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Launch with Larry
Sep 07, 2012 [ ARM Mobile Facility 1, Blog, TCAP ]       
The Two-Column Aerosol Project (TCAP) is now underway, and the instrumentation at the ARM Mobile Facility (AMF) is up and running at the Cape Cod National Seashore’s Highlands Center. The site is an excellent place for observing both clouds and aerosol (small particles ranging in size from nanometers to micrometers that are suspended in the [...]

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Raindrops and the Doppler Effect
Aug 20, 2012 [ ARM Mobile Facility 2, Blog, MAGIC ]       
Editor's note: As part of the preparations for the upcoming Marine ARM GPCI Investigations of Clouds (MAGIC) field campaign, principal investigator Ernie Lewis discusses how radars use the Doppler effect to determine raindrop sizes and speeds. Most of us know that the Doppler effect pertains to the change in frequency of a wave emitted by or [...]

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Alphabet Soup: Radars for MAGIC
Aug 07, 2012 [ ARM Mobile Facility 2, Blog, MAGIC ]       
Editor's note: As part of the preparations for the upcoming Marine ARM GPCI Investigations of Clouds (MAGIC) field campaign, principal investigator Ernie Lewis provided information about the types of radars that will be used during the campaign. I visited Argonne National Laboratory earlier this week, where the ARM Mobile Facility instrumentation is being staged before it [...]

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ARM Mobile Facility 1 View all posts.

Launch with Larry
Sep 07, 2012       
The Two-Column Aerosol Project (TCAP) is now underway, and the instrumentation at the ARM Mobile Facility (AMF) is up and running at the Cape Cod National Seashore’s Highlands Center. The site is an excellent place for observing both clouds and aerosol (small particles ranging in size from nanometers to micrometers that are suspended in the [...]

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Azores Welcomes News of U.S. Science Commitment
May 23, 2012       
In early March, ARM Mobile Facility Manager Kim Nitschke, from Los Alamos National Laboratory, reconnected with officials and collaborators in the Azores. His visit was prompted by the ARM announcement to secure a permanent atmospheric research facility on Graciosa Island, due largely to the successful AMF deployment in 2009/2010 and the resulting data for [...]

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View all ARM Mobile Facility 1 blog posts.

ARM Mobile Facility 2 View all posts.

Raindrops and the Doppler Effect
Aug 20, 2012       
Editor's note: As part of the preparations for the upcoming Marine ARM GPCI Investigations of Clouds (MAGIC) field campaign, principal investigator Ernie Lewis discusses how radars use the Doppler effect to determine raindrop sizes and speeds. Most of us know that the Doppler effect pertains to the change in frequency of a wave emitted by or [...]

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Alphabet Soup: Radars for MAGIC
Aug 07, 2012       
Editor's note: As part of the preparations for the upcoming Marine ARM GPCI Investigations of Clouds (MAGIC) field campaign, principal investigator Ernie Lewis provided information about the types of radars that will be used during the campaign. I visited Argonne National Laboratory earlier this week, where the ARM Mobile Facility instrumentation is being staged before it [...]

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View all ARM Mobile Facility 2 blog posts.

MAGIC View all posts.

Raindrops and the Doppler Effect
Aug 20, 2012       
Editor's note: As part of the preparations for the upcoming Marine ARM GPCI Investigations of Clouds (MAGIC) field campaign, principal investigator Ernie Lewis discusses how radars use the Doppler effect to determine raindrop sizes and speeds. Most of us know that the Doppler effect pertains to the change in frequency of a wave emitted by or [...]

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Alphabet Soup: Radars for MAGIC
Aug 07, 2012       
Editor's note: As part of the preparations for the upcoming Marine ARM GPCI Investigations of Clouds (MAGIC) field campaign, principal investigator Ernie Lewis provided information about the types of radars that will be used during the campaign. I visited Argonne National Laboratory earlier this week, where the ARM Mobile Facility instrumentation is being staged before it [...]

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View all MAGIC blog posts.

TCAP View all posts.

Launch with Larry
Sep 07, 2012       
The Two-Column Aerosol Project (TCAP) is now underway, and the instrumentation at the ARM Mobile Facility (AMF) is up and running at the Cape Cod National Seashore’s Highlands Center. The site is an excellent place for observing both clouds and aerosol (small particles ranging in size from nanometers to micrometers that are suspended in the [...]

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View all TCAP blog posts.