reform Proposals

$220 Million DOL Grant Targets Health Workers (July 27, 2009)

President Obama Will Sign Treaty for Disability Rights (July 24, 2009)

  • Announced During Speech celebrating the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act

CMS Recovery Act FMAP Questions and Answers (July 7, 2009)

HHS on Olmstead Anniversary and President's Proclamation of "Year of Community Living" (June 22, 2009)

CMS HCBS Waiver Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking with Comments Due August 21, 2009 (June 22, 2009)

CMS June 17th Letter to Medicaid Directors Summarizing ARRA (June 17, 2009)

ANCOR Issue Brief on Medicaid FMAP in Recovery Package (January 26, 2009)


Conference: ANCOR's 2009 Governmental Activities Seminar

Celebrate DSP Recognition Week!

  • September 14-19, 2009

Darlene Ricco, Dungarvin Nevada, LLC
2009 DSP of the Year Darlene Ricco (right) Dungarvin Nevada, LLC

Missed any of our favorite moments at ANCOR's 2009 Management Practices Conference in San Francisco? View them all at ANCOR Flickr.

Presentations for many of the sessions are now available.


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Partnerships & Sponsorships

Career Opportunities

Performance Excellence Toolkit

ANCOR's 2008 DSP Wage Study

BDO Seidman Wage Report

Disability and Medicaid Fact Sheets (2008)

HHS/ASPE Report on Supply of Direct Support Professionals

Together 4 DSPs: 2009 National Advocacy Campaign Annual Report

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