Natural Family Planning
Couple to Couple League
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CCL’s YouTube Channel

The best way to learn more about what Natural Family Planning can do for a marriage is to hear the stories of couples who use it. At our last convention, we invited three couples to sit down and talk about the impact NFP has made on their relationships. Check out these videos, and then share them with others!

screenshot of Todd and Julie

NFP Charting Software

cyclepro coverWant a different solution than keeping cycle data on paper charts or in a digital spreadsheet? We have the solution — CyclePRO™. CyclePRO™ is a software program that aids in charting and interpreting your cycles. For more information read our CyclePRO™ pages detailing its features.

The Art of Natural Family Planning® Postpartum Guide


  • Learn more about the hormonal transition back to regular cycles following the birth of a baby.
  • Realize the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months and continued breastfeeding until child-led weaning
  • Know how each of the various types of baby feeding affects the return of fertility
  • Learn how to apply NFP rules and guidelines during the postpartum time, no matter what type of baby feeding you practice

  • Purchase from our online store

The Art of Natural Family Planning® Premenopause Guide


  • Take the mystery out of “the change.”
  • Learn to recognize the hormonal changes of the transition time
  • Know the effects of this transition on fertility
  • Learn how to apply NFP during the premenopause transition

  • Purchase from our online store